24th September, 2016

Dublin Annual Global 5k 2016

Date : 24th September, 2016

The Irish Run the World

The Ireland Funds Global 5k 2016 



Global 5K Registration

T-Shirt Options

I accept the waiver below*


I understand that I enter The Ireland Funds Global 5k Run at my own risk and that the Worldwide Ireland Funds, or any of our event partners and sponsors will not be held responsible for any accident suffered or injury sustained by myself from any cause whatsoever. I understand that this waiver includes any claims, whether caused by negligence, the action or inaction of any of the above parties, or otherwise. By entering the event I am also indicating and declaring that I am medically fit and able to complete a 5km run and do so totally and absolutely at my own risk. The Worldwide Ireland Funds or any of our event partners and sponsors will not be held responsible for any property lost, mislaid or stolen on the course, at the bag drop areas or in the event site. I hereby grant full permission to any of the foregoing to use photographs, films or recordings of the event for any purpose they deem legitimate. 


We would be delighted if you would be part of this historic global run while also supporting the work of The Ireland Funds.

See a sample of some of the excellent organisations who are supported by The Ireland Funds.

Get Involved!

Date & Time: Saturday 24th September 2016, registration begins at 9.30am and the race starts at 10am on Clontarf Seafront.

Location & Map: The start/finish line will be on the inner seafront path at the junction of Clontarf Road and St. Lawrence Road, (just before you reach the Yacht Pub).
Map to Start/Finish line

#RunToFlyOnDelta We are excited to announce our Global 5k grand prize. The fastest overall male and female runners (i.e. fastest worldwide time) will each receive one (1) round trip ticket to any Delta Air Lines destination on the globe*. We will contact the top male and female finisher with their prizes once all top times have been recorded across the 16 cities starting in Australia and finishing in Los Angeles.

Parking: There is a public cark park just beside the start/finish line.

Public Transport: The location is easily accessed by Dart from Clontarf Dart Station and by bus.

Directions from Clontarf Road Dart Station:
Exit the Dart Station and take a right onto Clontarf Road. Cross Alfie Bye Road and continue walking straight until you reach the start/finish line.

Dart timetable: www.irishrail.ie
Bus timetables: www.dublinbus.ie

*Disclaimer: The first overall male and female finisher (based on fastest time) will each receive one (1) coach class round trip ticket to any Delta Air Lines destination. Please note that flights are based on availability and some destinations require connections through multiple cities. This offer is valid for one calendar year, starting on Saturday, September 24th, 2016 and ending on September 23rd, 2017. This prize is not redeemable for any cash value.

Training tips



Spread the word and join the conversation by using #ylglobal5k

We’ve even written a tweet for you!
Feel free to copy & paste

Join the global Irish diaspora for a Dublin 5k run raising funds for Irish charities @IrelandFundsYLs #ylglobal5k http://bit.ly/2bcTRPc


Post pics of your training and race day at www.facebook.com/TheIrishRuntheWorld