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Connect SPRINGSUMMER 2016 2016THE IRELAND FUNDS CELEBRATE THEIR 40TH ANNIVERSARY THE COMPLETION OF THE PROMISING IRELAND CAMPAIGN THE IRELAND FUNDS CELEBRATE THEIR 40TH ANN ROMISING IRELAND 2 great milestones Engagement Fall 2015_Tiffany Setting Product Only_Ireland Funds Connect_IRELAND_PAGE.indd 1 30112015 1937 connect2016SPRINGSUMMERconnect2016SPRINGSUMMER 47884_Cover_MFX.indd 247884_Cover_MFX.indd 2 12216 643 PM12216 643 PM Joining forces to help your neighbors. 1042024.1.3 ADUS446-1115 47884_Cover.indd 3 1716 958 AM 1connect 2016 3 Message from the Chairman 5 Message from the President CEO 6 The Ireland Funds Celebrate 40 Years of Philanthropy 14 The Promising Ireland Campaign Concludes 24 The Ireland Funds 2015 Flagship Investments 26 ALONE 28 PeacePlayers Northern Ireland 32 Corrymeela 36 The Kerry Sports Academy 40 Music Generation 44 Sensational Kids 46 Childrens Law Centre of Belfast 48 Daisyhouse 52 Ireland 100 at the Kennedy Center 54 News from The Ireland Funds 56 The Ireland Funds Young Leaders 12 contents 26 54 2connect 2016 58 The Young Leaders Global 5K 60 The Ireland Funds WineGeese Society 64 Golf 66 Events Around the World 108 Board of Directors 110 The Ireland Funds Heritage Society 112 Contacts Read Connect magazine online at 44 66 Connect 3connect 2016 Dear Fellow Donors It is my privilege to be your Chairman at the point at which the PromisingIreland Campaign reaches its stunningclose.Whenwelaunchedthecampaignin2009weweredrivensolelybythedesiretodeliver for Ireland at a time when circumstances were dire. We were challenged by our original goal of 100 million. We could never have believed that we would have met and surpassed our revised goal of 200 million. Thank you so much for making this a reality. As I travel across Ireland I see the impact of your generosity everywhere be it in the integrated schools in Belfast or the work of Barnardos for disadvantaged families in Dublin or Music Generation bringing all the benets of musical training to young people across the country your gifts are creating hope and opportunity. Not only are you making a profound difference to communities but you are helping them mobilize themselves to make life better. As we celebrate our 40th anniversary we can do so in the knowledge that you are lending substantial support to those making a real difference on the ground across Ireland. As I said we are immensely proud of what you have enabled us to achieve and we hope you share that pride. Thank you for your great and quite amazing support. With much appreciation John Fitzpatrick Chairman The American Ireland Fund 2 0 1 6 SPRING SUMMER Connect Managing Editor Feature Writer Rachel Alabiso Art Direction Design Hania Khuri-Trapper Khuri Design Advertising Manager Rachel Alabiso All inquiries should be sent to Print Management Lori Kraemer W.E. Andrews Plant Lead Project Photographer Aengus McMahon Photographers Dean Battaglia Daryl Bennett Donna Campbell Nic Carter Michael Casey Ginny Duke Angela Greenlaw James Higgins Rebecca Hughes Marty Katz Elaine Lee Bridget Monahan Michael Mustacchi Danny North Dee Organ Selby Pearce Michael Petrocelli Datu Ramel Matt Teague The Worldwide Ireland Funds are an international philanthropic network operating in 12 countries that has raised over 500 million for worthy causes in Ireland and Irish causes around the world. It is the largest network of friends of Ireland dedicated to supporting programs of peace and reconciliation arts and culture education and community develop- ment. Founded in 1976 The Worldwide Ireland Funds have beneted over 3000 organizations. Funds raised are contributed by private philanthropists and organizations. For copies of The American Ireland Funds audited accounts go to or contact us at 1-800-IRL-FUND. We welcome your comments about The American Ireland Fund and Connect magazine. Please send all correspondence to the Editor. 4connect 2016 On the Cover 2016 marks two remarkable milestones for The Worldwide Ireland Funds. We are delighted to celebrate both our 40th anniversary and the conclusion of the Promising Ireland Campaign. Connect SPRINGSUMMER 201 6 2016THE IRELAND FUNDS CELEBRATE THEIR 40TH ANNIVERSARY THE COMPLETION OF THE PROMISING IRELAND CAMPAIGN THE IRELAND FUNDS CELEBRATE THEIR 40TH ANN OMISING IRELAND 2 great milestones ConnectDear Friends and Supporters Congratulations. Through your amazing generosity the Promising Ireland Campaign has concluded by achieving a gure unimaginable when it was rst launched in 2009. When we set the initial goal at 100 million it seemed very ambitious. But through you we crashed through that goal and doubled it to 200 million and now close the campaign at 226.2 million. This is a tremendous testament to your commitment. Most importantly your generosity has allowed us to support over 800 projects. Over the last two years we have been able to provide 2 million per month to our projects. These projects are transforming lives creating opportunity and bringing out the best in the Irish. 2016 of course is a very signicant year for Ireland as we remember the momentous events of 100 years ago. It is also our 40th Anniversary. It is very special that the Campaign coincides with this seminal year. The Campaign itself was our response to the mission set out by our founders Tony OReilly and Dan Rooneyfourdecadesagowhichtodayisasrelevantandcompellingasever.AsTonyandDanbelievedthen private philanthropy has a great role to play in serving the public good. I hope you take great pride in what your philanthropy is achieving. I do hope that we have the chance to welcome you to Ireland to see on the ground the impact your generosity is having. Perhaps you will join us for our Worldwide Conference in Dublin on June 22nd to 25th. Thank you again for helping us to keep our promise to Ireland. Kind regards Kieran McLoughlin President and CEO The Worldwide Ireland Funds 2 0 1 6 SPRING SUMMER 5connect 2016 6connect 2016 The story begins From the beginning it was always about a way for the Irish diaspora to express their love for Ireland by looking to the countrys future rather than to its past. In doing so The Ireland Funds enabled the many friends of Ireland around the globe to constructively express their goodwill back to the island of Ireland. Forty years on the results of that goodwill have been outstanding. Countless lives have been changed for the better and The Ireland Funds have grown to become largest network of friends of Ireland. Together they have raised over 500 million to support thousands of outstanding organizations and initiatives. Funds raised are contributed by private sources individuals corporations and foundations. It all began in 1976. Dan Rooney former US Ambassador to Ireland and owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers football team along with fellow Pittsburgh businessman Anthony J.F. OReilly created what was then The Ireland Fund. With a trinity of goals peace culture and charity The Ireland Fund appealed for support for Ireland and its people from all Americans but especially those of Irish descent. Over the following decade The Ireland Fund formed a thriving fundraising network of chapters in cities across the U.S. including Boston Chicago Dallas Los Angeles New York Palm Beach Pittsburgh Philadelphia San Francisco San Diego and Washington D.C. On St. Patricks Day 1987 The Ireland Fund and the American Irish Foundation founded by Irish President Eamonn De Valera and U.S. President John F. Kennedy merged at a White House ceremony to form The American Ireland Fund. Since then the network has grown in scope mission and reach. Today The Worldwide Ireland Funds are active in 12 countries around the world. They have never wavered in their core mission to deliver private philanthropic support to worthy causes which promote peace and reconciliation arts and culture and education and community development. The Ireland Funds salute the thousands of organizations supported over the last 40 years and the friends who have come to us and shared this wonderful road. THANK YOU. Happy Birthday 40turn 7connect 2016 connect 20 Hopefully The Ireland Fund will be the mechanism by which concerned Americans can express their generosity for clearly dened objectives for peace culture and charity in all of Ireland North and South. Sir Anthony OReilly co-founder of The Ireland Fund on the occasion of the inaugural dinner of The Ireland Fund in May 26 1976 Early Days Memorable moments. Memorable Friends.Memorable moments. Memorable Friends.Me 8connect 2012 8connect 2012 8connect 2016 I know from long association with many of you that your impulse is ancestral local and at times blessedly whimsical. But I also know and applaud the fact that your impulse does not just exist at the usual level of self-gratication. On the contrary you have made that impulse exercise itself and transform itself into something renovated. You have applied as it were the enabling power of your international equipment to boost and transform the operations of the Irish Vernacular. Seamus Heaney Winner of The American Ireland Fund AWB Vincent Literary Award at The Ireland Funds Worldwide Conference in 1989 9connect 2016 con 10connect 2016 Memorable moments. Memorable Friends.Memorable moments. Memorable Friends. 10nnect 2016 11connect 2016 12connect 2016 12onnect 2016 Forty Years of Extraordinary Generosity Goodwill for the Island of Ireland. 13connect 2016 The Ireland Funds will be celebrating throughout 2016 and will be marking their 40th Anniversary by sharing more stories and highlights from the last 40 years through publications and events. Over 500 million raised for over 3000 outstanding organizations. 14connect 2016 I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the community and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. G E O R G E B E R N A R D S H A W 15connect 2016 the Irish economy was in free- fall. From the dizzy heights of the Celtic Tiger unemployment and the national debt trebled and that scourge of Irish society mass emigration returned. It is estimated that at the height of the nancial crisis a person left Ireland every eight minutes. The economic statistics were frightening and the prospects for people seemed bleak. The worst prognosis was that it would take two decades for the country to recover from such a tumultuous decline. Of course as we all know Ireland has recovered remarkably since then. This is a result of the resolve and resilience of the Irish people. Today unemployment and the national debt have been cut by a third and this year net immigration will be experi- enced again. By any measure the Irish re- covery is extraordinary. However this could never have been foreseen at the height of the crisis and we at The Ireland Funds felt we had to respond. The best way of doing so was to sup- port the not-for-prot sector as its work was going to be of even greater importance. As the needs of Irish people across society grew and with cutbacks in public spending being so dramatic we launched The Promis- ing Ireland Campaign. Our objective was to raise 100 million by doubling our annual income. We did so of course at a time when the rest of the world was suffering and need across our donor network had intensied. That said and despite that the response from our donors was simply magnicent. Whereas only 12 of American not-for- prot organizations recorded a surplus in 2010 it was clear our income was climb- ing very steadily. In fact it was one of our best years ever up to that point. And so our donors gave and continue to give. As they did we were able to support more and more charities across Ireland. For the rst time we were able to introduce Flagship Grants from our discretionary sources. These larg- er grants which are 50000 to 75000 are designed to enable exceptional projects grow to scale and thereafter hopefully at- tract individual donor support. AsthemomentumoftheCampaigngrew the 100 million target came into sight. Then something remarkable happened. We crashed through the target 18 months early. It was tempting to let the Campaign run and take satisfaction in the fact that we had beaten the original target. However our Boards around the world decided that we should test ourselves further and that is when we decided to double our goal to 200 million. That required us to raise 500000 a week. The only way this was achievable was by enhancing our activities at all levels. We held more fundraising and friendraising events three times as many as before the Campaign. Our Young Leaders stepped up with new chapters opening across the world and our new favorite event the Global 5K being introduced. Our individual donors stepped up signicantly. Board Members made annual discretionary gifts on top of their support of annual events of individual projects. The average gift amount increased by91andmostimportantlythenumberof projects we supported grew. The top line number belies the impact the Campaign has had on our organization. As a result our revenues have trebled but more importantly our grant making has quin- tupled while our cost base virtually remains the same. This means that the real suc- cess of the Campaign is that we were able to increase our grant spend considerably. The success of the Campaign is reected in projects such as Music Generation the Ear- ly Learning Initiative and Daisyhouse. They are doing exceptional and impactful work on the ground. However we cannot be com- placent. The fact remains that throughout the Campaign we had to turn down eight out of ten applications for discretionary spend- ing. The demand outstripped our capacity to provide for it. While the recovery of Ireland has been remarkable the economic fortunes of many have been fundamentally damaged with personal indebtedness and inequality at new levels. Therefore we must maintain the momentum of the Campaign. We have committed ourselves to continue to grow our revenues with a view to a new cam- paign being launched to conclude at our 50th anniversary. For now of course we are focused on our 40th anniversary. The mission Tony OReilly and Dan Rooney set out for us remains as compelling and ur- gent as ever. It is a nice coincidence that the Campaign closes as our 40th year be- gins. We are committed to maintaining and deepening the momentum of the Campaign and that will be its true success. Kieran McLoughlin President CEO The Worldwide Ireland Funds 1428 Active Retirement Club 174 Trust Abbey School Abbey Theatre Acquired Brain Injury Ireland Adult Literacy and Basic Education Age Opportunity Age Northern Ireland Age Concern Network of Newcastle and District Aisling Community Center Akidwa A K Ilen Boatbuilding School ALONE Alzheimer Society of Ireland American Irish Historical Society Amber Kilkenny Womens Refuge AnamBeo Anam Cara Parent Sibling Bereavement Support An TaisceThe National Trust for Ireland An CosnThe Shanty Apex Housing Association Derry ARC Healthy Living Centre Ardglass Development Association Ardoyne Holycross Boxing Club Arthritis Care Northern Ireland The Ark Ashoka Ireland AsIAm Athlone Community Radio Atlantic Corridor Autism Speaks Aware Babor International Arts Festival for Children Backstage Theatre Ballinglen Arts Foundation Ballybeg Community Development Project Ballyclare Family Focus Ballyhoura Heritage Environment Ballymacormack Community Development Group Banbridge Arthritis Care Bantry Inshore Search and Rescue Association Barnardos Barretstown Beara Tourism Development Bedford Row Family Project Belfast Beltway Boxing Project BeLonG To Youth Services Belvedere College S.J. Belvedere Youth Club Benefacts Bia Foodbank BirdWatch Ireland Brothers of Charity Clare Blanchardstown Traveller Development Group Blue Box Creative Learning Centre Blue Teapot Theatre Company Bonmahon ParentCarer Toddler Group Boyne Garda Youth Diversion Project Brain Injury Matters NI Bray Area Partnership Bridge21 Bridgeways Family Resource Centre British-Irish Association Blackrock College Building Ballysally Together Burrenbeo Trust Business to Arts The Butler Gallery The Cabbage Patchers Cahoots Northern Ireland Camara Ireland Camerata Ireland Camphill Communities of Ireland Cancer Fund for Children Cardiac Risk in the Young CRY Care After Prison Care Local Carers Association Carers Northern Ireland Carmichael Centre for Voluntary Groups Catholic Institute for Deaf People ChangeX Charleville Castle Heritage Trust Chicago Irish Immigration Support Child Abuse Prevention Programme H E R E I S J U S T A S A M P L E O F T H E M O R E T H A N 8 0 0 O R G A N I Z A T I O N S T H A T B E N E F I T E D F R O M T H E I R E L A N D F U N D S P R O M I S I N G I R E L A N D C A M P A I G N In 2009 F R O M C R I S I S T O C O N F I D E N C E T H E P R O M I S I N G I R E L A N D C A M P A I G N C O N C L U D E S connect 2016 16 Childrens Law Centre Northern Ireland Childrens Medical and Research Foundation Childrens Rights Alliance Childrens Sunshine Home Laura Lynn House Christopher L. Keeley Scholars Cill Rialig Project Cill tSeandan Teo Cinemagic CIT Blackrock Castle Observatory Citg City of Dublin YMCA Citywise Education Clondalkin Travellers Development Group Cloughmills Community Action Team Club Shine Cnoc na GaoitheTulla Comhaltas Cultural Centre CoisCim Dance Theatre Coalition of Irish Immigration Centers Coliste Mhichl Comharchumann Forbartha Community Action Network Community Focus Learning Community Relations in Schools Concern Worldwide Co-operation Ireland Cope Galway Cork Boat Club Cork Counseling Services Cork Foundation Cork Institute of Technology Cork Penny Dinners Corrymeela Community County Roscommon Disability Support Group Cross Border Orchestra Cross Community Schools Project Crumlin Childrens Hospital Crusaders Youth Academy Cuidigh Linn Cuisle Cancer Support Centre Cystic Fibrosis Association of Ireland DarndaleBelcamp Integrated Childcare Services DCU Ryan Academy Depaul Ireland DIT Foundation Diversity Challenges Diversity Sligo Domestic Violence Response Donal Walsh Livelife Foundation Don Bosco Teenage Care House Association Donegal Teen Parent Support Programme Doras Luimn Down Syndrome Ireland Draoicht Dress for Success Drogheda District Support 4 Older People Dromboughil Community Association Druid Theatre Company Drumlane Community Partnership Dublin City University Dublin Civic Trust Dublin International Piano Competition Dublin Jewish Board of Guardians Dublin Simon Community Dublin SPCA Dublin Talmud Torah Dublin Theatre Festival Dublin UNESCO City of Literature Dundalk Youth Centre Dun Laoghaire Refugee Project Early Years East Belfast Community Agency East Clare Community Cooperative Society Eden Alternative Edmund Rice Summer Camps Dublin The Educational Trust Educate Together Educate through Sport Foundation Eiru Trust Emerald Isle Immigration Center Emer Casey Foundation The Promising Ireland Campaign has helped us reach over 3000 young people and train over 100 additional educators. It has also helped us develop our curricu- lum across all of Ireland North