b'AsIAmisdeeplygratefultoTheIreland Fund for its support during the course of the Flagship Grant. This support provided vital core funding which has been instrumental to the significant and sustainable development of the organization over the course of the last 2 years. However, we feel strongly that the links we have developed with The Ireland Funds have also had a far deeper impact - supporting us to grow and develop our network of supporters, providing us with access to advice from your deeplyexperiencedteamandstrengthening theawarenessandtrustofourownbrand amongst donors and key stakeholders.AsIAmVery grateful for The Ireland Funds support through this grant that will deliver a peace andWe know that the effects of The Ireland Funds reconciliation project with young people in Turfsupport here will enhance so many lives through Lodge! Much needed work in testing times.singing and we look forward to sharing the impactHoly Trinity Youth Centre of your support in the coming months. Sing IrelandMy journey at the University of California, Berkeley, so far has been nothing short of extraordinarypersonally, professionally and intellectually. For that I am truly grateful for the support of the George Moore Scholars program! I couldnt possibly put into words just how this experience is benefiting me.Barry McLaughlin, Masters in Development Engineering student and George Moore Scholar15'