b'THIRTY-FIVEYEARSAGOCO-OPERATIONIRELAND(FORMERLYCO-OPERATIONNORTH)WASSETUPWITHTHEAIMOFBUILDINGBETTERECONOMICANDSOCIALLINKAGESBETWEENTHEPEOPLEOFNORTHERNIRELANDANDOFTHEREPUBLICOFIRELAND.In relations between the two main religious communi- ThisLEGaSIprojectwillinvolveidentifyingemergingleadersthe intervening years, it has expanded and been at the forefrontof improvingfrom within the community and supporting them in their personaltieslivingontheisland.WhilstthemainfocusofCo-operation development.ThisincludesparticipatinginaseriesoflearningIrelands work has been at the heart of local communities, it has environments, ranging from change management to auditing, which also been instrumental in facilitating some of the highest profile will enable them gain new skills that will help them become morereconciliation gestures the world has seen, including the handshakeeffective in the communities they represent.between Her Majesty The Queen and Northern Irelands deputy FirstA critical element of the project will be supporting these local Minister Martin McGuinness. communities to develop a common vision of the future and develop AsaresultCo-operationIrelandhasareputationas solutions to the challenges they may encounter. anorganizationthatcaneffectpositivechangeinpeoples Whilst this project is regarded as single identity, its impact behaviors and attitudes. This is borne out in the location and type of will be felt throughout the whole of Northern Ireland and beyond. peace-building projects they deliver, where research shows thereMore informed, skilled influencers will be able to shape communityhas been a reduction in anti-social and sectarian activity as well asdevelopmentandbuildconstructiverelationshipwithstatutorymarked improvements in project participants perception of peopleorganizations and groups outside the community, including those from the other religious community.fromtheCatholic,NationalistandRepublicancommunities.InHoweverCo-operationIrelandhasalsorecognizedthat addition, it is envisaged that social innovations will emerge as a result manyinNorthernIrelandsociety,inparticularsectionsofthe of the project. These will create employment and economic growth in Protestant community, are not at the stage where they can undertake locations that have suffered greatly as a result of lack of investment reconciliation work with people from another religious identity. Theand confidence in the area.reasons are varied but include lack of infrastructure, leadership andIf this type of project is to have a real bearing, it requires long resources. term support and this has been recognized by The Ireland Funds.Now with support from The Ireland Funds, Co-operation IrelandA $1 million investment illustrates the commitment to building abetter future for all.has established a new project LEGaSI (Learning, Engagement, Growth and Succession Intervention) Leadership, which seeks to address the issue of weak infrastructure within Protestant UnionistLoyalist(PUL)communitiesandempowerthemtocreate and build a progressive and positive future.connect2015 | 27'