and South. Not only have The Ireland Funds given us money theyve given us their time. Maria Doherty Network For Teaching Entrepreneurship Thanks to supporters like The Ireland Funds 21000 children and young people across Northern Ireland are enrolled in 61 integrated schools and the movement continues to gain momentum. Paul Caskey Integrated Education Fund We were delighted to receive support from The Ireland Funds. The grant meant that we could run our Stand Up Dont Stand for Homophobic Bullying Cam- paign into every school in Ireland for another year. It made all the dierence. Michael Nanci Barron BeLonG To Youth Services Thank you does not come close to telling you all how much of a dier- ence the support we have received from the Promising Ireland Campaign has made to our charity. It makes it possible for us to help others that re- ally need it. I can as- sure you that in your decision to help our charity you have changed the lives of our clients forever. - Jennifer Dowler Irish Dogs for the Disabled The grant that came from The Ireland Funds made a signicant dierence to the services we provide here in the city. Thanks to that funding we have a community worker who is able to go out into three new communities to begin additional Lunch Clubs. Anne Kenny COPE Galway The Ireland Funds had an immediate and pas- sionate connection to what we are representing here which is improving the lives of sick children and their families in Ire- land. That is the support we received in spades from The Ireland Funds. Joe Quinsey Chief Executive of The Childrens Medical Research Foundation connect 2015 1717connect 2016 Empowering People in Care EPIC Enactus Ireland Enable Ireland Energy Action Epilepsy Ireland FACE Fermoy Action Childrens Education Families First Feeny Community Association Feile an Phobail The Festival of Curiosity Fettercairn Community Health Project Fettercairn Youth Horse Project Fighting Words Find a Wheelchair Taxi First Step Centre Flax Trust Focus Ireland Forige Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship NFTE Foyle Search Rescue Free Legal Advice Centre FLAC Front Line Funky Fish Youth Caf Gaelic Players Association Gaelscoileanna Gaisce - The Presidents Award Galway Arts Centre Galway Autism Partnership Galway Rape Crisis Centre Gate Theatre Generations in Action Giants Community Foundation Gign the Bann GIY Glenstal Abbey Glentoran Academy GOAL The Goal Line Youth Trust Gorta Greystones Family Resource Centre Groundwork Northern Ireland Habitat for Humanity Ireland Habitat for Humanity Northern Ireland Haven Hawks Well Theatre Sligo Headstrong Headway Headway Belfast Healthy Food for All Heartshare Helium Arts Hello World Foundation Henrietta Adult Community Education Home Share Clare Home Start Down District The Icon Walk ICTR Independent Age Inner City Enterprise Inspire Ireland Integrated Education Fund Inter-Aid Intercom Iorras Le Chile CDP Ireland Chamber of Commerce in the US Ireland US Council Irish Ancestry Research Centre IARC Irish Architectural Archive Irish Association of Youth Orchestras Irish Arts Center Irish Autism Action Irish Chamber Orchestra Irish Community Rapid Response Irish Council for Civil Liberties Irish Cultural Centre of New England Irish Deaf Kids Irish Dogs for the Disabled Irish Film Institute Irish Forum for Global Health Irish Georgian Society Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind Irish Heart Foundation Irish Hospice Foundation Irish Immigration Center Irish International Immigrant Center Irish Mathematics Learning Support Network Irish Mens Sheds Association Irish Museum of Modern Art Irish Penal Reform Trust Irish Repertory Theatre Irish Seed Savers The Promising Ireland Cam- paign has been an extraordinary achievement for The Worldwide Ireland Funds. It was a clear and meaningful demonstration of the goodwill that exists around the world for Ireland. It also shows what a network like the Funds can achieve when they set an ambitious goal and successfully mobilize their members to contribute. Here in Australia we have drawn on the example of the campaign to show our current and prospective donors and members that the Fund is a truly unique organization both in its global nature and in the range and inuence of the people who are involved. Over the period of the Campaign our overall donations have increased by 617. The Campaign was also a way for friends of Ireland in Australia to meaningfully and directly contribute to the Irish economic recovery. We knew that our donations joined with so many others around the world would have a signicant impact and would go to help those in Ireland who were the most disadvantaged and the most at risk from the economic crisis. The fact that we can report to our members and donors that over 800 charities in Ireland have been assisted as part of that Campaign really demonstrates the truth of that old Irish seanfhocailn neart go cur le chilethere is no strength without unity. The Australian Ireland Fund together with our friends in chapters across the world con- tributed to one of the biggest and most signicant philanthropic endeavours that Ireland has ever seen. Its something for us and for The Worldwide Ireland Funds family to be very proud of. John ONeill Chairman Yvonne Le Bas Treasurer The Australian Ireland Fund A N I N T E R N A T I O N A L P E R S P E C T I V E One of the most important aspects of this conservation treatment is the support of The Ireland Funds and Bank of America. Without that support I dont think we would have been able to approach it in quite the same way and it would have taken much longer. Sean Rainbird Director of the National Gallery of Ireland Thanks to The Ireland Funds we have continued our programs for children and even improved them. Weve been able to oer more work- shops as a direct result from the grant we received. It has made all the dierence. Bairbre Ann Harkin Education Curator at the Butler Gallery The support of The Ireland Funds is philosophical. It is an absolute energetic support that stands for the creative life for children and their potential. It is the act of coming alongside and standing with us. We are constantly reinterpreting culture and The Ireland Funds are part of that journey. Eina McHugh The Ark 18connect 2016 Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children Irish Stammering Association Irish Technology Leadership Group Irish Traveller Movement Yellow Flag Programme Irish Wheelchair Association Irish Youth Foundation Iscoil ISPCC Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children Jack and Jill Childrens Foundation Jewish Home of Ireland KASI Ltd.Killarney Immigrant Support Centre Keltic Dreams Kerry Diocesan Youth Services Kerry Film Festival Kerry GAA Centre of Excellence Kidz Klub Kildare Traveller Action Kilkee Civic Trust Kilkenny Age Friendly County Programme Killaloe and Ballina Civic Trust Killarney Immigrant Support Centre Killarney Community College Knockanrawley Resource Centre Knocknagoshel Over 55s Social Club and Womens Group Limited LARCC Cancer Support Centre Larne YMCA Learmount Community Development Group Learning Hub Limerick Leisure Buddies Project St. Christophers Services Leitrim Calling Letterkenny IT Lewis Glucksman Gallery Lifestart National Oce LiordClonleigh Resource Centre Lighthouse Ligoniel Family Centre Limerick Enterprise Development Partnership Limerick Institute of Technology Link Academy CIC Listowel Writers Week Little Museum of Dublin LOGIC Longford Womens Link Lost Lives Lyric Theatre Macnas Macushla Dance Club for 50 Mahon Blackrock Local Educational Committee Making Connections Mark Pollock Trust Marriage Equality Mary Immaculate College Mater Foundation Matt Talbot Services Mayo Mountain Rescue Menscoil Mhuire Meitheal Mara Meath Youth Federation Mental Health Reform Merchants Quay Ireland Mercy International Association Mercy Law Resource Centre The Michael Smurt Business School at UCD Midlands Simon Community Migrant Disability Network Ireland Mind Wise New Vision Monaghan Integrated Development Move4Parkinsons Foundation Moy Cosy Club Moy Valley Community Services Programme MS Ireland Music Generation Music Network MyMind Narrative 4 Na Pobair Uillean Nasc National Autistic Society National College of Art Design tuition has now reached over 26000 children and over 330 jobs have been established so far by Music Generation. ...Cinemagic was able to bring its unique teaching approach integrating lm and television to over 5000 young people. ...the new Lyric Theatre in Belfast was opened. After decades in a space they had long outgrown the theatre which has been lauded as a beacon of hope during the Troubles in Northern Ireland opened its new state-of-the-art performance space that continues to serve all of Belfasts community. THANKS TO FUNDING FROM THE PROMISING IRELAND CAMPAIGN... 19connect 2016 National College of Ireland Parent-Child Home Programme National Concert Hall National Gallery of Ireland National Institute for Intellectual Disability NIID National Library of Ireland Trust National University of Ireland Galway National University of Ireland Maynooth Native Woodland Trust Navan Young Peoples Development New York Irish Center Forgotten Irish Appeal New York University Glucksman Ireland House Newbridge Family Resource Centre Next Step Nexus Institute No Mind Left Behind Scholarship Programme North Kerry Older Persons Services Northern Ireland At Play Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children Northern Ireland Childrens Hospice Northern Ireland Community of Refugees and Asylum Seekers Northside Learning Hub North Connaught Youth Services North Tipperary LEADER Partnership North West Hospice North West Tongues Tones and Tapping Nurture Post Natal Depression Support Services Oaly Dyslexia Group One in Four Open Heart House Order of Malta Ambulance Corporations Midland Region Organic Boys Origin Theater Ossory Youth Our Ladys Boys Club Our Lady Immaculate Senior School Participation and the Practice of Rights Partners Training for Transformation Peacebuilders International PeacePlayers International Percy French Festival Philanthropy Ireland Pieta House The Playhouse Port Garda Youth Diversion Project Presentation De La Salle College The Princes Trust Project Ballynahinch Public Interest Law Alliance PILA The Pushkin Trust Queens University Quigleys Point Community Centre RADE Ramoan Friendship Group Railway Preservation Society Rainbow Child Family Centre Derry Reach Across ReCreate Arts and Education Resource Store Richhill Community Arts Association Right to Sight The Rise Foundation Roots of Empathy Roscommon Womens Network Rossinver Youth and Community Project Rothar Royal Hibernian Academy Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers Regimental Museum Royal Irish Academy RUA RED South Dublin Arts Centre Ruhama Rural Resettlement Ireland Safe Home Programme Samaritans Saoirse Foundation BUMBLEance ...the Playhouse Derry Street Talk program has supported the delivery of arts based training for young people who are ex- oenders or at risk of oending. A grant from the Promising Ireland Campaign helped Playhouse engage local police rep- resentatives with 82 young people at risk. ...the Ireland Funds Business Plan Competition nurtures creativity and hones entrepreneurial skills amongst recent graduates and postgraduate studentsthe early stage entrepreneurs who will play a crucial role in getting Ireland back on its feet. ...over 20 scholarships have been committed by donors for the No Mind Left Behind program which gives promising young people in Ireland the opportunity to com- plete third-level education by providing an annual scholarship to cover the costs of books accommodation and other key expenses. ...the Irish Mens Sheds Association opened 5 new locations across Ireland where men can access educational opportunities new skills and health outreach. 20connect 2016 Saplings School for Children with Autism Select Vestry of Lissadell Parish Self Help Africa Sensational Kids Sesame Street Northern Ireland Sharing Point Show Racism the Red Card Siel Bleu Ireland SIFE Ireland Sli Eile Sightsavers Sligo Cancer Support Centre Sligo Dyslexia Group Smock Alley Theatre Social Entrepreneurs Ireland Social Innovation Fund Ireland Social Justice Ireland Society of Vincent de Paul Solas Project SOS Bus Northern Ireland Special Olympics Ireland Specialisterne Ireland Spectrum Centre Trust Speedpak Speedwell Trust Spinal Injuries Ireland Sport Changes Lives Sported Sports Against Racism Ireland SARI Spraoi agus Sprt Springboard Opportunities Spun Out St. Bernadettes Primary School St. Brigids Family Resource Centre St. Camillus Bethany Bereavement Support St. Christophers Services Leisure Buddies St. Colmans Care Centre St. Dominics Secondary School St. Francis Hospice St. Gabriels School Centre St. Jamess Hospital Foundation St. Jarlaths Court Residents Association St. John of God Menni ServicesWayBuddy App St. Johns Amateur Boxing Club St. Lukes Home St. Michaels Estate Family Resource Centre St. Patricks Cathedral St. Patricks CollegeTeachnet St. Stephens Green Trust St. Ultans After School Project Step by Step Northern Ireland Sticky Fingers Suas Educational Development Suicide or Survive TAGIT Fishing Club Tallaght Centre for the Unemployed Tara Centre TechSpace Temple Bar Gallery Studios Temple Street Childrens Fund for Health Temporary Emergency Accommodation Mullingar TEAM Terry Enright Foundation The Model The Peter McVerry Trust Three Drives Family Resource Centre Third Age Foundation Thomas F. Meagher Foundation Tipperary Excel Heritage Company Tir Boghaine Teoranta TLC4 Cystic Fibrosis Trinity College Dublin Truagh Development Association Tuesdays Children Turn2Me Ulster Historical Foundation Undergraduate Awards UNICEF Ireland University College Cork University College Dublin University of Limerick University of Ulster Upper Springeld Development Trust Urban Junction Valentia Island Development Company Victim Support at Court Vineyard Compassion VOICE Voice of Irish Concern for the Environment THANKS TO FUNDING FROM THE PROMISING IRELAND CAMPAIGN... Not everyone can say that their work changes lives. Well you can because your work does. The work of The Ireland Funds has deepened peace and reconciliation on this island so important to people going back 5000 years. It opens up opportunity for people who have been locked in or locked out by disadvantage. It promotes our culture and our heritage right across the globe. I have to say that the runaway success of the Promising Ireland Campaign is an excellent indicator not just of the professionalism of this great organization but how this work is actually valued. An Taoiseach Enda Kenny ...Cork Penny Dinners has extended their services to meet the needs of the community. Need has increased dramatically and they have gone from once serving 150 meals a week to now serving over 1000 meals a week. the Elevator Programme of Social Entrepreneurs Ireland was able to support 6 social entrepreneurs and facilitated 191 group and individual workshops. Since they have begun Social Entrepreneurs Ireland has created 1080 opportunities for employment. ...Women for Election delivered the EQUIP programme in September 2015 to over 100 participants at Irelands only non-partisan political campaign training school. 21connect 2016 Void Art Centre WALK Washington Ireland Program Waterford Healing Arts Centre Waterford Walls Waterside Womens Centre West Cork Music Festival West Cork Women Against Violence West Limerick Resources Ltd. Wexford Festival Opera Whitegates Community Wicklow Hospice Foundation Wired FM Women for Election WOW Group -Winners on Wheels Write to Read Writers Week Listowel Young Enterprise Northern Ireland Young Social Innovators Youth Horizons Youth Initiatives Youth Work Ireland Galway THANK YOU 22connect 2016 ...The Dublin City Assembly House one of the most unique examples of Georgian architecture in Ireland is being restored. ...the Early Learning Initiative program reached 96 children and their families and facilitated 1389 home visits from 2014-2015. Children participating in 2014-2015 achieved a 23 increase in their developmental milestones. 22connect 2016 Historically there hasnt been a tradition of private philanthropy in Ireland. But its organizations like The Ireland Funds that have taken the lead. Their role has been absolutely vital to philanthropy here. Trevor White Founder of The Little Museum of Dublin 23connect 2016 ...the Darndale Belcamp Integrated Childcare Service delivered the Learning through Play project which benets disadvantaged children from 0 to 3 years. This crucial early intervention project encourages communication and focuses on each childs well-being. Thanks to youThe Worldwide Ireland Funds Promising Ireland Campaign has raised 226203685 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 1215115109 110 111 112 113 114 220m 200m 180m 160m 140m 120m 100m 80m 60m 40m 20m 0m Campaign Outcome 200m Goal 100m Original Goal 23connect 2016 24connect 2016 THE IRELAND FUNDS FLAGSHIP INVESTMENTS GRANT ROUND The Ireland Funds Flagship Investments Grant Round EXTRAORDINARY INVESTMENT IN EXTRAORDINARY ORGANIZATIONS In 2014 The Ireland Funds inaugural Flagship Investment Grant Round enabled The Worldwide Ireland Funds to support seven outstanding organizations through- out the areas of arts and culture community development education and peace and reconciliation. In 2015 The Worldwide Ireland Funds were delighted to oer a second Flagship Investment Grant Round awarding larger amounts of support to help organizations scale up program reach achieve greater nancial sustainability and become impact- ful leaders in their eld. Over 200 organizations submitted letters of inquiry for Flagship funding. Of those a nal 25 applications were selected and in- vited to submit a full application. Following review eight organizations were selected and invited to present to a panel of judges in the National College of Ireland in September 2015. The judging panel consisted of Ireland Fund Board Members John Crimmins and Trevor Ringland Ireland Fund Young Leader George Dargan and Director of The Ireland Funds Caitriona Fottrell. Through much deliberation six organizations were each awarded Flagship Investment commitments of 50000 over the course of two years. These six organizations have been identied as having particular impact in their elds and have all demonstrated innovation and eectiveness with prior Ireland Funds support they have received. It is our donors generosity that enables this great work and The Ireland Funds look forward to bringing you updates on the reach of that generosity. Move4Parkinsons ThisgrantwillprovideMove4Parkinsonswith the funding to expand their reach and increase the number of set dancing classes and choirs offered throughout Ireland for those suffering with Parkinsons disease. This will be accom- plished by growing class and choir participa- tion via community outreach enhancing the continuous improvement of service quality via teacher development