b'The Irish Georgian Society (IGS) champions the protection ofIrelandsarchitecturalanddecorativeartsheritage Joint winners of the 2014 which together form an essential part of the countrys rich Irish Georgian Society culturalpatrimony.Here,IrishGeorgianSociety Architectural Conservation Executive Director Donough Cahill explains why supportAwards: Blackrock Institute of Further Education, Co. for that heritage is so key.Dublin and the The Guild-TheSocietywasfoundednearlysixtyyearsagoand hall, Derry/Londonderrytodayisbusierthaneverwitharangeofeducational,scholarly, and conservation programs. Its thriving member-ship and Chapters around Ireland, in London, and in Chicago,Dallas, New York and Palm Beach, enjoy lectures, tours and special events to support these initiatives and one of its most ambitious projects to date: the restoration of the magnifi-cent City Assembly House, an eighteenth-century building ofnational architectural and historic importance, as a new head-quarters and cultural venue in the historic heart of Dublin. city assembly housethe historic heart of dublin For much of 200 years, this gem of Irish Georgian architec-ture sat unused for its original intent: to educate and showcase the work of Irish artists. It is the historic heart of Dublin and the IGS is undertaking a full restoration of the building to its full potential. Situated in one of the citys most vibrant areas with restaurants, coffee shops, and boutique stores liningitsstreetsandlaneways, theCityAssembly Househasbeenhome to the Irish Georgian Society since May 2013 when it completed the first of a two part restoration of the building. This important conservation initiative is being under-taken with the support of Dublin City Council and through the generosity of supporters in Ireland and the USA. The Irish Georgian Societys US members, The Ireland Funds and the Jerome L. Greene Foundation have been particularly support-ive and the completion of the project will represent a triumph for their commitment to Irelands built heritage.Since2013,theSocietyhasbeenonafantasticjour-ney during which it has hosted art exhibitions, musical andtheatrical performances, and educational events whichto-getherhavedrawntensofthousandsofvisitorstothebuilding. These hugely successful events have set the scene for the completion of the restoration project by 2016 whichwill see the transformation of the City Assembly House from a vacant, rundown shell to a vibrant center of culture.education programsTheIrishGeorgianSocietyengagesinawiderangeofeducational activities on a nationwide basis and always looksJeremy Irons, who delivered to involve local organizations to ensure it reaches as broad ana talk on his restorationaudience as possible. The Irish Georgian Societys educationalof Kilcoe Castle, Co.programs are a vital part of its work and place it in a leadingCork, with conservation role as a local and national voice for Irelands heritage. In specialist George OMalley promoting the conservation of historic buildings, the Societyat the 2014 IGS Traditional runs lectures, courses, and exhibitions and this year part- Building Skills Exhibitionnered with a range of county and city councils in this regard.in Limerick.InhighlightingIrelandsdecorativeartsheritagethe Societyorganizesstudydayswhichhaverecentlyfocused on Westport House, Co. Mayo in partnership with WestportTown Council, and on the lost historic parklands around the exquisite Casino at Marino, which was held by the Office of Public Works.connect2015 | 40'