Friday July 21, 2017

Boston Irish Night on Cape Cod 2017

Date : Friday July 21, 2017

Venue : Ocean Terrace at Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club

Location : Brewster, MA


Stephen Greeley

Vice President of Development / New England Director

The Ireland Funds America

10 Post Office Square, Suite 1205 Boston MA 02109

T - 617-574-0720

E -

Email Link


Jack & Trish Brennan
Jay Calnan
Kip & Peggy Condron
Joe Corcoran
John & Kathy Drew
Ed & Kate Farrington
Ryan & Maura Fitzpatrick
Tom & Gina Flannery, Co-Chairs
Kevin & Rita Gill, Co-Chairs
John & Maureen Hailer, Co-Chairs
Jay & Linda Hooley
John & Tracee Hynes
Paul Kingston
John & Carla Morey
Edmund & Jennifer Murphy, Co-Chairs
Tom & Shelly O’Neill
Scott & Nancy Powers
Paul & Mary Beth Sandman
Jack & Alissa Sebastian