and purchasing of new equipment and nally by enabling greater access to Parkinsons information online through their website. PeacePlayers International Northern Ireland The support of this grant will fund PPI-NIs Champions 4 Peace program. It will allow PPI-NI to expand their key programs to more geographical areas strengthen their program- matic capacity and support the organization in its shared learning initiatives with other community cultural and sports based organizations within Northern Ireland. This program will allow PPI-NI to extend their leadership pipeline by providing training and experiential learning opportunities for PPI-NI graduates aged 14-20 years. These young leaders will then assist in delivering the Champions 4 Peace program to new geographic locations communities and participants across Northern Ireland. For more on PeacePlayers see page 28. Atlantic Corridor This grant contributes to the core services and capacity building supports needed by Atlantic Corridor to promote and enable STEM Sci- ence Technology Engineering and Maths educationwithintheMidlandsRegionthrough their Science Lives programs. Science Lives is a project which aims to create greater interest in STEM education among students teach- ers the public in Laois Offaly Longford Westmeath which have traditionally experi- enced educational disadvantage associated economic issues. Under the umbrella pro- gram of Science Lives Atlantic Corridor will use this grant to expand and increase their delivery of their projects such as JUMP Maths the Midlands Science Festival the Atlantic Conference on STEM promotion and Science With Inspirational Mentors Programme. Irish Wheelchair Association Funding will enable the IWA to increase their Sports Development Ofcers Team allowing the IWA to expand their services into under- serviced regions and to meet their increasing demand. The new Sports Development Of- cers will be responsible for creating opportu- nities for inclusion of people with disabilities with particular focus on working with com- munities in the South East region of Ireland. They will work in conjunction with local or- ganizations schools and clubs to target young talent raise awareness sustain inclusion provide greater opportunity for participation and give participants a pathway for integration into their local community. Science Gallery Dublin This grant will fund Science Gallery Dublin exhibitions from 2015-2016 and will support the many education programs that buildonexhibitionthemesthroughstructured targeted curricula for secondary and third level students and also teachers. Through this our funding will also assist Science Gallery in implementing their Going Deeper Strategic Plan for 2014-2017. This plan features three key strands Experimenting Through delivering dynamic exhibitions and events Learning By expanding and delivering STEM education initiatives Sharing By growing Science Gallerys off site presence through pop up programs for school national festivals Makeshop events etc. MyMind MyMind provides affordable and accessible community based mental health services to everyone. This grant will allow MyMindtocontinuetoexpandandincreaseits services across Ireland. In addition this fund- ing will assist MyMind to reach a self-sustain- ing business model. This is made possible as MyMind charges their clients fees based upon their employment status allowing the unem- ployed or full time students to access services at reduced rates. The revenue generated from full fee clients is then reinvested into the organization enabling MyMind to provide services that are affordable to all. 25connect 2016 2525conconnecnectt 20162016 Congratulations to these outstanding organizations selected for 2015 Flagship Investments. 26connect 2016 ALONE connect 2016 27 Anns hands wrap around a mug of tea as she thinks about how different her life was not so long ago. I had a big garden and a green- house. I had such a happy life with my husband my ve children and my grandchildren here in Ireland. However my children moved abroad with their families. Then about a year and a half ago my husband passed away. My husband and I used to talk so much. He had a fantastic sense of humor. How I miss the smile. We had such a life togetherand then suddenly it was so quiet. Ann is one of the older people that ALONE supports. ALONE works with those who have difculties with loneliness ill health poverty poor housing or homelessness and all of their services are designed to support people to age at home. ALONE is independent and receives no government funding for the day to day running of our services. They have 250 active volunteers that are trained and supported by professional staff. All of their services are quality approved ensuring they are high value and low cost. 100 of all donations goes directly to providing services to older people in need. Ann has benetted from their befriending service and social events program which is supported by The Ireland Funds. Ann was paired with Collette a volunteer who meets with her once a week for everything from conversation to ensuring that older people like Ann do not slip into social isolation. Collettecomesandwechatandwelaugh.Wealwaysenduplaughing.No matterwhatsgoingon.ItswonderfulsaysAnn.Itsthejoyofbeingableto talk to somebody. And I think she enjoys it just as much as I do. Other services offered are key to older people in crisis like John. Soon after Johns wife Marian was admitted to a nursing home he found out that his landlord was selling their apartment where they had resided for sev- en years. John was at great risk of becoming homeless but ALONE stepped in just in time to provide permanent housing for him in one of their properties. My place is really lovely says John. Its a small two bedroom place with a garden out in the back. I think there are only 11 ats in the block. Im just thankful for ALONE really. Ive found working with them has saved my life. There are new challenges and opportunities for ALONE. In Ireland older people are dealing a lot more with issues such as housing quality onset dementia and challenges around nances because they are living longer explains Sean Moynihan CEO of ALONE. Our job is to link people in to guide to support and to resolve. Sometimes its a long term relationship and sometimes its short but its about exibility. ALONE always keeps the older person at the center of all decisions. What do they want Whats best for them How do they want to live their lives ALONE receives no state funding. Their programs rely on private donations and hundreds of volunteers who bring thousands of hours of expertise time and compassion. I think sometimes people can think donating money or supporting a cause doesnt actually make a difference. I think the important thing to take away is it does. It changes lives says Sean. The Ireland Funds support demonstrates that people care. Its real money going to real services for real people. But what it means to the people who use our services is that the community actually does care. 28connect 2016 PEACEPLAYERS NORTHERN IRELAND The Ireland Funds Support PeacePlayers Next Chapter In Northern Ireland connect 2016 29 Supporters of The Ireland Funds are likely familiar with PeacePlayers Interna- tional-Northern Ireland PPI- NI an organization that uses sport specically the American sport of basketball to build relations between Catholic and Protestant kids in Northern Ireland. The Ireland Funds have supported PeacePlayers for many years but recently awarded them a Flagship Grant in support of their Champions 4 Peace Initiative C4P. CHAMPIONS FOR PEACE The Champions 4 Peace C4P Initiative is a year-round program of training and experiential learning opportunities that teaches the next genera- tion of young leaders to use sport to promote peace and reconciliation and to contribute to a shared future for Northern Ireland. It goes beyond bringing childrenfromdifferentbackgroundstoplayagameand it stimulates dialogue often about contentious issues that arent often explored in a safe and positive space. In 2015 PPI-NI successfully engaged over 150 young people in Champions 4 Peace from some of Belfasts most notorious interface areas in construc- tive dialogue on contentious issues such as ags and emblems parades and dealing with the past. PPI- NIs unique approach focuses on using sport and its inherent lessons of teamwork cooperation and communication to challenge stereotypes while nur- turing the development of positive relationships and friendships. CHILDREN WHO PLAY TOGETHER LEARN TO LIVE TOGETHER Its a very simple but powerful premise that children who play together learn to live together explains Gareth Harper Managing Director of PeacePlay- ers Northern Ireland. PeacePlayers has been op- erating in Northern Ireland since 2002. Back then it was very much an American program operating in NorthernIreland.Butoverthelast6or7yearswevebeen transforming the program to be a Northern Ireland program with added American value. We recognize that if were to be sustainable we really need to invest in local leadership and local capacity. Today the organization has evolved its approach while still sustaining the excitement of the early days. After a decade of work in Northern Irelands schools PeacePlayers is increasingly recognized as making an important contribution to the delivery of Northern Irelands school curriculum under the Personal Development and Mutual Understanding PDMU curriculum. Its great that were now being seen as key to making an important contribution to the schools says Gareth. All schools have to deliver the PDMU curriculum. So PeacePlayers comes in. Our job is not only working with the kids but its also around building the capacity of the schools to be able to continue this work themselves in the classroom. Last year we worked with about 2500 kids in Belfast. These are kids from interface areas where Protestants and Catholics often clash. These arent the easy cases theyre the hard to reach kids. These are the kids that live on either side of the walls that Belfast still has sitting there. WHEATFIELD AND HOLYCROSS A DECADE LATER PeacePlayers has always created a safe space on the bas- ketball court where kids could develop relationships. But more than a decade later the program is showing thebenetsofthatcultivation.Simplyputtheprogram has worked. Students from 2002 who followed our leadership pipeline are now working for us as coaches and facilitators back in the very communities that they come from says Gareth. Our key schools back then were Holycross and Wheateld. If you recall in 2001 there were awful sectarian disputes between those two schools. There was violence. When our program was rst developing in 2002 parents insisted that the program go ahead despite others threatening court action against the schools who bravely stepped up to engage with PeacePlayers. Then it was about working in each of the schools separate- ly. Would you believe we used to send two buses up to collect the kids from either side of the road and take them to a neutral spot. They travelled exactly the same road in two separate buses. r a- PI- uses merican relations tant kids in and Funds have any years but recently rant in support of their C P k to hav Peace working building continue year we w are kids Catholics th th 30connect 2016 PEACEPLAYERS NORTHERN IRELAND We are recognized as being a key component to making Northern Ireland a better place. Its a very simple but powerful premise that children who play together learn to live together. Eventually we got to the point where they took one bus to that neutral spot. Eventually they went into each others school and that was groundbreaking. They had never seen the inside of the others school right across the road. Now we have those students leading programs of peace in those schools. Thats a massive massive journey for us. THE IMPORTANCE OF THE IRELAND FUNDS THEN and NOW Our early funding from The Ireland Funds many years ago gave us the funding and the condence to be able to move forward to develop the accredited training to develop the primary schools. Today the Flagship Grant couldnt have come at a better time. We are now known as a reputable peace building program in our own right. We are recognized as being a key component to making Northern Ireland a better place. The grant makes such a difference for us because it once again gives us a chance to think about this wonderful model. How do we scale it up How do we use these champions for peace that were growing to make our program available to even more people PeacePlayers is a great program and yes weve built the reputation but none of that could have happened without the support of The Ireland Funds. connect 2016 31 Corrymeela50 years of lighting the way 32connect 2016 CORRYMEELA 50at connect 2016 33 The Ireland Funds have been longtime supporters of Corrymeela investing in the belief that dialogue can play a profound role in cross-community development and healing. Corrymeela is Northern Irelands oldest peace and reconciliation organization and in 2015 it celebrated its 50th anniversary. Corrymeelas reach is far beyond Northern Ireland and here Mark McCleary of Corrymeela shares highlights from the last fty years. Prince Charles visited Corrymeela in 2015 to celebrate its 50th Anniversary. Above Prince Charles is greeted by John Fitzpatrick Chairman of The American Ireland Fund 34connect 2016 Would you think Heaven could be so small a thing as a lit window on the hills at night. Helen Waddell When Prince Charles visited our residential center in 2015 he quoted Helen Waddells poem and said In Corrymeela for fty years you have been that lit window on the hill you have given peace a home. He also paid tribute to our founder Ray Davey whose vision ofpeacewasborneoutofthedevastationofwar.Raywasa chaplain who as a prisoner of war witnessed the destruction of Dresden under Allied bombing and was profoundly changed. Before The Troubles Corrymeela was formed before The Troubles though our work quickly became shaped by them. We have a rich history of welcoming individuals and groups from across Ireland to engage in dialogue and community-building at both the residential center in Ballycastle and through programs in local areas. We welcome 10000 people a year from youth and school groups family and community organizations faith communities political parties security forces ex-combatants and people directly impacted by the conict in Northern Ireland and are viewed as a safe space for all. Because of Corrymeelas international reputation for peace-building hundreds of visitors come to Corrymeela each year from all around the world to learn from our experience. Since the late seventies The Ireland Funds have been a faithful supporter of our work. More recently the commitment of the current American Ireland Fund Chairman John Fitzpatrick and specic nancial support through the Eithne and Paddy Fitzpatrick Memorial Fund has been a huge boost to our work. In addition to capital projects including classrooms recreation space and a childrens play park The Ireland Funds have supported programs in forgiveness educa- tion youth work and empowering women. The Support of The Ireland Funds To highlight one example The Ireland Funds support for our SEED Program over a number of years has transformed many young lives. It brings together 18-25 year olds from difcult backgrounds to explore identity self-care conict and leadership. We have found that when they understand their own potential they are more likely to take up opportunities in employ- ment and education and not drift into unemployment crime or paramilitary groups. SEED matches the young people with an individual mentor working in an area they are interested in. This is a radical process for young people because it gives them the freedom and power to make choices and live those choices. A Shared Society A Lit Window Returning to Prince Charles and the lit window on the hill beyond the poetry we could not switch on the lights without support from around the world. The Ireland Funds through their long association with Corrymeela have enabled us to be a place where imagination is red and enthusiasm and hope kindled in the next genera- tions. Thousands of young people from Corrymeela have developed their hope and vision for a shared society and gone on to express this through work choices that support a safer inclusive and more sustainable society in Ireland and elsewhere. We thank you. Mark McCleary Corrymeela CORRYMEELA connect 2016 35 WHAT IS CORRYMEELA We are teachers writers people looking for work retired people we are young middleaged and old we are people of doctrine and people of question. We are people who seek to engage with the dif- ferences of our world. We are people who disagree with each other on matters of religion politics and economics. We are people who wish to name our own com- plicity in the fractures that damage our societies. We are people of dedication and commitment. We are people of prayers conversation curiosity and questioning. We are people of truth telling and hope. We are Corrymeela. And you are always welcome. Supported by The Ireland Funds Corrymeelas SEED Program has transformed many young lives. It brings together 18-25 year olds from difcult backgrounds to explore identity self-care conict and leadership. John Fitzpatrick longtime Corrymeela supporter and Chairman of The American Ireland Fund. 36connect 2016 KerrySportsAcademy NEW PATHWAYS IN EDUCATION ADAPTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SPORT ARE COMING TO COUNTY KERRY. The future Kerry Sports Academy KERRY SPORTS ACADEMY has a proud tradition of sporting participation and success. As a county it continues to develop state of the art universally-accessible facilities to allow all people to participate in physical activity and sport from recreational level to the highest national and international level. Key to this commitment is the Kerry Sports Academy initiative which The Ireland Funds are proud to support. The Academy will soon be a state-of-the-art facility located on the campus of the In- stitute of Technology in Tralee. It will be the largest capital educational project to take place in Kerry in 2016 and during construction it will create 120 jobs. It will become the heart and soul of the community as not only will it be used by the Institute and its partners but also by many sporting organisations community groups and the business community throughout Kerry. Here Dick Spring former Tanaiste Deputy Prime Minis- ter and former Minister for Foreign Affairs shares the vision of this vital addition to the future of the South West of Ireland. connect 2016 37 The development of the Kerry Sports Academy will be a tremendous addition to the sporting infrastructure of the county and will ensure Kerry athletes are to the forefront of Irish sport. Darragh S Six All Ireland Medals and record championship appearances for Kerry Kerry 38connect 2016 the Institute of Technology Tralee set up a Foundation to support its