b'The Ukrainian Relief FundEXAMPLES INCLUDE:DEPAUL IRELANDDepaul Ireland is a cross-border charity and a pioneering organization in the area of homelessness, supporting the most vulnerable in society. IMPACT:Funding provided basic, essential items such as clothing and toiletries to refugees. It also allowed for an integration service to connect refugees with their new communities through English classes, educational opportunities, and information on housing.CHILDRENS RIGHTS ALLIANCEUniting100+organizationsservingIrelandsyouth,ChildrensRightsAlliancehasledthe childrenandyouthsectorresponsetoUkrainianpeoplearrivingtoIreland.IMPACT: A grant co-funded a child refugee coordinator to provide a sectoral response to support the thousandsofUkrainianchildrenseekingrefugeontheisland.Thepostfacilitated information sharing and vital connections between member organizations and services.MAKING CONNECTIONSMaking Connections alleviates loneliness and isolation among older people by providing befriending and wellbeing supports that empower them to stay healthy and socially connected. IMPACT:Funding enabled a new lead advocate role which meant that 100+ refugees over the age of 65 received support to access government welfare, medical assessments and English classes.MYMINDMyMind is putting Ireland at the forefront of mental health innovation by creating a unique movement for community-based mental health services that provide every person in Ireland equal access to mental health support early, affordably, directly, without stigma or delay.IMPACT:Ukrainian mentalhealthprofessionalswererecruitedtoengagewithalmost100individualclients providing much-needed psychotherapeutic and trauma support. It also provided intensive trauma training to its wider network of current therapists, who will train fellow clinicians and non-clinicians to support those suffering from the effects of trauma.13'