13th August, 2015

Australia – Brisbane Young Leaders Launch 2015

On Thursday 13 August 2015, we launched the Brisbane Young Leader
Network, in accordance with our goal of widening our reach in
Australia.  Brian Cooke, Partner of PWC in Brisbane, kindly hosted the
launch reception in their modern Eagle Street offices overlooking
Brisbane city.

Prof. Iain Watson, Brisbane Director of the Australian Ireland Fund
attended the event as did National Chair of the Young Leaders Network
Brendan Sheehan. Sinead Hourigan and Jude Bolger who now form the YL
Committee in Brisbane together with Brian were also present.
The reception provided an opportunity for guests to hear a little about
the work of the Fund from a Young Leader point of view provided by
Brendan and from a Board perspective which Iain provided sharing a
little about a very energising workshop that was held last May, as any
good organisation should have, to revisit our mission, our reason for
being and the reason for why we do what we do.

Stemming from the Workshop The Fund is looking at working in new ways –
partnering more with community and business organisations, and  working
to support projects that will appeal to and benefit the Irish Australian
community all around Australia.

Iain shared that we will be asking our supporters, and our partners, in
the near future to work with us on defining and exploring why and how
the AIF should continue to exist and expand and support the projects we
are committed to.

Michael Bradburn, CFO of Brisbane Airport Corporation was also a guest
on the night and spoke a little about his career, the corporate
environment in Brisbane and Australia and his passion for running.
Michael has agreed to launch and take part in the Brisbane leg of the
Ireland Fund’s Young Leader Global 5K Run, details of which can be found

We look forward to our Young leaders taking part in the Global 5K Run in
which our YL networks in Sydney and Melbourne will also take part, and
to growing the YL network in Brisbane.


Teresa Keating

Executive Director

The Ireland Funds Australia

Level 1, 64 Devonshire Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia NSW 2011

T - 0410 633 598

E - tkeating@irelandfunds.org
