connect 2018 • 26 AGE CONCERN CAUSEWAY Age Concern Causeway From dementia support groups to lunch clubs, THE IRELAND FUNDS IS HELPING AGE CONCERN CAUSEWAY deliver an array of key services to older people in the Causeway and Glens area of Northern Ireland. For over 40 years, Age Concern Causeway has been improving the quality of life and combating the social isolation of older people in Northern Ireland. As the population continues to age, Age Concern Causeway’s cross-community services are increasingly important to the local area which has a higher percent- age of age 55+ residents than other areas. “There are so many needs in our older community,” explains Liz Lee, Chair of Age Concern Causeway. “Northern Ireland has reported an increase in suicide between the ages of 59 and 64 year. Each year our population is getting older so our programs are very important in keeping people engaged. The partnership we have with The Ireland Funds is so important. Without the support of our fund- ing partners we simply could not deliver the services we do.”