1st December, 2016
New York Young Leaders Celtic Christmas Celebration 2016
Date : 1st December, 2016
The American Ireland Fund – New York Young Leaders Celtic Christmas Party
Thursday, December 1, 2016
6:30 PM – 10 PMThe Core Club 66 East 55th St. NY, NY 10022
- Open bar
- Hors d’oeuvres & food stations
- Live music
- Silent and live auctions
Join us to celebrate Brendan Kenny as NY Young Leader of The Year
Members price $100
Non-Members price: $125
Decorate our Christmas Tree
Please help us decorate our Christmas Tree by purchasing an ornament. All proceeds from the ornament sales will benefit needy Irish-American families here in New York City who will rely on the help of the New York Irish Center this Christmas.
$25 per ornament