Friday July 7 to Sunday July 9, 2017
Germany – Gala Weekend and Charity Dinner 2017

Date : Friday July 7 to Sunday July 9, 2017
Venue : Irish College / The Leuven Institute for Ireland in Europe
Location : Janseniusstraat 1 3000, Leuven, Belgium
Time : 7.30pm Cocktail Reception | 8.00pm Dinner
The Ireland Funds Germany e.V.
requests the pleasure of your company at a
Charity Dinner
Hosted in conjunction with
The Leuven Institute for Ireland in Europe
and the
German-Irish Lawyers
and Business Association (GILBA)
Guest of Honour
H.E. Ambassador Michael Collins
R.S.V.P. 30 June 2017
Black Tie
Sponsorship and Tickets
Single Ticket: €150
Two or more Tickets: €125 per person