On Thursday May 7th, the Spring Dallas Leadership Forum breakfast took place at the Park City Club. Author and symbologist Donald J. McMahon held his audience spellbound as lead them on a journey to uncover and understand the megalithic secrets of the symbols etched in the stones of Ireland. These symbols were used by ancient seafarers who voyaged along metal trade routes stretching from Nile River dynasties to mines in Cyprus, Ireland and across to North America. According to Donald McMahon’s research, the Nubians landed in the Americas as early as 4000 BCE – ages before either Christopher Columbus or St. Brendan set foot on the continent. These Nubian travelers created a system of secret symbols to safeguard the locations of copper and silver. The great insight of Mr. McMahon’s book is that these coded puzzles can best be decoded from a seafarer’s sailing perspective.
Members of the audience were glued to their seats, and for those planning a visit to Ireland, no stone will be left unturned in their quest to rediscover these ancient wonders introduced to them by Mr. McMahon.
Barbara Dolan Miercort, author of “Fires in the Mist”, a pre-Celtic-themed book attended the lecture. Also attending were Barbara’s husband Cliff Miercort, Rick Bush, Waymon & Ann Levell, as well as Joe Malone. Liam Heffernan from Philadelphia brought Sister Monica Devine from Roscommon, Ireland. American Ireland Fund Life Trustee Netta Blanchard, Kelley Geary Burkes, Rachel Gaffney Smith from County Cork, Ireland and Michelle Anderson were in the audience as well.
A huge vote of thanks to Dallas AIF Regional Advisory Board member Beth Struckell who sponsored the event and organized bringing Don and Judy McMahon to Dallas from their home in North Carolina.