development by raising funds to provide for state of the art facilities on its campus in Tralee. I am honoured to chair the Foundation and with the Board I am determined to raise the funding to provide for the enhancement of college facilities which will enable the Institute to continue its important and signicant role in Education Adapted Physical Activity and Sport. The Institute has an esteemed international repu- tation for leadership in inclusion and adapted physical activity. In 2013 the Institute was awarded an UNESCO Chair in Inclusive Physical Education Sports Fitness and Recreation. It is the only higher education provider globally to be awarded a UNESCO Chair in this area. This is testimony to the excellence of the Institutes work in including people with disabilities in physical education sport tness and recreation. The Kerry Sports Academy will allow sports people able and disabled to enjoy prepare and compete to the highest standards. The Academy has been designed to address the needs of paralympic level athletes as well as opening up a world of opportunities and accessibility to sports and recreation for people with disabilities in our society. The total cost of the Academy is estimated at 15m and it will be home to Health and Leisure Programmes at the IT Tralee UNESCO Chair in Inclusive Physical Education Sport Fitness and Recreation NationalCentreforAdaptedPhysicalActivityCARA Kerry GAA Centre of Excellence Comhaltas Ceoltir ireann in Kerry In 2014 The Kerry Sports Academy will be an internationally recognized facility which will allow Kerry athletes both able and disabled to prepare and compete to the highest international standards. Mick Galwey Former Player with Kerry Munster Ireland and the Lions KERRY SPORTS ACADEMY connect 2016 39 The Academy will incorporate the following facilities International sized indoor sports arena Suite of auditoria Hydrotherapy suite Massage suites Teaching gym Aerobic and dance studios High performance gym Student recreation area Performance arena Laboratory facilities We have been approved for 50 Government funding for the project 7.5m and the Foundation is com- mitted to raising the balance of funds 7.5m over the next eighteen months. The Foundation is focusing its fundraising efforts on philanthropic foundations high net worth individuals corporate donors government funding and strategic partners. To date the Foundation has secured 4.75m from these sources. The Founda- tion is now focusing its efforts on raising the remaining 2.75m required. The Institute is a key driver of economic and social development for County Kerry and the surrounding regions. Established in 1977 it has over 3000 full-time students employing 350 staff and providing a nancial contribution of circa 60m to the local economy. At presentundertheauspicesoftheGovernmentitisamal- gamating with Cork Institute of Technology and in 2018 it will become the Munster Technological University. The Institute is proving very popular with Interna- tional students and in 2015 one sixth of the student population 500 were overseas students. Students come from the Middle East China Africa and Europe. They nd Tralee a safe friendly and affordable multi- cultural environment in which to study. As a result of the goodwill that our project has generated at home in the UK and the USA I am condent that we will succeed in achieving our objective and I look forward to welcoming the friends of Ireland to our new facility when they return to County Kerry. DIRECTORS ON THE FOUNDATION BOARD INCLUDE Stan McCarthy CEO Kerry Group Pat OLeary Managing Director Liebherr Container Cranes Kevin Kenny Retired Tax Partner Ernest Young Michael OMuircheartaigh Broadcaster Dr. Oliver Murphy President IT Tralee Brid McElligott Vice President - Research Development and External Engagement IT Tralee They share a great passion to support the economic and social development of their native Kerry and their business acumen energy and enthusiasm is essential to the project. 4040connect 2016 an additional 3million donation from u2 and the ireland funds enables major expansion of music generation music education for children across ireland MUSIC GENERATION 41connect 2016 ve years in music generation is continuing to grow. thanks to the ireland funds for adding 1m to the 2m from our irish shows itll bring us closer to achieving our ambition for every child and young person in ireland to have access to music tuition. The Edge U2 Image Danny North 42connect 2016 2016 is set to be an important and exciting one for Music Generation Irelands national music education program which transforms the lives of children and young people through access to high quality subsidized performance music education. Established in 2010 the achievements of Music Generation to date have been exceptional. So far the program has been developed in 12 areas of the coun- try creating more than 330 employment opportunities and providing access and participation to some 26000 children and young people annually. And now Music Generation is on course for major expansion following the announcement that U2 and The Ireland Funds will gift a further 2m and 1m respectively to the program for its next phase. Initiated by Music Network Music Generation was rst made possible by a 7m philanthropic donation 5m from U2 and 2m from The Ireland Fundsthe largest ever philanthropic donation to music education in Ireland in the history of the Irish State. Today the organization is now working closely with the Irish Government through the Department of Education and Skills as well as with Local Music Education Partnerships to sustain the program in existing areas and ensure a long-term lasting outcome from this philanthropic giving. The most recent donations by U2 2m raised through the iNNOCENCE eXPERIENCE Irish concerts in November 2015and the 1m gift from The Ireland Funds together with further investment achieved through private philanthropic donations will enable expansion of the program to more areas of the country. This will provide access to performance music education for even more children and young people who would otherwise not have the chance to participate. initiated by music network music generation is co-funded by u2 the ireland funds the department of education and skills and local music education partnerships together with the arts council and st. patricks college drumcondra. music generation would not exist without the vision and philanthropic support of u2 and the ireland funds. every day the lives of thousands of children and young people are being transformed through access to a variety of music t u i t i o n o p p o r t u n i t i e s everything from song-writ- ing initiatives to brass bands orchestras choirs rock groups rap projects grupa cheoil and composers clubs. and the reason that this ground-break- ing music education initiative has been such a success story is because of the partnership base that underpins how we work. Rosaleen Molloy National Director Music Generation MUSIC GENERATION connect 2016 43 caitriona fottrell director ireland the edge rosaleen molloy national director of music generation an taoiseach enda kenny adam clayton john tzpatrick chairman of the american ireland fund kieran mcloughlin president ceo of the worldwide ire- land funds leo blennerhassett board member of music generation following the 2015 announcement of the additional 3 million gift from u2 and the ireland funds to music generation. the impact of this innovative music education program has been extraordinary and brings so much benet to young people and communities throughout ireland. the ireland funds are de- lighted to be supporting this agship initiative and together with u2 will also seek to raise additional support as part of our commitment to unlocking the musical talents of the next generation. Kieran McLoughlin President CEO The Worldwide Ireland Funds 44connect 2016 Sensational Kids helps children of all abilities reach their full potential My little son JC was diagnosed with autism just before Christmas in 2014 explains Laura. When he rst started here in Sensational Kids he had 5 words but he only used three Mama Dada and NO. But mostly it was just NO. Before we came here it was tantrums. Id never understand what he wanted. We came to Sensation- al Kids and they started working with him using the Picture Exchange Communication System PECS which allowed him to communicate using pictures. He practi- cally ew at it when he realized he could convey not only what he wanted he could actually express his prefer- ences and choices. It gave him the initiative to commu- nicate. The tantrums went to practically zero. Then the vocabulary started to come. Today thanks to Sensational Kids JC is up to nearly 100 words. Sensational Kids benets the 1 in 4 children in Ire- landwhohavespecialeducationalneedssuchasautism Down Syndrome dyslexia and dyspraxia. By providing a range of clinical and educational services it benets children of all ages and all abilities to enable them to develop to their full potential. I always say to people I never set out to be a social entrepreneur it was never in my mind to do this says Karen Leigh the founder of Sensational Kids. But really it started when my own child. Connor whos now 14 was born with no ear on one side and no ear canal. I quickly found out that the help that he needed wasnt available in Ireland and that we needed to go to America. So we found ourselves at The Childrens Hospital in Los Angeles. While in Los Angeles Connor was given an as- sessment by an organization called Can Do Kids. We went into this lovely big occupational playful center in Los Angeles and he just loved going. They assessed him and it actually turned out he has dyspraxia which is a very common condition that affects coordination and handwriting and low muscle tone. It is a common condition that affects children in many classrooms across Ireland. We came back to Ireland navely thinking that we could just nd our local version of Can Do Kids in Ireland but it didnt exist. There was nowhere to bring him to. Karen soon found that they were on a govern- ment waiting list that was years-long for services and therapies Connor needed immediately to help him get ahead. Private therapies were available but costly and out of reach to most families. Some people might feel stuck but Karen decided to set up Sensational Kids to ll a need for families like hers. We fundraised for two very long hard years to get 100000 to get Sensational Kids off the ground. We employed our rst occupational therapist and we were really wondering if we have enough money to keep it going. But it snowballed. Were sitting here six years later and over 3000 children have come through our doors. Today Sensational Kids has saved Irish families over 500000 in therapy fees by employ- ing a high-quality but low-cost model of services. No governmentfundingisreceivedandallworkisrelianton corporate and public partners along with the proceeds of an on-site store that offers skill-building toys and products. Within their colorful space children receive occupational therapy speech and language therapy educational psychological assessment and support. Play therapists work with children who are experiencing stress and anxiety to develop coping and self-calming strategies. Parents have support groups and children who once had no options for affordable therapies are getting the help they need. A grant from The Ireland Funds supported the Transition to Secondary School Program for 20 children with special educational needs who are in mainstream education. Through practical strategies and skills specialists at Sensational Kids helped children address the challenges of this important transition setting them up for success and better learning. Successful outcomes are now being seen across the board. The Ireland Funds are proud to support this innovative program that is serving JCs family and thousands of other families. 100 words and counting. SENSATIONAL KIDS connect 2016 45 Today Sensational Kids has saved Irish families over 500000 in therapy fees by employing a high-quality but low-cost model of services. Karen Leigh founder of Sensational Kids 46connect 2016 Childrens Law Centre Using the Law to Promote Protect and Realize Childrens Rights The Childrens Law Centre in Belfast CLC Kathryn Stevenson Head of Legal Services Paddy Kelly Founder Director was founded on the principles contained within the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child specically that children have the right to have their voices heard in all matters concerning them. In Northern Ireland where the next generations of children are emerging from decades of sectarian conict there are still many matters to be addressed. For too long sectarian issues diverted attention away from addressing concerns around the mental social and physical well-being of Northern Irelands children. Today the CLC is at the forefront of these issues. Connect magazine sat down with Kathryn Stevenson Head of Legal Services at Childrens Law Centre along with Paddy Kelly the DirectorandFounderoftheCentretolearnabouttheirworkandhow a grant from The Ireland Funds will assist the CLC in provid- ing training outreach clinics and accessible information to parents of children with special educational needs. THE CHILDRENS LAW CENTRE the 47connect 2016 Q. How did you start the Childrens Law Centre Paddy In 1995 as we were emerging from our conflict here in Northern Ireland there was a realization that while human rights was a big issue during the conict childrens rights had very little focus. Our children had suffered as a result of the conict yet there was no framework to actually address some of those decits in terms of childrens rights because childrens rights are human rights. So a group of people managed to get together and get a very small amount of funding and I set up the Center in 1997 with two staff members. The idea was to have a multidisciplinary team using the law to improve childrens lives. Q. How do you serve children today Paddy Through our free phone legal advice line we provide advice and help individual children but we also monitor what is wrong with the way society treats children. We listen to children with mental health needs or childrenwhocantaccesseducationorchildrenwhoaresufferingdiscrimi- nation because theyre disabled. We take strategic cases where we change the law by setting precedent or by engaging with government. Were always hoping not to improve the life of an individual child but all children. We are often the voice that guides government on how they should change their policies to ensure that all children benet from proper health- care and educational support and access to child appropriate mental health services. We also have a group of young people who are peer advocates. Kathryn The Ireland Funds will be helping us advocate for children who have special educational needs. There are 74000 children with special educational needs in Northern Ireland. In 201415 CLC dealt with 590 advice issues relating to children with SEN and the numbers are rising. Q. How will support from The Ireland Funds impact children with special educational needs Paddy The biggest issue that we get calls about is the childs right to education. This is particularly signicant for children with additional learning support needs disability and mental health needs. Its also really important because education is the single biggest determinate in terms of future life chances. The money weve received from The Ireland Funds is going to be so critical for those children and young people. We are conscious that in areas where children are living in poverty children and families may not know we exist. They wont be able to come to our Center or even know to lift the phone to call our helpline. So what were doing with the grant from The Ireland Funds is to go out to those communities. To reach out to them and say this is the type of service we have. To go to groups who are working with parents of children with additional needs whether its autism Aspergers ADHD or another need and support them to get whatever facilities or services their children are entitled to. Q. You also focus strongly on mental health needs in Northern Ireland Paddy Our Peer Advocates young people who are in the community and on the ground did a piece of research recently that revealed a scary statistic which was that 27 of our children here have identied as having mental health needs. Families who have been most impacted by the conict tend to be in areas that are socio-economically deprived. They dont have safe parks or sufcient community resources. So these are very vulnerable children. The lack of services and support for children with mental health needs is staggering. Less than 8 of the total mental health budget is spent on children. Thats despite the fact that children make up nearly 24 of our population. Both Protestant and Catholic areas are affected. There are a high number of young people taking their own lives. Parents have suffered loss as a result of the conict. Some parents have been in prison. Mental health issues are compounded by poverty and those areas have not beneted from our peace process. Q. So help us understandhow does a child come to you Kathryn Children and families often have difculty in accessing friendly legaladvice.AttheChildrensLawCentrewehaveadedicatedMentalHealth Solicitor. We empower children to be involved in their own cases. Theres one regional child and adolescent inpatient facility for mental health as- sessment and treatment based in Belfast. It serves the whole population of Northern Ireland. Theres another facility that we work closely with which deals with children who have severe learning difculties and mental health needs. So with those two units we will go in and we will meet with the young people. We will take their instructions and we will advise them in relation to their case and we will also assess whether or not theyre in a position to give us legal instructions. We will support their families we will meet with their parents and sometimes their grandparents and we will provide legal support. Paddy The other thing thats just an example of what we are trying to do in terms of mental health links in to homelessness. We had a case involving a young person who came from a very troubled family really should have been looked after as avulnerable young person. He had been living in transitional accommodation but had identied with his doctor that he had mental health needs. So he was admitted into a mental health facility for a short period for medical assessment. What nobody had told him was that once hed gone in there hed lose hisplaceintheaccommodationhewasin.Hewasonly16.Hebecamehome- less and was a very troubled and vulnerable young person. So our Mental Health Solicitor took that case to the High Court. Kathryn and her colleagues set a legal precedent in this case. As a result there is now clarity regarding the duty that Northern Irelands health and social care providers have to assess and accommodate all homeless 16 and 17 year olds. So that one case changed the lives of a huge number of children. Q. What makes you dierent from other law resources Kathryn Were proud that we have very positive feedback from parents and also from professionals. Were a not for prot organization so we wont always go for the jugular just to take the case. What well try to do rst is me- diate. We have very strong established relationships with health and edu- cation professionals including mental health professionals and also with a large number of stake holder organizations who are involved in strategic partnerships in relation to children with disability. We get a lot of referrals in from other agencies who will say Weve tried to solve this problem but you have the legal expertise. What would CLC do Can we refer this client to CLCTheresminimallegalaidformanyofthecaseswetakeon. Therefore its not lucrative for private practitioners to engage and do this type of work. So we provide that service and ll that gap. Wehaveareputationnow.Wehaveahighlyqualiedandexperiencedstaff. Wedonttakevexatiouscaseswedontmakevexatiouscomplaints.Whenthe authorities get a letter saying were threatening proceedings they realize there must be an issue here and there will be an engagement. They know that we can take it through. . . . 