The Texas WineGeese gathered at the Park City Club March 2nd for a soft launch of the second edition of Ted Murphy’s A Kingdom of Wine: A Celebration of Ireland’s WineGeese. John Tillotson welcomed the guests and acknowledged his co-founders Ken Gorman and John Sharkey who flew in from New York for the occasion. He brought greetings from Dr Ted Murphy, the award-winning author of the book and complimented Dr Elisabet Bordt who edited this edition. Ken Gorman and John Sharkey encouraged all the WineGeese to attend the upcoming WineGeese trip to Rome and Tuscany. Cliff Miercort, who is the chair of the WineGeese Southwest Region, spoke about his involvement and enthusiasm for the WineGeese and The American Ireland Fund and concluded the meeting.
John Tillotson presented special guest Robert O’Byrne, Vice President of the Irish Georgian Society, with a copy of the book. Other WineGeese attending were Lou Ann and Mike Corboy, Tom Codd, Netta Blanchard, Life Trustee of the AIF, and Liza O’Connor, Vice President of Major Gifts of the AIF.