Tuesday 3 July 2018

Japan – Leadership Series in Tokyo 2018

On Tuesday evening 3rd July, The Ireland Funds Japan held their inaugural Young Leaders Leadership Series at Pembroke’s office in the beautifully designed Tri-Seven Roppongi building in Tokyo. Dr Greg Story, President of Dale Carnegie and number 1 best-selling author (Japan Sales Mastery) on Amazon spoke to a group of 20 professionals on The Future Of Leadership in Japan.

Greg spoke about how leading teams in Japan has always been challenging and it is about to get a lot worse in the current shrinking domestic market. Two key themes he spoke to the group about were;

1. The need for innovation from within the team. Ideas are going to be the currency of success to deliver competitive advantage. Either you lead your team to be an idea producing dynamo or your competitor will, in which case you will lose in the marketplace.

2. The need for effective coaching. This will become critical to retaining the young and retraining the old. Future leaders will need to ensure they are better skilled in communication and feedback than ever before.

The group had a lively question and answer session where Greg shared some more insights he has gained throughout his career moving from the academic world, to consulting, investments, trade representation, international diplomacy, retail banking and now people development.

Pembroke sponsored some food and drinks for the guests to enjoy some pre and post networking and discuss some of the topics raised on the night and get to know each other more. Thanks to Grey Story and Dale Carnegie Training Japan.


Siobhán Gallagher


The Ireland Funds

Denshaw House, 121-122 Baggot Street Lower Dublin 2 Ireland

T - +353-1-662-7878

E - sgallagher@irelandfunds.org