48connect 2016 from homeless to hopeful Daisy House DAISYHOUSE Daisyhouse Housing Association provides women with Supported Temporary Accommo- dation who otherwise would be homeless and equips them with independent living skills. These women have often been made homeless as a result of traumas such as domestic violence sexual violence sexual abuse drug and alcohol addiction loss of income ill health etc. This service is provided over an 18-month period so that the cycle of homelessness can be broken and that the women are empowered to move forward to independent sustainable living. An Ireland Funds grant has supported Daisyhouses Wellness Recovery Action Plan WRAP workshop which teaches service users to identify things that make them well and use the wellness tools to relieve difcult feelings and maintain higher quality of life. Here two extraordinary women who are involved with Daisyhouse share their stories and the journeys that have brought them from homelessness to hope. My involvement with Daisyhouse has been life-changing. These women are ghting the hardest battles imaginable and when you hear what they have been through their successes are even more remarkable. They are true heroes and they reach their goals with the support and nurturing of the Daisyhouseprogram.ToseetheDaisyhouse women transform into proud strong people is a privilege. I am so thankful that I am involved in Daisyhouse it is an honor to stand beside these women. C L A I R E B Y R N E is a radio and television broadcaster with RT Television where she hosts Claire Byrne Live a current aairs program. Claire served as MC at The Ireland Funds Tiany Womens Luncheon where Daisyhouse was featured as a beneciary of The Ireland Funds. connect 2016 49 50connect 2016 mandys story I didnt just become homeless. There was a pattern that led me up to it. There was a lot going on in my family home. My dad was an addict and my mother suffered with depression. I have one brother and three sisters. I was the kind of child that would act out and get in trouble. I would self-harm. My parents just didnt know how to handle me so I was put into foster care. I was going to different counselors to gure out what was wrong. But when I look back now I was just a child crying out to be loved. Yet no doctor said that. I was just always labeled with various problems. I was 13. As I got older I got involved with drugs and ended up in nasty relationships with men that would beat me to a pulp. I thought it was normal as that was what I dealt with in the home when I was a child. So it was just like a cycle. I was going around in circles. When the heroin and crack hit me thats when my life was totally out of control. At the time I had six children. All I ever wanted to be was a mother. I think I had depression from a very young age but it just wasnt diagnosed. I would get to a place where Id be okay and then my depression would kick in. In the end I phoned the HSE Health Service Executive myself and asked them to come and take my kids because I knew I was either going to end up dead from suicide or from drugs. When I look back it was the hardest and best decision I ever made. I wanted to keep them safe. The psychiatric units and hostels wouldnt take me anymore because I brought drugs in. So I end- ed up in Dublin on the streets. At times it was so embarrassing. I would go to coffee shops and clothing shops to get dressed and wash myself down with baby wipes just to feel a bit normal. I was able to get into a drug treatment program and I got clean. It was then that I was offered the chance to go to Daisyhouse. I had a lot of anger. I had a lot of hurt. I hated people. I hated the world. Then I found I was pregnant with Saoirse. Imagine being pregnant with your seventh child and all your other kids are in care. I was so scared. I thought This is it here I go again. Yet I also found myself thinking This is going to change me. Im going to prove I can do this. But there was still fear there. I was afraid when I told Daisyhouse that Id have to go back to a hostel. But with Daisyhouse I got everything. Doctors appointments medication and it all made me stronger. The Daisyhouse staff was there for me every step of the way. I hope to move on from here and just live inde- pendently on my own. I am working on being a good mother. And I want to write a book. Thats my big goal. I loved to write books as a child even on stupid things. But as I get older the more I know what life is about. So Id like to write a book about my experience. And not only addiction and being homeless all around other stuff like mental health and mothers that have kids in care. The other night I came home and just laid there and thought Oh my God I am so grateful for Daisyhouse. MY NAME IS MANDY. MY BABYS NAME IS SAOIRSE. WERE FROM CORK CITY ORIGINALLY BUT WEVE BEEN IN DUBLIN THE LAST THREE YEARS. DAISYHOUSE connect 2016 51 My father never worked because he was a thief. Growing up my mother was very violent. Her parents were both alcoholics. Finally my mom left our home. I was the oldest girl so the responsibilities came onto me. I had eight brothers and sisters. I did a lot for my mother and my brothers and sisters. I would steal food and clothes. Anything they needed I would steal. I didnt want them to go without but I was always terried doing that. Caring for all of them meant I never got to go anywhere else. I didnt get much support at school either. So I left school when I was 16. I was 19 when I rst tried heroin. Other kids I knew had been on it since they were 12 and 13. I think I was the last one out of my group to take it. One day I was talking to my friend about emotional stuff and shewaslikeTrythisitwillgetridofthepain.SoItrieditanditdid it got rid of the pain. And it also got rid of everything else. When the addiction came I was of no use so I was kicked out. I was out on the street. I was homeless. I slept in broken down buildings and cars. That went on for a long time. I was always a very good person I always knew that. But I felt I was disgusting because I was a drug addict. I was very hard on myself because I knew I had so much potential. I always knew I was very smart and I always knew I could achieve so much more. That strength was there but I could never get the opportunity. And I think in the end what saved me was that part of myself. It was that ghter that was always there. I see now that for generations the women in my family were taught not to look out for themselves. They always came last. You were taught that everyone came before you the children your husband everyone. If there wasnt enough you didnt get fed you didnt get looked after. Everyone was before you. Being a woman and being homeless means youre terried. You can be sexually abused and beaten because youre vulnerable. You have no one to protect you. There are days youre so weak because you havent had proper nutrition so you just dont have the energy. You literally hide anywhere you can in broken down buildings broken down cars. I even snuck into my friends house while they were away and slept under her bed. When I was homeless Id do what I could to nd somewhere safe. Id hide in the woods under trees making little nests. I actually felt safe there because it was nature all around and there were no people there. I got into a Methadone program but I felt dull. On Methadone youre dead. There is no life. Youre not even alive its like youre breathing but theres no experience. Theres no smelling. Your senses are all gone. The most beautiful human gift you get as a human being is your senses. Ive experienced joy and happiness but thats taken away from you with Methadone. That went on for 8 to 9 years before I got to see a counselor. Thats where the next journey began. I went through detox. Then I went into therapy to connect with everything from my childhood which was a whole new battle. I was nally letting myself feel emotional pain and at times I just felt collapsed with memories. When you take medication the pain doesnt go anywhere. It just waits there for you. But that pain comes to the front when you come out of addiction. Then I was accepted at Daisyhouse. I literally shake at the memory of coming here. When I came in those doors something happened in that moment. I had an overwhelming sense of wholeness. It was the kindness the nurture the guidance and just allowing me to be. I had a tiny little space and I loved that. I was actually happy because I couldnt invite any family down. So I didnt have to be like Oh I cant have you stay over. I didnt want to have anybody over I needed that quiet tiny little space to be mine. It was beautiful. It was just for me. ThenIstartedtogotocollegewhichismassivelyimportanttome. Eventually Daisyhouse helped me get my own home. They brought me in and showed me and said Kerry this is yours I cried and cried. Daisyhouse is just pure love. To know that someone can love you unconditionally just because youre a human being is amazing. They want you to do well and will do anything to help you get that way. They have allowed me to open up my heart to me and to the world and to nature and to know that Im safe. Im not afraid anymore. Thats the gift that theyve given me. Were all equal and were beautiful. Were human. And isnt it a beautiful thing to be human MY NAME IS KERRY. I GREW UP IN A DEEPLY DEPRIVED PART OF DUBLIN. Kerrys story Name has been changed 52connect 2016 WE ARE DELIGHTED TO PARTNER WITH THE KENNEDY CENTER on this exciting festival to commemorate Irelands 100 year journey from the 1916 Rising and the early days of independence to today. This centenary will have particular resonance in the United States. Five of the seven signatories to the 1916 Proclamation spent periods of time in the U.S. that signicantly inuenced their thinking and actions. The U.S. is the only foreign country specically mentioned in the Proclamation it has the greatest concentration of our diaspora and the contemporary ties are of ex- traordinary depth and breadth. This festival will give us an opportunity to express our gratitude for the support that the U.S. has provided to Ireland through- out the last century and we hope will help to renew and strengthen the bonds of friendship into the future. Anne Anderson Irelands Ambassador to the United States THE FESTIVAL AT THE KENNEDY CENTER brings a celebration of a seminal moment in Irish History to a storied venue associated with a revered Irish American President. It is a great expression of the bridge between our two countries before and since 1916. The Festival is an opportunity to mark how Ireland has progressed through a century and also to look forward through the vibrancy of Irish culture. Kieran McLoughlin President CEO of The Worldwide Ireland Funds IR E L A N D S CU LTU R E IS U N IQUE and its artists bold and gifted with exceptional talents. We are excited to present the old traditions uncover the new and reveal this extraordinary heritage of the Irish people. Alicia Adams Festival Curator and Kennedy Center Vice President for International Programming and Dance In Spring 2016 IRELAND 100 Celebrating a Century of Irish Arts Culture will highlight the best artists from Ireland and the United States. This exciting three week celebration will include dozens of performances panels culinary demonstrations outdoor activities and more. IRELAND 100 17 with a special performance directed by Fiona Shaw on the Kennedy Center Concert Hall stage followed by a gala dinner with Dublin-born guest chef Cathal Armstrong. This spectacular evening will draw diplomatic representatives from the U.S. and Ireland international business leaders and Festival artists among others. Tickets to this black tie gala are still available and all inquiries can be directed to FestivalRSVPkennedy-center. org or 202 416-8339. The Presenting Underwriter of IRELAND 100 is the HRH Foundation with major support provided by The American Ireland Fund the Embassy of Ireland and David and Alice Rubenstein. For information and tickets to festival events visit kennedy-center.orgIreland100 The Gloaming Camerata Ireland this is an Irish dance Jean Butler and Neil Martin Out of Time Created performed by Colin Dunne Additionally the festival will include a Literary Series that will feature more than 20 writers including Kevin Barry Eavan Boland Nuala N Dhomhnaill Anne Enright Lionird and Colm Tibn among others. All that FallBeckett Radio Play Presented by Pan Pan Theatre Fiona Shaw Artist-in-Residence The Plough and the Stars Presented by the Abbey Theatre in association with Cusack Projects Limited Please note that all artists and performances are subject to change. PROGRAMMING HIGHLIGHTS connect 2016 53 54connect 2016 U PDATES F ROM ORGANIZATIONS SUPPORTED BY THE IRELAND FUN D S THE HISTORY OF IRISH BOOK ILLUMINATION OF THE GOLDEN AGE 600-800 CE AT THE PRINCESS GRACE IRISH LIBRARY JULY 2015 The American Ireland Fund enabled a summer school at the Princess Grace Irish Library in Monaco. Over a series of days illustrated talks and hands-on workshops were given by Tina Waldeier Bizzarro followed by a demonstration of the materials and methods of the period by Susan Kelly vonMedicus. Students of all ages were able to attend free classes ranging from illustrative lettering to the study of authentic Irish materials and methods of the period. Susan Kelly vonMedicus was born and raised in Philadelphia Pennsylvania and is a cousin of His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco. Currently she is Adjunct Faculty member at Villanova University teaching Calligraphy in the Studio Art depart- ment developing the course to include the practice of letterforms and study of text based art. Tina Waldeier Bizzarro is a Full Professor in the Department of History of Art at Rosemont College in Rosemont Pennsylvania USA as well as an Adjunct Instructor in the Irish Studies Department at Villanova University in Villanova Pennsylvania USA. At Rosemont she has been awarded Pew Grants and Connelly Grants for scholarly development as well as the Lindback Distinguished Teachers Award in 2007. THE WORLDWIDE IRELAND FUNDS GATHER FOR THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC FORUM NOVEMBER 2015 On the eve of the Irish Governments Global Economic Forum Meeting key Ireland Fund supporters gathered to discuss how the Funds could best contribute to the gathering. The Worldwide Ireland Funds had one of the largest representations at this important event which invites the diaspora to contribute to Irelands economic and social recovery. Directors and donors from the United States New Zealand Canada China and of course Ireland discussed how the Funds could help stimulate giving in Ireland based upon their work across the world and how the work of their grantees can highlight the importance of philanthropy. There was great support in particular for The Ireland Funds gift to the Benefacts project which will greatly enhance the transparency of the not for prot sector in Ireland. news connect 2016 55 GLENGORMLEY INTEGRATED PRIMARY SCHOOL LAUNCHES A NEW BUILDING DECEMBER 2015 Glengormley Integrated Primary School in Northern Ireland was delighted to welcome John Fitzpatrick Chairman of The American Ireland Fund and Baroness May Blood Campaign Chair of the Integrated Education Fund to ocially open their new preschool playgroup building. John Fitzpatrick who is also President and CEO of the Fitzpatrick Hotel Group was also joined by Danny Kinahan MP Trevor Ringland of The Ireland Funds and Councillor John Blair the Deputy Mayor of Newtownabbey. The dedicated pre-school building has been established thanks to a generous combined donation of 100000 from the AIF and the Eithne and Paddy Fitzpatrick Memorial Fund. DUBLIN CITY UNIVERSITY MATHS SEPTEMBER 2015 A 2015 Dublin City University DCU Access research study highlighted maths as a real problem area for students wishing to progress to 3rd level education in Ireland. As a result a new program aimed at improving students attitudes to maths has been introduced with over 2700 students participating. Thanks to support from The Ireland Funds DCU provides Leaving Certication Maths Revision classes to students in DCU link schools. Students recently polled around the inuence of the program stated that it was very inuential in helping them pass their exams. CINEMAGIC DEBUTS A CHRISTMAS STAR DECEMBER 2015 An exclusive premiere of Cinemagics A Christmas Star was held at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hol- lywood. The Ireland Funds are keen supporters of Cinemagic an award-winning organization that teaches young people the art of lm television digital technologies. Christmas Star is Northern Ireland and Irelands rst Christmas movie about a spirited young girl who charms her entire village starring Erin Galway-Kendrick Pierce Brosnan Kylie Minogue and narrated by Liam Neeson. Actors Roma Downey and Stephen Baldwin attended the premiere. West Coast Director Marjorie Muldowney and AIF Board Director Harry Hartford congratulated Joan Burney Keatings MBE and CEO of Cinemagic. AIF Regional Advisory Board members Bill Daly and Patricia Danaher were joined by Janice Kava- nagh Linda Markey and Northern Ireland Bureaus Lorraine Turner. 