b'Thegreatthingaboutit is that so much worry and stressisnowgone.Somanyfamilieshave to borrow and scrape theirwaythrough.Thattimespent trying to bridge the gap leavesless time to settle in and study. ThisNoMindLeftBehindscholarshipmeans Ihavethe securitytogetrightdowntostudying. I can aord the books,theaccommodation,andthecosts of school.With the degree in History andMusicIllbeabletogoin dierent directions, but my hopeistobeasecondaryschoolteacher. Id love to give back byteaching.IcantbelieveIvereceivedthis scholarship. Its made my lifebetter and it motivates me to dowell in University. I feel like I owethat to the person who has madethat possible.EOIN, FROM CO. LEITRIM, IS STUDYING MUSIC AND HISTORY AT MAYNOOTH UNIVERSITY.HE IS ONE OF THE FIRST STUDENTS TO BENEFIT FROM THE NO MIND LEFT BEHIND PROGRAM.WOULDYOULIKETOENABLEADESERVINGIRISH STUDENT TO FURTHER THEIR EDUCATION? FOR MOREINFORMATION VISITwww.theirelandfunds.org/nmlbconnect 2013 | 23'