18th November, 2015

New York Ninth Annual NUI Galway Gala Dinner 2015

Date : 18th November, 2015

The US Board of Directors of The Galway University Foundation and Dinner Co-Chairs

MICHAEL HIGGINS, Managing Director
Head of US Real Estate Finance, CIBC World Markets Corp.

ADRIAN M. JONES, Managing Director
Merchant Banking Division, Goldman, Sachs & Co.

cordially invite you to

The Ninth Annual NUI Galway Gala Dinner

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Chief Executive Officer Avolon Dómhnal Slattery has 26 years experience in the aircraft leasing industry and has a proven and unique track record in establishing and scaling industry leading lessor businesses. In 2010, Dómhnal founded Avolon, a new global aircraft leasing business which, in five years, has been built into one of the top 10 lessors in the world. The success of Avolon is significant given the nature and quality of the investors who supported the business at formation; and, the ability to build a business of scale in what is now an established, competitive global industry and the primary source of fleet financing for the world’s airlines.

Avolon listed on the New York Stock Exchange in December 2014 in what was the largest ever listing on the NYSE by an Irish founded company.The businesses established and built by Dómhnal Slattery, have, over the past 20 years, raised and deployed over US $20 billion of debt and equity capital to finance aircraft for airlines and aircraft investors around the world. Dómhnal has a Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) from NUI Galway and is a graduate of the Accelerated Development Programme from the London Business School.


Metropolitan Club One East 60th Street, New York City

Reception 6:30 pm    |   Dinner & Performance 7:30 pm    |   Business Attire


Sponsorship / Tickets  Buy online

Clock Tower Sponsor $25,000

• One premium table of 12.
• Recognition of support from the podium.
• VIP invitation for Table Host and one guest to the Galway Races in July 2016 – includes
complimentary accommodation for two and a champagne reception at the Races.
• Link on Galway University Foundation website for one calendar year.
• Acknowledgement of support in all Galway University Foundation publications for one calendar year.

Quadrangle Sponsor $15,000

• One preferred table of 10.

• Link on Galway University Foundation website for one calendar year.

• Acknowledgement of support in all Galway University Foundation publications and website for
one calendar year.

Gate Lodge Sponsor $10,000

• One prime table of 10.

Clock Tower Ticket $1,000

• One prime seat at dinner.

Individual Ticket $500

• One seat at dinner.