b'We were able to go to supporters and say We have The Ireland Funds helping us and that was a greatstart, explains Joe Quinsey, Chief Executive of The Childrens Medical & Research Foundation. But moreimportantly than that, The Ireland Funds have stayed with us and allowed us to connect with the broadernetwork so we can sustain and grow. What I saw through our work with The Ireland Funds was it wasntabout the organization, it was about the cause. They had an immediate and passionate connection to whatwe are representing here which is improving the lives of sick children and their families in Ireland. That isthe support we received in spades from The Ireland Funds.the Childrens research=realresults .Medical & ResearchResearchisanotherFoundationisthepillarofwhatThedriver behind theseChildrens Medical &improvements.AsResearch FoundationthebodythatdoesforIrelandsfundraisesforOurchildren.In2009aLadysChildrensmajorrenovation Hospital, Crumlin, itoftheNational is helping the Hospi-ChildrensResearchtal build a new pedi-Centre(NCRC)wasatric cancer ward andundertaken and todaya new cardiac wing. theresearchinto Over the years, thepediatricconditionstechnologyandsuchasautism, chemotherapyhereobesity, cancers, dia-hadadvancedbutbetesandothersiswhat really hadnt advanced was the infrastructure. It was no longershared not only with Our Ladys Childrens Hospital but other acceptable to be treating children in the space we had, says pediatric research groups across Ireland. It receives no Govern-Professor Owen Smith, a member of the team that diagnoses andment funding relies entirely on philanthropy. For a small coun-treats cancer in children as well oversees stem cell transplants. Ittry the amount that we have contributed in terms of surgicalwas small, dark, cramped, and had a high risk of infections as 19research into birth defects is enormous, says Professor Premchildren were sharing two bathrooms. The new facility has restoredPuri, President of NCRC. If you go into any part of the world anddignity to their cancer journey. The psycho-social benefits are fan-talk to a pediatric surgeon they will know of the NCRC because theytastic. We have a school room for the children and adolescents havewill have come across the work that comes out of here.their own space as well. Parents can now stay with their children in single rooms that are healthy light-filled spaces with en suite the ireland fundsbathrooms. The funding for this facility is absolutely essential. a link to the broader networkIt is the only facility in Ireland that diagnoses and treats Although the hospital is well known in Ireland, the needs and thechildren with cancer and currently provides all cardiac servicescall for fundraising has up until now not been as well known acrossIrelandforchildrenwithheartdisease.PhaseIthat outside the island. The Childrens Medical & Research Foundationdelivered these improvements is now complete and Phase II whichapproached The American Ireland Fund for advice on fundraisingwill continue to improve the medication/treatment room, create and received much more than just a check. The American Irelanda new play zone, redesign a school room and improve staff space Fund assisted the Foundation in 2013 by helping to coordinate is underway.a New York City fundraising Gala that raised US support for the rebuilding of their cancer and cardiac improvements. and so, the work continues to help children like louise and their families.the ireland funds are proud to be a small part of the improvements to aninfrastructure that serves irelands children at a time when they are mostvulnerable and in need.connect2013 | 44'