b'ARDOYNE HOLY CROSS BOXING CLUBArdoyne has always been one of the most challengedareas of Belfast. We had one of the largest losses of lifeduring the Troubles. The boxing club was formed by six members of thecommunity who saw the high suicide rates here andsaid, What can we do to help? So we got the boxingclub started to get young guys o the streets and givethem something to do. We still have suicides and is-sues, but we can see this place has made a dierence.We have kids travel to Washington DC to participatein the Belfast-Beltway Boxing Projectwhich is fundedby The Ireland Funds. That experience has been life-changing for these kids. To be able to travel and seecommunities beyond Northern Ireland has been such apositive thing and gives them something to work for. Forthem to meet and compete with American kids and beable to see the similarities has been a great lesson.Funding from The Ireland Funds hasnt just pur-chased equipment. It has kept kids o the street here.Its been massively helpful and has really allowed us tomove forward.Eanes KeenanTrainer at the Ardoyne Holy Cross Boxing ClubWeve had over 30 suicides in this neighborhood andunemployment is high. Theres not much else in thiscommunity to go to, so the rst night I came here wasamazing. When I rst came, my uncle had just commit-ted suicide. Boxing here allowed me to forget abouteverything in the world and just let me release mystress. If we didnt have this Club, I really dont knowwhere Id be. I felt like giving up but coming here hasgiven me a huge group of friends and something Ivenever had before.Kirstie, Boxer at the Ardoyne Holy Cross Boxing Clubconnect 2013 | 32'