56connect 2016 GLOBAL PATRON 1000 All of the benets of the Friend and Associate levels plus these additional benets Admission for one to an Ireland Funds Dinner Gala in the city of your choice Listing on Host Committee for the signature Young Leaders event in your home city ASSOCIATE 250 or 500 fee dependent on city All of the benets of the Friend level plus these additional benets Admission for one to the local signature Young Leaders event in your home city Access to The American Ireland Funds Board Directors a group including top executives in nance government the arts and communications Discounts at Fitzpatrick Hotels NYC Dublin The opportunity to join The American Ireland Fund Golf Society at a special Young Leaders rate of 500 regularly 1000 Admission for one to the Annual Young Leaders Global Summit Invitation and discounted admission to the annual Worldwide Ireland Funds Conference in Ireland Access to The Young Leaders Society online Membership Directory FRIEND OF THE FUND 100 Complimentary and discounted admission to exclusive Irish cultural and philanthropic events throughout the year Discounted invitation to the Annual Dinner Gala in your home city Subscriptions to publications including Connect the magazine of The Worldwide Ireland Funds Young Leaders news updates Invitation and discounted admission to the annual Worldwide Ireland Funds Conference in Ireland T h e A m e r i c a n I r e l a n d F u n d Y o u n g L e a d e r s S o c i e t y M e m b e r s h i p L e v e l s To learn more about international chapters of the Young Leaders Society contact Siobhn Gallagher at The Young Leaders Society attracts professionals aged 25-40. Paving the way for the future the Society cultivates an emerging generation of philanthropists while providing a networking forum and a connection with modern Ireland. With vibrant events around the world members have raised over 1 million for the work of The Ireland Funds. Visit www.theirelandfunds.orgyoung-leaders to join read the blog and learn about the benets of membership. To learn more about the Young Leaders Society in the US contact Pat Tully at and to learn more about the international chapters contact Siobhn Gallagher at sgallagherirlfunds.orgYoung Leaders AD - Emirates Whether youre looking to connect with friends family or colleagues our free Wi-Fi in the sky equips you for every conversation. Say hello from 40000ft. Say hello to free Wi-Fi in the sky Gourmet cuisine and wine Award-winning inight entertainment Fly Emirates to Dublin 58connect 2015 The run kicked off in BRISBANE the newest Australian city to join the global effort. The Brisbane Young Leaders some as young as seven year old Isabella Hourigan took off around the course along Southbank Parklands on the banks of the Brisbane River. Board Director of The Australian Ireland Fund Dr. Tom Moore took his place among the runners along with Michael Bradburn CFO of Platinum Sponsor Brisbane Airport. It was a close race and Paul Doherty won with a great time of 21 minutes and 52 seconds. After the race runners enjoyed a breakfast BBQ provided by generous sponsor Taste Ireland. The virtual baton was then passed to SYDNEY in the beautiful Sydney Park in St. Peters. Thirty runners set off sporting their The Irish Run the World t-shirts. Singer and entertainer Damian Leith also made the race a family event as his wife and children joined the race. For the second year in a row Karl Keating came in rst with a superb time of 20 minutes and 47 seconds. Next up was MELBOURNE and their 5K run around the lovely Albert Park Lake. Under a clear blue sky and perfect climate Melbourne Young LeadersChairmanAdrianHanleywarmeduptheover80runnerswithsome motivational words and everyone set off on their run. Leigh Stewart won with an outstanding time of just 19 minutes and 42 seconds. Taste Ireland generously provided Irish fare for a BBQ afterward. On to HONG KONG There was agreat turnout from the Young Leaders for their 5K. The location was the stunning Victoria Peak overlooking the city. Afterwards it was off to The Peak Lookout Restaurant for a bite to eat. Clear blue skies in LONDON for the 5K. Amazing First up was London in the beautiful Hyde Park. The London Young Leaders set off on their 5K circuit. Connor Murphy nished rst with a cracking time of 21 minutes and 59 seconds. Everyone then retired to celebrate at The Churchill Arms Pub in Notting Hill. From England the virtual baton was passed to DUBLIN where Young Leaders Director Siobhn Gallagher organized a fantastic day. Over 100 guests attended and Eoin Corrigan was the fastest nisher with a time of 21 minutes and 44 seconds. After the race the runners soaked up the sun in the surrounds of Monkstown Rugby Club. In TORONTO whether you call it The Beach or The Beaches it is undisputedly a magnicent spot for a run. One of our new cities to join the 5K this year Toronto had a small but mighty team as described by Executive Director Jane Noonan and evidenced by the winning time of just 19 minutes. Everyone then headed off to the Ceili Cottage for some good craic. Headlining the US leg of the 5K race is BOSTON and with a great turnout of over 40 people participants headed off on their run around Boston with an after party at Cambridge Common. It was a tie in Boston with the fastest time being 20 minutes and 32 seconds achieved by runners Alyssa Carreau and Jeff Manning both from Team KPMG. Down south to DALLAS at 8.30am Young Leader runners picked up the baton and set off on a beautiful day in Reverchon Park. The rst past the post was R-Jay Stover with a time of 24 minutes and 20 seconds. EveryonegatheredatKatyTrailIceHouseforsomemicrobrewsintheDallas sunshine kindly sponsored by Buddy Cramer. The NEW YORK Young Leaders headed off around Central Park after a pep talk from National Young Leaders Director Pat Tully. It was another gorgeous day and the winner for the second year in a row was Brian Farrell with an amazing time of only 18 minutes and 9 seconds. Dublin sponsor Blueface provided a generous challenge prize of a brand new iPhone 6S to Brian for the fastest time. So it was off to the Boat Basin Caf on the Hudson River to celebrate. On Saturday September 26 The Ireland Funds Young Leaders across the world took part in the 2nd annual Ireland Funds Global 5K. Participants from fteen cities across six countries joined together to raise money for The Worldwide Ireland Funds PROMISING IRELAND Campaign. The globally synchronized virtual passing of the baton bolstered by social media and the hashtag of ylglobal5k was a feat of teamwork and a testimony to Irish passion. Global 5K September 26 2015 The Irish Run the World 58connect 2016 connect 2016 59 BRISBANE SYDNEY DUBLIN DALLAS BOSTON WASHINGTON DC LOS ANGELES NEW YORK CHICAGOSAN FRANCISCO TORONTOLONDON MELBOURNE It was a cloudy Irish-style day inWASHINGTON DC but the energy was bright as the Young Leaders took off around Georgetown Waterfront Park. There was another joint rst place achievement with Kevin Dowd and Eoin OConnor coming in at 23 minutes and 35 seconds. Celebrations were had at Sequoia Tiki Bar a fabulous setting on the waterfront of the Potomac River. PHILADELPHIA Young Leaders had their work cut out for them in choosing a running route that would not end up in a collision with Pope Francis who was on his nal leg of a US visit. Fran McCartan came in rst with a great time of 21 minutes and 20 seconds and then everyone headed off to Con Murphys Irish pub. On to CHICAGO where Keith Salette won the Chicago leg of the run. Everyones spirits were high as they headed to Mystic Celt Bar who kindly sponsored the after party. In SAN FRANCISCO 72 San Francisco Young Leaders took on the 5K. The running course was along Ocean Beach at Kellys Cove. First place winner was JakeMalanoskiwitha supertimeof22minutesand9Theafter-partywasheld on the beach with a fruit and coffee buffet breakfast. The last leg of the Global 5K was held at Venice Beach LOS ANGELES. Fastest around the course was David Glass. For celebrations afterwards the plan was to have a get-together in the Venice Whaler bar by the beach. But with a major heat-wave that day the decision was made to drink ice cold waters under the shade of the palm trees at Venice Beach pier instead. Everyone went home exhausted - but happy. HugethankstokeysponsorKPMGaswellasallthesponsorsandrunners around the world for the terric fun had while raising support for The Ireland Funds Promising Ireland Campaign. t h e w i n e g e e s e r e t u r n t o b o r d e a u x 26 to 30 june 2016 The WineGeese are returning to Bordeaux the spiritual and cultural home of the WineGeese. The splendid chteaux of Bordeaux and the wines they produce comprise one of the great cultural treasures of France a cultural treasure that is inextricablytiedintothetapestryofIrishhistory.Thenamesreadlikeawhoswho of great wine Fieuzal Loville Barton Lynch-Bages and so many more. Join us in June in Bordeaux when the vines are in ower and where world-famous Irish-French chteaux produce some of the legendary wines of Bordeaux. The trip follows The Worldwide Ireland Funds Conference celebrating its 40th anniversary which runs from 22 to 25 June 2016 in Dublin less than a two-hour ight from Dublin. For more information please contact Elisabet Bordt at or 214.714.5294. abo ut the ir e land fun ds w ine ge e s e s o cie ty Members of The Ireland Funds WineGeese SocietyrepresentsomeofTheIrelandFundsmost generous donors. The Society celebrates wine food and art of Irish provenance from around the world while raising support for the work of The Ireland Funds. The name WineGeese comes from the story of the Wild Geese - a term coined to describe a group of Irish families who ed Ireland in the 17th century and established successful wineries around the world. Today members enjoy access to private trips tours and tastings at vineyards around the world. All activities are funded by WineGeese Society members. save-the-date 60connect 2015 60connect 2016 connect 2016 61 o r e g o n Willamette Valley Tour september 2015 Pinot Noir from its home in Burgundy France to California Ger- many New Zealand Chile and even Argentinas Patagonian desert this most challenging of grapes attracts the intrepid winemaker the world over. We tasted the acknowledged greats and uncovered some hidden gems in the Willamette Valley. Most delightfully we had the pleasureofinductingsevennewIrishandIrish-Americanwinemak- ers and proprietors into the Society Trisha Rogers of R Stuart David OReilly of Owen Roe Scott Flora of Native Flora Dick Shea of Shea Vineyard David Hansen of ArborBrook Tom Fitzpatrick of Alloro Vineyard and Eleve Vineyard and David Polite of Carlton Hill. Our home for the tour was at the four-star Allison Inn Spa in Newberg Oregon wine countrys premier luxury destination resort surrounded by vineyards ower and herb gardens and spectacular views of Parrett Mountain the Chehalem Mountains and the Dundee Hills. OurrsteveningwasspentinthecompanyofIrish-bornTrisha Rogers founder and partner at R Stuart Co with her friends Rob and Maria Stuart. They founded the winery in 2002 having worked together with one of the great pioneers of Pinot Noir in Oregon Dick Erath of Erath Vineyards. Trishas background in science analytical chemistry and literature with years involved in the wine and food industry led her to write the exuberant and eye-opening The Zing thing a way of seeing and understanding wine and food anew. We were delighted to receive autographed copies of her book. Chef Carmen Peirano Ferguson prepared a stellar meal paired beautifully with R Stuart wines at Nicks Italian Caf where the food movement began in Oregon. Founder and owner Nick Peirano welcomed us to his marvelous restaurant. The following days passed swiftly with visits to JK Carriere Winesledbyitstalentedandmuch-respectedwinemakerandowner Jim Prosser. JK Carrieregraceful and age worthy Pinot Noir stag- gering views wild-eyed winemakerclassically Oregon Owen Roe named after the famous Irish patriot led by the delightful Belfast- born David OReilly whose wines enjoy a near-cult following then on to the small and secluded vineyard Native Flora to dine with owners Scott and Denise Flora where the vistas entice as much as the wines not least their ravishing sparkling wine. Tom Danowski head of the Oregon Wine Board kindly joined us for dinner and provided insight into wine developments in Oregon. Friday morning saw us setting out early for a tour and tasting at Domaine Drouhin Oregon Burgundys rst venture into the New World from where they now produce exquisitely elegant wines in the Burgundian style but with Willamette Valley boldness. Assistant winemaker Arron Bell and Sales Director Ashley Bell made our visit memorable. Then on to neighbors Domaine Serene for a tour and tasting lunch guided by Ryan Harris President of Dom Serene. 1 2015 1 2 62connect 2016 Before departing for dinner we assembled on the terrace of the Allison to enjoy the superb wines of the McWilliams family from the Russian River Valley of Sonoma Arista Winery provided through the kind assistance of Rachel Gaffney. At Recipe the winemakers favoriteinaclassicVictorianhomeintheheartofoldtownNewberg chefandownerPaulBachandpreparedafeastshowcasingtheexqui- site Willamette Valley wines. ThesuperbwineskeptcomingwithatastingatBergstrmWines and a delightful al fresco lunch at charming ArborBrook Vineyards with the ebullient David Hansen then on to Shea Wine Cellars and Vineyard where Dick Shea enchanted us with his stories of vineyard practice and winemaker Blair Trathen shared his wine expertise while Peter Shea kept the superb wine owing. OncemoreintothevineyardwithwinemakerTomFitzpatrickof Alloro Vineyard in the western reaches of the Chehalem Mountains on a glorious afternoon then to the cellar for a fascinating tasting that included his own wineEleve Vineyard.Our evening concluded with dinner at the charming Lenn Estate with winegrower Steve Lutz. Gorgeous wines a beautiful setting and marvelous music pro- vided by Dublin-born Johnny B Connolly on the button accordion and Cary Novotny as vocalist and on guitar. Our last day in the Willamette Valley brought us to magical Carlton Hill Vineyard where David Polite charmed all. And yes sitting on top of Carlton Hill is a croquet court where from time to time local winemakers engage in a battle for supremacy. Croquet the sport of winemakers and now the sport of WineGeese when a marathon match ensued won ultimately by June and Archie Bennett who received to remember their triumph on a perfect Sunday afternoon a magnum of the 2008 Carlton Hill Pinot Noir a vintage and a wine for champions. Teams surged forward and fell back with astonishing regularity but second place was taken nally by Kevin Curley and Cathy Grimes who are ready to enter the lists once more in a re-match. Our far-reaching and memorable tour concluded with a farewell dinner at justly famed Ponzi Vineyardsone of the pioneers of the region with a perfectly paired meal provided by their own Dundee Bistro showcasing local ingredients and those seductive Ponzi wines. We wish to express particular appreciation to Ralph Stinton of Grape Escape and his magnicent guides John Davis Larry Landauer Stefany Bapst and Bill Bourque. Our journey was made all the more enjoyable through their knowledgeable and cheerful assistance. Elisabet Bordt The Ireland Funds WineGeese Society 3 6 8 5 9 7 10 11 4 connect 2016 63 1 The WineGeese at JK Carriere 2 Jim Prosser of JK Carriere takes us into his vineyard atop Parrett Mountain 3 From vine to vat with David OReilly of Owen Roe 4 The WineGeese with Scott Flora of Native Flora 5 Kevin Curley Ken Gorman David Newman with Asst. Winemaker Arron Bell at Dom Drouhin 6 The delectable Parting Glass at Owen Roe 7 Maureen Newman Ann Levell Netta Blanchard June Bennett Ken Gorman tasting the 2013 Arista Pinot Noir 8 June and Archie Bennett winners of the croquet match with their glorious 2008 Carlton Hill magnum 9 The Chairmen of the Society induct Trisha Rogers of R Stuart Co 10 John Sharkey Dick Shea Ken Gorman Peter Shea Michael Jackson at Shea Vineyard 11 Pepper Jackson Waymon Ann Levell 12 John Ken and Michael with host David Hansen at ArborBrook 13 A marvelous time at Shea Vineyard 14 Tom Fitzpatrick Sarah Gallagher Cathy Grimes and Kerry Gorman at Alloro 15 The Chairmen induct David Polite into the WineGeese Society in the barn at Carlton Hill 16 David explains the croquet rules to the assembled WineGeese 17 The spectacular view atop Carlton Hill is ignored by the competitors 18 Cathy Grimes and Kevin Curley take second place 15 13 14 12 16 17 18 Los Angeles West Coast Golf Classic SEPTEMBER 2015 Event Chairs Tom Barry and Jim Layden hosted a spectacular day of golf at the exclusive Bel-Air Country Club in Los Angeles one of the most challenging courses in California. The course starts with one of the most dramatic rst tees in the game perched on the top of a hill overlooking U.C.L.A. and the Westwood section of Los Angeles. This was the third annual West Coast Golf Classic and it was a magnicent setting for this invitational competition on a warm sunny day. Leading the foursomes were Bill Folan Mike Dunleavy Sr. Colin McCaerty and Joe Morrison. Previous winners Bill Folan and Mike Dunleavy Sr. were back to regain the winning title however Jim Laydens winning team of Barry OBrien Brian OCuiv and Conor Shalloe took the honors. They were presented with a striking Golf Swing trophy produced in Ireland by Celtic Roots hand-carved out of a piece of bog oak wood almost 5000 years old. West Coast Director Marjorie Muldowney greeted a keen group of returning players including Tyler Barth Brendan Carroll Matthew Doran as well as James Kearney Dave Larkin and Dermot Tuohy. New players included Aaron Wood Bill Caerky Ray Conboy Rob Freelen JBeau Lewis Sam Rubin Frank OBrien and Pat OKeee. National Board Director Harry Hartford joined the party at the Top of the Tee reception along with Los Angeles Regional Advisory Board Members Kaitlyn Caerky Conor Shalloe Brendan Carroll Sean Kneafsey and Patricia Danaher. The party grew with the welcome addition of Margaret Hayhurst actress Olivia Tracey Chris Kyle Melissa Caerky Sylvia Wood and actress Amy Shiels. 