“The projects you undertook, the terrific opportuni- ties you gave to individuals and communities have changed lives and life across our country. They include integrated education which educates Catholic and Protestant children together in Northern Ireland and rescuing them from the prejudice of the past. The peace you pursued brought dignity, prosperity. Time and again the cultural projects you believed in unearthed our true riches.” — Enda Kenny, former Taoiseach of Ireland “Throughout its history, The Ireland Funds has been an unfaltering supportive partner on the long, slow, sometimes frustrating and often arduous journey towards peace. Along the way, many brave steps were taken and much generous support given. As an organisation, you have made an incredible contribution to bringing enduring peace and stability to the island of Ireland. Your involvement extends today far beyond the peace process to a broad range of worthy projects that seek to tackle disadvantage, promote arts and culture, advance education and promote community development throughout the island of Ireland. By bringing together a huge network of committed people with a genuine passion for Ireland, you have gathered a momentum and a meitheal which has nudged the trajectory of history away from the dark of dysfunction and into the light of hope.” — Mary MacAleese, former President of Ireland 7