Thursday, November 15, 2018
New York – The Twelfth NUI Galway Gala Dinner 2018

Date : Thursday, November 15, 2018
Venue : University Club
Location : One West 54th Street, New York City
Time : Reception: 6:30PM | Dinner & Performance: 7:30PM
Sponsorship and Tickets
The Ireland Funds supports the Galway University Foundation in keeping with one of its goals of providing access to education across the island of Ireland.
Payment Details
Please make checks payable to “The Ireland Funds America” and mail to: The Ireland Funds, 10 Post Office Square, Suite 1205, Boston, MA 02109
Please indicate your payment is for NUI Galway Gala Dinner
Credit Card
If you would like to pay by credit card, please call 617.574.0720
Buy Online
Clock Tower Sponsor – $25,000
- One premium table of 12
- Recognition of support from the podium
- Link on Galway University Foundation website for one calendar year
- Acknowledgement of support in all Galway University Foundation publications for one calendar year
Quadrangle Sponsor – $15,000
- One preferred table of 10
- Link on Galway University Foundation website for one calendar year
- Acknowledgement of support in all Galway University Foundation publications and on the website for one calendar year
Gate Lodge Sponsor – $10,000
- One prime table of 10
Clock Tower Ticket – $750
- One seat at the dinner
If you are not able to attend, please consider making a fully tax deductible contribution.
NUI Galway Young Alumni Ticket – $150 – Limited number available
University graduates 40 years and younger are eligible.
E-Journal Advertising – $1,500
- Please submit jpeg or pdf format:
- 1920 pixels wide by 1081 pixels high, 192 dpi, 19:6 aspect ratio.
- You can also provide a brief message along with a logo.
- All ads should be emailed to