14th Annual Philadelphia Golf Classic SEPTEMBER 2015 The 14th annual American Ireland Fund Philadelphia Golf Classic took place at the Philadelphia Cricket Club. Golfers were fortunate with perfect conditions for a great day of golf while supporting some tremendous Irish charities. The event honored Patrick Murphy who will soon be named Undersecretary of The United States Army. He is the rst veteran of the Iraq War to be elected to the United States House of Representatives representing Pennsylvanias 8th Congressional district from 2007 to 2011. He is now the anchor of Taking the Hill on MSNBC and is also a partner at Fox Rothschild LLP. Supporters had the opportunity to try their luck at the hole-in-one contest for a VIP trip to Ireland sponsored by Jameson. However the course proved to be a challenging one with no one getting even close. Congratulations to Matt Walsh who won the long drive competition. On conclusion of the golf and competitions supporters were welcomed by National Director of The Young Leaders Pat Tully. Pat thanked the generous presenting sponsor Michael Gallagher and Pepper Hamilton LLP along with the other sponsors. Following the live auction Pat introduced honoree former Congressman Patrick Murphy who delivered a warm speech about his involvement with The American Ireland Fund. Congratulations to the overall winning foursomePat Ward of Penn Liberty Bank and his colleagues P.J. Stapleton Jim Quinlan and Jim Clark. The American Ireland Fund GOLF JBeau Lewis Marjorie Muldowney Sam Rubin 2015 West Coast Golf Classic players with Tom Barry and Jim Layden Bob Petit Andrew Milligan Mike Gallagher John McCruddenFran McCartan Michael Nolan Chris Carroll Brian OCuiv Barry OBrien Jim Layden Conor Shalloe Pat Ward Patrick Murphy PJ Stapleton 64connect 2016 65connect 2016 Thirteenth Annual New Jersey Golf Classic SEPTEMBER 2015 Over 100 golfers arrived at Bayonne Golf Club to play Irish links style golf in New Jersey. Pat Tully National Director of the Young Leaders greeted the guests and thanked the presenting sponsors BMW and Delta Air Lines and golfers before sending them out for the 11am shotgun start. Out on the course the golfers competed in multiple skills contests including closest to the pin longest drive straightest drive and a hole-in-one competition with a rst-class golf trip to Ireland aboard Delta Air Lines as well as a putting contest with a chance to win a BMW bicycle. The guests then moved into the dining room for dinner and were addressed by The Worldwide Ireland Funds President and CEO Kieran McLoughlin. Kieran then introduced the Co-Chairs Matthew McBride and Patrick Leahy who addressed the supporters and introduced the evenings honoree Chuck Reagan. Chuck has been a loyal supporter of The American Ireland Fund and has attended all 13 of the NJ Golf Classics. Chuck spoke about the importance of philanthropy and his connections to The American Ireland Fund and to Ireland itself. Pat Tully then followed up with a spirited live auction that included a VIP trip to the US Open Tennis tournament in 2016 and a trip for 4 people to meet the Zac Brown Band at any stop within the US on their tour with Delta Air Lines generously providing the travel. The Dallas Shamrock Shootout OCTOBER 2015 The 22nd Dallas Shamrock Shootout was hosted by American Ireland Fund Board Director Kevin Curley to benet Integrated Education in Northern Ireland. Amid bright Texas sunshine the overall winning team of Fionn MacCumhaill GAA Club team comprised of Ronan Noonan Peter Kenny Barry OReilly and American Ireland Fund Young Leader Davey Devlin came up the fairway slightly ahead of Greg Boots team comprised of Greg Lucas Boyd Pat Walsh and Joe Shockey for an exciting nish. All retired to the clubhouse for a grand nale of dinner drinks and auction. In attendance were Young Leader Kevin Curley II and AIF Board Member Mike Corboy. Brian Small Fundraising Manager NI from the Integrated Education Fund attended from Ireland and brought along Jake Proctor an 18-year-old product of integrated schooling in Northern Ireland. They expressed their profound gratitude to Kevin for his support of their cause. The Shootout has raised around 1M since its inception and Kevin recently had a nursery school in Cranmore near Belfast named in his honor as recognition of his dedication to peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland. Matthew McBride Kieran McLoughlin Patrick Leahy Chuck Reagan Joe Posch Brian Small Kevin Curley Tim OBrien Pat OBrien Joe Matina Shane Naughton David Turner Shaun Kelly Ronan Noonan Peter Kenny Barry OReilly The 2015 NJ Golf Classic Committee Debbie Breslin Kevin Curley Brian Digan AROUND THE WORLD THE AMERICAN IRELAND FUND NEW YORK JULY 2015 The New York Young Leaders and supporters gathered at Patroon in Midtown Manhattan for their annual Summer In The City celebration. Led by New York Steering Committee Chair Rob MacGoey over 100 Young Leaders friends and supporters braved summer storms to enjoy a night of fun and philanthropy for the Promising Ireland Campaign. Young Leader friend and favorite John Malone provided live entertainment on the guitar. Giants Super Bowl champion Adam Koets and actor Holt McCallany were the evenings special guests. SEPTEMBER 2015 The New York Young leaders gathered at the residence of Irelands Consul General in New York Barbara Jones for a reception and roundtable conversation with Simon Harris Irelands Minister of State Departments of Finance Expenditure and Reform. Young Leaders from the world of nance law and many other areas joined Minister Harris to discuss the current state of the Irish economy and hear about Irelands plans for job growth and attracting foreign direct investment. Minister Harris was eager to hear the opinions and thoughts of the young Irish diaspora and candidly answered questions from the Young Leaders. New York Young Leaders Summer in the City New York Leadership Forum with Minister Harris 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 Tom Kennedy Whitney Kennedy Mary Beth Glaccum 2 Taya Wyss Koets Adam Koets Shane OCallaghan Siobhan Byrne Bryan Murray Lauren Dahl Matlosz Jillian Sapperstein 3 JP Donleavy Naomi McMahon Maria Fortune Trish Donleavy Nik Quaife 1 Rob MacGoey Minister Simon Harris 2 Rob MacGoey Kelly Jones Dean Thomas Katie Gassert Pat Tully Minister Simon Harris Barbara Jones Kieran McLoughlin Tara McCabe Brendan McKeever Kyle Cliord 3 Kyle Cliord Kelly Jones 66connect 2016 67connect 2013 NEW YORK THE AMERICAN IRELAND FUND AROUND THE WORLD 67connect 2016 SEPTEMBER 2015 The New York Young Leaders gathered for a private screening of the acclaimed documentary I Am Chris Farley. The event was hosted by the Executive Producer of the documentary Kevin Farley brother of the late Chris Farley. The evening began with a welcome cocktail reception at Neuehouse a private members only club co-founded by New York Young Leader James OReilly. Irish TV was on hand to conduct an interview with Kevin Farley about the documentary and to discuss the Irish heritage of the Farley family. The guests then moved into the screening room where the National Director of The Young Leaders Pat Tully welcomed the guests. After the lm Pat hosted a QA with Kevin Farley. SEPTEMBER 2015 To mark the historic inaugural visit by Pope Francis to the United States The American Ireland Fund hosted a reception on the eve of his New York arrival at the home of Christopher Hyland. The evening also marked the launch of Irish Jesuit Fr. Michael Collins new book Pope Francis A Photographic Portrait of the Peoples Pope written in collaboration with the Popes ocial photographer Rodolfo Felici. Rodolfo Felici is the fourth generation of his family to act as the Popes ocial photographer. Christopher Hyland welcomed guests to his home and Kieran McLoughlin President and CEO of The Worldwide Ireland Funds highlighted the historic nature of the Popes visit to the US. Finally Fr. Michael Collins thanked guests for attending and acknowledged the generosity of Rodolfo Felici who donated all of the photographs. The New York Young Leaders Private Screening New York Gallery Circle Reception 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 The audience 2 Orla Tinsley Katie Curley Kate Anderson Nicole Tramontano Tara McCabe 3 Kevin Farley Pat Tully 1 Fr. Michael Collins John Fitzpatrick 2 Christopher Hyland Fr. Michael Collins Annette Lester Kieran McLoughlin Constantino Castellano 3 Tom Quick Christopher Hyland 68connect 2016 AROUND THE WORLD THE AMERICAN IRELAND FUND NEW YORK DECEMBER 2015 The New York Young Leaders gathered for their annual Celtic Christmas Celebration at the Route 66 Smokehouse for a festive Christmas Barbeque themed evening. National Director of The Young Leaders Pat Tully recapped the numerous events that had made up a great year the global Young Leaders culminating in the Celtic Christmas Celebration where they named the 2015 Young Leader of the Year. The annual award goes to the Young Leader who personied the spirit of The Ireland Funds by working tirelessly to raise the prole of and vital funds for the work of The Ireland Funds. The Award was presented to Young Leader Kelly Jones a partner at the law rm Harris Beach PLLC focusing on litigation. Kelly Co-Chaired the St. Patricks celebration gathering over 700 supporters to raise money for Irish causes. New York Young Leaders Celtic Christmas 1 2 3 1 Kelly Jones Jen Barry 2 Dean Thomas Tom Kennedy Whitney Kennedy Ann Murtagh 3 Patrick Bogues guest ADBoston Scientific Copyright 2015 by Boston Scientic Corporation or its afliates. All rights reserved. At Boston Scientic we transform lives by advancing science in ways that help patients live longer healthier lives. Beyond those millions of patients we are helping communities build and experience a stronger healthier world. Working together locally and globally can lead to millions more 70connect 2016 AROUND THE WORLD THE AMERICAN IRELAND FUND BOSTON JULY 2015 Over 125 people joined the annual Nantucket Celebration held at the summer home Innisfree of Ambassador Elizabeth Frawley Bagley. The waterfront venue provided a stunning setting for a spirited cocktail party. The event was Co-Chaired by Bob Laura Reynolds Chris Ann Quick and Jim Susan Geraghty and the evenings special guest was Emmy-nominated actress producer Roma Downey. Her remarks were the evenings highlight as she spoke about her roots in Northern Ireland her career as actress and director spawned by her early years with The Abbey Theater and the vital work funded by The American Ireland Fund. Kieran McLoughlin President CEO of The Worldwide Ireland Funds then announced that a 1 million pledge to The American Ireland Fund for The Irish Arts Center was being made by Roma Downey. Among the guests attending were MSNBCs Chris Matthews and his wife Kathleen Matthews Linda Holliday and New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick Vanity Fair feature writer Maureen Orth and her son Luke Russert of MSNBC President CEO of Natixis John Hailer and his wife Maureen. Also attending were Nantucket Committee Members George Albrecht Ben Barnes Bill Cindy Burke Kevin Callahan Bob Crowe Jack Lisa Dunfey Marybeth Gilmartin Mike Rebecca Greeley Bart Lesley Grenier Linda Holliday Scott Sheila Knight Bob Laurie Monahan Bob Mooney Maureen Orth John Osborn Bruce Elisabeth Percelay and Guy DeDe Snowden and Bob Suzanne Wright. Nantucket Celebration 1 3 2 4 1 Roma Downey Linda Holliday Bill Belichick 2 Bob Crowe Amb. Elizabeth Frawley Bagley Guy Snowden Ben Barnes 3 Elizabeth Vasily Luke Russert Cheryl Fudge 4 Kieran McLoughlin Steve Greeley Amb. Elizabeth Frawley Bagley Roma Downey John Fitzpatrick 71connect 2016 BOSTON THE AMERICAN IRELAND FUND AROUND THE WORLD AUGUST 2015 The Sixth Annual Irish Night on Cape Cod was held on the Ocean Terrace at Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club in Brewster MA. The American Ireland Fund National Board Director and longtime supporter Joe Corcoran was once again the host at his resort with over 140 attendees including Irish Consul General Breandn Caolla and his wife Carmel. Steve Greeley New England Director of The American Ireland Fund spoke about the Irish bond shared by those gathered. Host Joe Corcoran also welcomed guests and spoke about his deep appreciation of his Irish heritage and admiration for the work of The American Ireland Fund. Chairs John Tracee Hynes Kevin Rita Gill and Ed Jenn Murphy led the Committee to a most successful night. Committee Members included Steve Kathryn Brackett Jack Trish Brennan Jay Calnan Chris Nancy Coburn Kip Peggy Condron Bill Barb Connolly Joe Corcoran Jim Kerrie Coughlin John Kathy Drew Ryan Maura Fitzpatrick Tom Gina Flannery John Maureen Hailer Jay Linda Hooley John Carla Morey Tom Shelly ONeill Matthew Margaret Power Scott Nancy Powers Jack Alissa Sebastian and Mike Carolyn Stevens. Many Boston Young Leaders also attended including Shane Jessica Early Joanna Litsas Georgia Litsas Christine Gill Marianne Gill Stephanie Gill Tommy Greeley and Chris Steele. An Irish Night on Cape Cod 1 3 2 4 1 Joe Corcoran 2 Lauren Hooley John Coppo Jay Hooley Allie Hooley Joe Pecce 3 Kevin Gill Marianne Gill Rita Gill Stephanie Gill Christine Gill 4 Joe Ursala Gray Ed Murphy Taki Pantazopolous Georgia Litsas Joanna Litsas 72connect 2016 AROUND THE WORLD THE AMERICAN IRELAND FUND BOSTON JULY 2015 140 of Bostons Young Leaders celebrated summer at the Bostonia Public House owned by Young Leader Dave Greaney. The American Ireland Fund New England Director Steve Greeley spoke about the Funds recently completed grant round. Young Leader Chris Hagan outlined Boston plans for the upcoming Irish Run the World 5K Race. Thank you to the Summer Social Committee Pat Burek Terry Connell Ryan Connolly Dianna Curry Ellen Donovan Shane Early Maggie Flatley Danielle Frissell Clancy Galgay Stephanie Gill Mike Rebecca Greeley Tommy Greeley Chris Brenda Hagan Kelsey Johnson Joanna Litsas Mike Elizabeth Lynch Dana Sanderson Pat Savery and Steve Sypek. DECEMBER 2015 The Boston Young Leaders welcomed the holiday season with their annual Christmas Social at gracious host Young Leader Dave Greaneys well-known Boston Public House. Over 150 guests enjoyed the celebration which carried on well past the scheduled hour a Boston tradition. New England Director Steve Greeley recounted the Boston Young Leaders highlights from 2015 and spoke about the vital programs aided by the Young Leaders eorts. Young Leader Julie Quinn a Summit veteran invited the group to join her at the upcoming Young Leaders Summit in New York. Boston Young Leaders Summer Social Boston Young Leaders Christmas Social 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 Molly Cox Christine Gill Stephanie Gill Perry Beal Marianne Gill 2 Chris Brenda Hagan Shane Early 3 Bethany Scalise Steve Greeley Marissa Bertorelli 1 Steve Greeley Alex Wayman Lia Wayman Tommy Greeley 2 Chris Steele Stephanie Gill Patrick Gill Dan Grin Christine Gill 3 Matt Gaughan Josh Harrell Pat Burek BOSTON THE AMERICAN IRELAND FUND AROUND THE WORLD NOVEMBER 2015 1200 guests gathered for The American Ireland Fund 34th Annual Boston Gala at the Westin Boston Waterfront. A record-breaking 2.6 million the largest amount ever achieved at the Boston Gala was raised for The Worldwide Ireland Funds Promising Ireland Campaign to support nonprot organizations across the island of Ireland and around the world. The event was chaired by Mike Mahoney CEO of Boston Scientic. Vice Chairmen were Andrew Arnott President and CEO of John Hancock Investments and Jack Sebastian of Goldman Sachs. In attendance were Senator Edward Markey Governor Charlie Baker Mayor Marty Walsh and noted business and community leader Jack Connors among other leading Boston civic philanthropic and business leaders. The 2015 Gala honored Anne Finucane Vice Chairman of Bank of America and National Director of The American Ireland Fund. Young Cian Smith a world 12-and-under champion pipes player played his Uilleann pipes to the delight of the room which embraced him with a standing ovation. Tributes were made to Honoree Anne Finucane from Mayor Marty Walsh Senator Ed Markey and Governor Charlie Baker along with a video tribute with appearances by among others Bono and Brian Moynihan Chairman of Bank of America. The evening then reached its high point with the remarks of Anne Finucane who wove narratives of her own familys immigrant history with those immigrant histories of her good friends Jack Connors Loretta Brennan Glucksman and Mayor Marty Walsh. Jack Connors saluted Anne Finucane and presented her with a Waterford bowl. Boston Gala 1 73connect 2016 AROUND THE WORLD THE AMERICAN IRELAND FUND BOSTON 74connect 2016 2 4 6 3 5 7 75connect 2016 BOSTON THE AMERICAN IRELAND FUND AROUND THE WORLD 8 10 12 9 11 13 AROUND THE WORLD THE AMERICAN IRELAND FUND BOSTON 76connect 2016 14 16 17 15 1 Mayor Marty Walsh Anne Finucane Gov. Charlie Baker Sen. Ed Markey 2 Bob Reynolds Mike Mahoney Anne Finucane Steve Greeley 3 Cian Smith 4 Mike Mahoney Amb. Anne Anderson Miceal Chamberlain 5 Dave Greaney Steve Greeley Dave Fitzgerald Gil Dailey 6 Karen McCaerty Cheri Farley KC Arnott 7 Jack Sebastian Kevin Beatty 8 Mike Mahoney 9 Beau Coash Steve Greeley Casey Condron Bob Harrington 10 Karen Kaplan Anne Finucane 11 Mike Mahoney Andy Arnott Jim Boyle 12 Jack Connors 13 Jack Connors Anne Finucane Steve Greeley 14 John Carroll Caitlin Crowe Devin Condron 15 Kieran McLoughlin Consulate General of Ireland Fionnuala Quinlan 16 Alex Snickenberger Jon Timmons Mike Mangiaco Ronan McCullough Joe Kasper Colin Cooney Jessica Halpern Dave Cushing Dennis Burns Dick Connolly Joseph Harney 17 Steve Greeley John Fitzpatrick Julie Mike Mahoney WASHINGTON D.C. THE AMERICAN IRELAND FUND AROUND THE WORLD 77connect 2016 OCTOBER 2015 The Washington DC Young Leaders gathered at the Embassy of Ireland for their annual Samhain Irish Halloween celebration. Those who arrived without costume or disguise were oered a selection of masks to join in the fun. Michael Lonergan Deputy Chief of Mission welcomed the Young Leaders and hosted the evening on behalf of the Embassy of Ireland. He thanked them for their support of Ireland and Irish charities through their involvement with The American Ireland Fund. National Director of the Young Leaders Pat Tully introduced Pat Breen Chairman of Irelands Oireachtas Foreign Aairs Trade Committee. Pat thanked The American Ireland Fund for caring for Ireland for almost 40 years and also thanked the DC Steering Committee for their hard work and dedication. Washington DC Young Leaders Halfway to St. Patricks Day Young Leaders Samhain An Irish Halloween 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 Halfway To St Patricks Committee 2 Carissa Maguire Michael Kelly Kelly Dragelin 3 Carissa Maguire Patrick Murray Megan Molloy Kelly Dragelin 1 Chris Lucey Megan Molloy Karen McMonagle 2 The DC Young Leaders and their Samhain masks 3 John Green Nora Cloherty Katherine Wynne SEPTEMBER 2015 Over 150 Young Leaders and supporters of The American Ireland Fund packed Bobby Vans Grill on New York Avenue to raise money for the Promising Ireland Campaign and recognize two outstanding Irish-Americans Patrick Murray and Michael Kelly. National Director of the Young Leaders Pat Tully greeted the supporters and welcomed Michael Lonergan Deputy Head of Mission from the Embassy of Ireland and Stewart Matthews First Secretary of the Northern Ireland Bureau. They thanked The American Ireland Fund for all they have done over the years for organizations serving the commu- nities across Ireland and Northern Ireland. Steering Committee Chair Megan Molloy thanked the event committee and intro- duced the rst honoree of the evening Patrick Murray who received the inaugural Patriot Award for his heroism and service and now assists recovering Marines at The Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Event Co-Chair Carissa Maguire introduced the Irish Spirit Award recipient actor Michael Kelly. Michael is an Emmy-nominated actor for his role as White House Chief of Sta Doug Stamper in the hit Netix show House of Cards. Michael is also starring in the lm thriller Everest. 