b'THANK YOU2022 was a year of immediate response to urgent needs and strategic investment in communities across the island of Ireland. The Heart of the Community Fund saw its second year of providing operational and programmatic support to nonprofit groups working diligently in areas including environmental sustainability and cross-community relations. Our Reconnection Fund ensured that nonprofits serving disadvantaged and marginalized communities were strengthened and vulnerable people were not forgotten.2022alsosawTheIrelandFundscontinueitsinvestmentinprovidingaccesstohigh-quality educationthroughourscholarshipprograms:NoMindLeftBehindandtheGeorgeMoore Scholars. Thanks to these programs, hundreds of bright minds have been able to advance their studies, explore their potential, and invest in their futures. Our Ukrainian Relief Fund deployed support to seven Irish organizations serving the complex needs of refugees fleeing war and arriving in Ireland. Our donors stepped up to support an impactful response to this humanitarian crisis and their compassion has now made a difference to thousands of people in crisis. Thanks to you, these carefully chosen organizations provided key services rang-ing from provision of much-needed mental health care to resettlement and community integration.The opportunities we had to connect with you were a highlight of 2022. We worked closely with our donors to connect them with impactful programs and ensured their Donor Advised Gifts had the maximum impact across a broad range of priorities. We welcomed thousands of friends back to our in-person fundraising events. Working with donors and grantees, we translated that love for Ireland into results. This report shares some of the highlights and we hope you will read it with pride. Much remains to be done and as stewards of your investment, we will continue to identify the areas of greatest need and greatest promise.All across the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, our donors transform lives. Take a look at the headline numbers of 2022 and know that through your generosity, you made this possible.KIND REGARDS,Gene McQuadeCaitriona Fottrell Chair,President & CEO,The Ireland Funds America The Ireland Funds11'