78connect 2016 AROUND THE WORLD THE AMERICAN IRELAND FUND LOS ANGELES JULY 2015 The Los Angeles Regional Advisory Board of The American Ireland Fund assembled for a Leadership Forum Luncheon at The California Club downtown. Founded in 1888 The California Club is the second oldest private social club in Southern California. Guest speaker was Irish Ambassador Anne Anderson visiting from Washington DC. Since her appointment she has made it a priority to strengthen economic trade and investment ties with the U.S. focus on changes in U.S. immigration legislation support key issues relating to Northern Ireland as well as deepening the vibrant cultural connection that exists between Ireland and the U.S. Following a warm welcome from West Coast Director Marjorie Muldowney the Ambassador spoke on these topics and paid special tribute to the work of The American Ireland Fund particularly with regard to its role in the peace process in Northern Ireland. After her presentation she graciously took questions from the oor relating to immigration and her role as the rst woman in several of her career positions. The Ambassador was joined by Consul General Philip Grant and Honorary Consul Finbar Hill. Guests included Susan Harry Hartford Tom Barry Kaitlyn Caerky Alan Hearty Sean Kneafsey Brendan Carroll Patricia Danaher and Conor Shalloe. Norman Houston and Lorraine Turner were there from the Northern Ireland Bureau Michelle Loughran and Deirdre Moran of the IDA and Lindsey Stephen Aherne from the Irish Immigration Pastoral Center in San Diego also attended. Other guests included Joe Watters Carmel Hill and Olivia Tracey. Special thanks to National AIF Board Director Harry Hartford for leading the group at this unique event. Los Angeles Leadership Forum Luncheon 1 4 2 5 3 6 1 Marjorie Muldowney Amb. Anne Anderson 2 Susan Harry Hartford 3 Hon. Consul Gen. Finbar Hill Deirdre Moran Norman Houston Michelle Loughran 4 Joe Watters Sean Kneafsey 5 Olivia Tracey 6 Alan Hearty Consul Gen. Philip Grant Amb. Anne Anderson Marjorie Muldowney Joe Watters 79connect 2016 SAN FRANCISCO THE AMERICAN IRELAND FUND AROUND THE WORLD AUGUST 2015 The San Francisco Giants Irish Heritage Night was held at ATT Park. West Coast Director Marjorie Muldowney welcomed a buoyant bunch of San Francisco Young Leaders to a pre-game reception at Momos Restaurant. There were many new faces in the group including Brendan Connellan and his wife Alexis Innes Bob Kevitt Nick Ginger and Ronan Roche. It was pleasure to welcome brothers Pancho and Guillermo McLoughlin visiting from Argentina as well as Mairead Kavanagh Orla Cliord and Eoin Keane Jake Malanoski Nisha Kamat Paula Byrne and Jessica Dal Porto. Patrick Murphy Mark Muldowney Jackie Durant Deirdre Moran Kevin Mannion and Fiona Muldowney were there too. Thanks also for generous support from Vice Consul Kevin Byrne Niall Fitzgerald Tim Cronin Stephanie Ruiz and Jack Prendergast. San Francisco Young Leaders Pre-Summit Brunch San Francisco Young Leaders Giants Irish Heritage Night 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 LJ Prendergast Ian Casey 2 Jessica Dal Porto David Nolan Aislinn Marron 3 Brendan Connellan Deirdre Fallon Emma McGurk Alexia Connellan 1 Young Leaders 2 Ronan Roche LJ Prendergast Jake Malanoski Jessica Dal Porto 3 Jackie Durant Fiona Muldowney DECEMBER 2015 San Franciscos American Ireland Fund Young Leaders gathered at Original Joes located in the heart of San Franciscos bustling Italian district. Event Chairs LJ Prendergast and Ian Casey kicked o the festive season and were joined by Irelands Vice Consul Kevin Byrne who spoke enthusiastically about the work of The Ireland Funds and by San Francisco Young Leaders Chair Mike McGrath. Ian Casey and LJ Prendergast welcomed guests and gave an overview of the important philanthropic work of the Fund and the value in attending the upcoming Young Leaders Global Summit in New York January 14-17 2016. Guests included Oisin Heneghan Ciaran Byrne Eoghan Keane Katie Slattery David Nolan Aislinn Marron Nick Ginger Emma McGurk Jake Malanoski and Alan McGlinchey. Also present were Jessica Dal Porto Brendan Alexia Fallon Stephanie Ruiz Mike Stack Elizabeth Carter Philip Gilsenan Kevin Conroy and Deirdre Fallon. 80connect 2016 AROUND THE WORLD THE AMERICAN IRELAND FUND SAN FRANCISCO NOVEMBER 2015 Close to 300 guests gathered at the Four Seasons Hotel for a bubbling aair. Following a champagne reception and the sounds of Vince Chiurazzi on piano guests were welcomed by Irelands Vice Consul Kevin Byrne. West Coast Director Marjorie Muldowney greeted the guests singling out Chairs Mary Dunleavy-Cassidy and Eileen Moore. Corporate Sponsor Eversheds was represented by Gareth Coen Director US Client Relationships and Marie McGinley Partner. Special guests included Board Directors Pauline Ryan and Bart Murphy and Emeryville Police Chief Jennifer Tejada. Longtime friends of the AIF attended including Maureen Sullivan Meagan Levitan Suzi Tinsley Kathleen Ryan and Erin Ebeling. San Francisco Fire Chief Joanne Hayes-White introduced Guest Speaker Dee Ahearn CEO of Barretstown. Dee Ahearn spoke passionately about Barretstown founded by actor Paul Newman in 1994 modelled on his renowned Hole in the Wall Gang Camp in Connecticut. The Camp serves children aected by serious illnessesprimarily cancer and serious blood diseases. Special thanks to Honorary Chairs EJ Tracy Pauline Ryan Olivia Gaynor-Long and to Maryon Davies Lewis for their fabulous support. Deepest appreciation also goes to Cinta Murphy Helen Hartnett at The Irish Technology Leader- ship Group ITLG The Alice Phelan Sullivan Corporation and Ginny Kavanaugh for their generous support. The Luncheon Drawing included a spectacular Ireland trip sponsored by The Merrion Hotel Dromoland Castle and Sheen Falls Lodge. Other sponsors included Cinta Salon San Francisco Giants MoMos Restaurant Fitzpatrick Hotel Group Irish Repertory Theatre Four Seasons Hotel and Kekes Kitchen. The San Francisco Womens Luncheon 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 1 Eileen Moore Dee Ahearn Mary Dunleavey-Cassidy Tim ODea 2 Marjorie Muldowney Jeannie Sangiacomo 3 Guest Siobhan Lawlor Mary Casey Lucy Kuchen 4 Maureen Sullivan Mary Toboni 5 Helen Hartnett and ITLG Guests 6 Anne Goyette Linda Lane 7 Deanna Moore Natalie Moore Emily Moore Sheila Thurston 8 Gareth Coen Marie McGinley Guests ADCPL Anne Heraty CEO Cpl Resources plc. t 01 614 6116 e Contact us for more information on how we can help your business adapt. Adaptability Staffing Solutions for Dynamic Organisations Cpl is a global Irish company working with local customers and multinationals through a network of 36 offices across 9 countries. Cpl adapt to our clients evolving talent acquisition challenges through a blended portfolio of services Scaling for non-core headcount projects Permanent Recruitment Contracting Temporary Recruitment Outsourced Recruitment HR Business Support Services HR Hospitality Catering Sales Marketing Accounting Banking Insurance Finance Customer Service Science Engineering Supply Chain ICT Telecoms Software Development Legal We also provide recruitment services across the following sectors 82connect 2016 AROUND THE WORLD THE AMERICAN IRELAND FUND CHICAGO JULY 2015 Michael Kay O Halleran hosted the Chicago Regional Advisory Board Dinner and Leadership Forum in their home and garden featuring spectacular views of Chicago. The Hon. Aidan Cronin the Irish Consul General gave an overview on current events in Ireland. The dinner was preceded by the quarterly Regional Advisory Board meeting. This Dinner and Leadership Forum is an annual event which gathers together Regional Advisory Board members their spouses and guests and a featured speaker. It was a wonderful summer evening of camaraderie. SEPTEMBER 2015 Over 70 Chicago Young Leaders set sail aboard Shorelines Celebration boat on their annual Summer Sunset Cruise. Led by event Chairs Kelly Cannon and Abbey Canning the Young Leaders enjoyed a perfect summers evening and the City of Chicagos spectacular reworks show. Pat McKillen provided the music and entertainment. It was a great opportunity to thank Chicagos Young Leaders for their eorts in raising support for the Promising Ireland Campaign. Chicago Regional Advisory Board Dinner and Leadership Forum Chicago Young Leaders Summer Sunset and Fireworks Boat Cruise 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 Marilynn Gardner Patrick Canning Bridget Reidy Bridget Monahan 2 Devon Bruce Debbie Joe Walsh Niamh King 3 Bob Linda Sullivan Kay Michael OHalleran 1 Chad Richardson Nick Parrish David Shine Colleen Nolan Kelly Cannon Bridget Tully 2 Bridgette Fox Lizzie Finnegan Marikate Finnegan Madelaine Clarke 3 Back row Chad Richardson Meghan Lee Bridget Monahan David Shine Patrick Ryan Nick Parrish Front row Michael Mulligan Abbey Canning Colleen Nolan Katie Nallon Kelly Cannon 83connect 2016 CHICAGO THE AMERICAN IRELAND FUND AROUND THE WORLD OCTOBER 2015 The American Ireland Fund and the Consul General of Ireland Orla Mc Breen invited the Chicago Regional Advisory Board and other Chicago business leaders to a breakfast with Gerald Nash T.D. Minister of State for Business and Employment at the Department of Jobs Enterprise and Innovation on the occasion of his visit to Chicago. Minister Nash appreciated the opportunity to brief the business community on the latest developments in Ireland and to hear their views on the opportunities for Ireland in Chicago and the Midwest. The event was hosted by Devon Bruce Vice-Chairman of The American Ireland Fund Regional Advisory Board at his oce Power Rogers Smith. Chicago Leadership Forum with Minister Gerald Nash 1 2 4 3 1 Bob Carey Enda Meehan 2 Dan Sullivan M. Bridget Reidy Devon Bruce 3 Gerald Nash Dan Sullivan 4 Bridget Reidy Orla McBreen Gerald Nash NOVEMBER 2015 The American Ireland Fund hosted its 31st Annual Chicago Dinner at the Hilton Chicago. Over 500 guests gathered to honor Robert A. Sullivan President and CEO Fifth Third Bank Chicago with The American Ireland Fund 2015 Leadership Award and Thomas J. Cashman Member Chicago Board of Trade with The American Ireland Fund 2015 Founders Award. The 2015 American Ireland Fund Chicago Dinner was chaired by Michael OHalleran Executive Chairman of AON Beneld. The event celebrated Irish culture and heritage and generated support for The Worldwide Ireland Funds Promising Ireland Campaign. Midwest Regional Director Roseann Finnegan LeFevour welcomed the guests. Both the Chairman of The American Ireland Fund John Fitzpatrick and the President and CEO of The Worldwide Ireland Funds Kieran McLoughlin spoke about the impact the dinner would have on nonprot organizations across the island of Ireland and around the world. Tom Meagher the Chair of The American Ireland Fund Regional Advisory Board presented the award to Bob Sullivan. Bob spoke about his Irish heritage his family and the need to give back. Michael OHalleran the Chair of the Dinner presented the award to Tom Cashman who as an original founder of The American Fund in Chicago shared the interesting history of the organizations early days in Chicago. 31st Annual Chicago Dinner 1 4 7 8 2 5 3 6 1 Bob Linda Sullivan Michael OHalleran John Cooney 2 Dr. Erin Malone Eoin McCann Caroline Gavin Tierney Ann David Tom ONeill 3 Kieran McLoughlin Marilynn Gardner Tom Cashman Peggy Mike Meagher 4 Amy Moore Matt Moore Joan Kim 5 John Fitzpatrick 6 Tom Meagher Bob Sullivan 7 Tom Cashman Michael OHalleran 8 Emery Boehm Meghan Ori M. Bridget Reidy Lou Ori Caitlin Ori Beth Ann Amado Jim Amado Therese Ready Dani OToole John Ready 84connect 2016 AROUND THE WORLD THE AMERICAN IRELAND FUND CHICAGO 85connect 2016 DALLAS THE AMERICAN IRELAND FUND AROUND THE WORLD NOVEMBER 2015 An Irish estate in the middle of Dallas is where the 2016 Texas Emerald Ball committee kicked o its inaugural meeting. The meeting was hosted by Phyllis Glazer. Artifacts from Ireland were everywhere including a 100-year-old bathtub that the hostess discovered in the middle of a eld in County Roscommon and some Irish country road signs. Lunch was organic smoked salmon own in from the Burren in the west of Ireland by Emerald Ball Chairman Rachel Ganey Smith. Homemade Irish bread scones and cheeses also topped the menu. Eighteen committee members attended and eagerly accepted their assignments. All agreed it was the most productive kick-o meeting they had ever attended. It certainly was in keeping with The Ireland Funds modus operandi of keeping the fun in philanthropy. Attending the meeting were Elizabeth Hunt Blanc Netta Blanchard Vera Brook Kelley Geary Burks Shelly Codd Lou Ann Corboy Rachel Ganey Phyllis Glazer Sharon Walsh Heernan Vicki Howland Aileen Ketterick Jenny Murphy Darina Padian Kersten Rettig Amanda Ryan Karla Stover Barbara Warren Sutton and Bobbie Sue Williams. NOVEMBER 2015 The Texas Chapter of the Young Leaders received a personal tour of the Ground Zero 360 Exhibit currently on display at Jesuit College Preparatory at a Leadership Forum with Paul McCormack former commanding ocer of the 41st precinct of the New York City Police Department. He and his wife Nicola McClean an Irish photojournalist conveyed the chaos courage and emotions of September 11 2001 through photographs steel pieces from the World Trade Center as well as artifacts on loan from the families of rst-responders. The group was served wine and light hors doeuvres immediately following the tour. Michael Fitzpatrick Chairman of the Texas Young Leaders discussed the upcoming events for 2016. Everyone was encouraged to keep the memory of 911 alive both at home and throughout the world. Texas Emerald Ball Kick-O Luncheon Dallas Young Leaders Leadership Forum Ground Zero 360 Exhibit 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 Front Phyllis Glazer Clockwise from left Karla Stover Aileen Ketterick Jenny Murphy Kelley Geary Burks Vera Brook Sharon Walsh Heernan Darina Padian Shelly Codd Netta Blanchard Lou Ann Corboy Bobbie Sue Williams Vicki Howland Barbara Warren Sutton Amanda Ryan Elizabeth Hunt Blanc and Kersten Rettig. 2 Sharon Walsh Heernan Rachel Ganey Amanda Ryan Aileen Ketterick Jenny Murphy and Shelly Codd. 3 Vicki Howland Phyllis Glazer Vera Brook and Darina Padian 1 Mike Earsing Michael Kerrigan Netta Blanchard Elizabeth Hunt Blanc Paul McCormick 2 Paul McCormack 3 Mark Coey Michael Fitzpatrick OCTOBER 2015 The Ireland Fund of Monaco was founded by the great A.W.B. Vincent as a celebration of Irish-Monegasque relations and as a way of generating support for projects linking the two countries particularly in the arts. The October weekends celebrations were the rst since the passing of our dear Billy. He would be so proud of the fact that they were the biggest ever led by his successor as Chairman Olivia Gaynor-Long. A record number of donors and supporters from the U.S. Britain and in particular Ireland joined their Monegasque peers for a series of events interactions and celebrations. The weekend opened with a relaxed soiree in the newly refurbished Yacht Club of Monaco. The group was addressed by Dr. Mary Pearse The Ireland Fund of Monaco Writer in Residence at The Princess Grace Irish Library. Mary spoke about the revolutionary but unsung Irish writer George Moore. She talked about how her time in Monaco gave her space and time to complete her work on this great Irish dramatist novelist and social thinker. On Saturday afternoon lunch time was aboard a yacht in Monte Carlo Bay where visitors took in a panoramic view of this unique part of the world. The highlight was The Ireland Fund of Monaco Gala Dinner at the biggest venue in the principality Le Sporting Founder and voluntary CEO of Chernobyl Children Interna- tional CCI Adi Roche and CCI patron and board member Ali Hewson were presented with one of the leading global humanitarian awards The Princess Grace Humanitarian Award. The award was given in recognition of their incred- ible achievement in helping CCI raise over 100 million since the Chernobyl disaster which was the worlds worst nuclear disaster. HSH Prince Albert II patron of The Ireland Fund of Monaco said There is a calling for us all in life but some just hear that more than others. Adi Roche and Ali Hewson are clearly among those and their response to that call has given hope where there was none. I know that their calling is as strong as ever and the need likewise. I wish them every encouragement and success going forward. The Ireland Fund of Monaco Weekend Celebrations 1 4 2 5 3 6 86connect 2016 AROUND THE WORLD MONACO In a message read out at the event President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins said This is a well-deserved accolade honoring their great dedication to the children of Chernobyl. Chernobyl Children International was founded on a deep spirit of generosity recognizing the common humanity which binds us all. It has enabled the citizens of Ireland to reach out for many years in solidarity and support with those in our international community whose lives and futures were so drastically changed by the nuclear accident in Chernobyl on 26th April 1996. The commitment and hard work of Adi and Ali has ensured that the people of Ireland have never forgotten the children of Chernobyl. Kieran McLoughlin President and CEO of The Worldwide Ireland Funds said Amidst the tragedy of Chernobyl Ali and Adis work shines. Through their courage and tenacity they rescued thousands of children and have given them safe and secure lives. From what could have been a desolate childhood these children now have the chance to forge brighter futures. We are very much aware that the work must continue and at The Worldwide Ireland Funds we wish them every success and support they can get. We are proud to salute and honor Ali and Adi. On receiving the award Adi Roche said We are eternally grateful to The Ireland Fund of Monaco to Prince Albert and to so many people who have supported us here tonight. We accept the award in the name of the Children of Chernobyl who are so often forgotten and relegated to history but who are still very much a part of the unfolding tragedy that is Chernobyl. Ali Hewson said We are immensely proud to receive this award but Adi and I know that it belongs to the Irish volun- teers and supporters of CCI over the three decades since the accident. All that CCI has achieved is due to their dedication. Commenting on the award recipients President of The Ireland Fund of Monaco Olivia Gaynor-Long said it was due recognition of their seless dedication to human rights in the region. Adis and Alis achievements with CCI and the amazing work they continue to do leaves us all in awe. Rais- ing over 100 million to make the lives of Chernobyl children better is a phenomenal achievement from where this all started. Despite almost insurmountable obstacles they continue to give hope to some of the most abandoned and deprived children in Europe. Adi Roches husband Bono was in attendance and presented the evenings award to Adi and Ali in place of HSH Prince Albert II whose attendance was curtailed by the electrical storms across Europe that weekend. Entertainment included Imelda May and the Cast of Riverdance. Guests on Sunday then wound down over lunch at Caf du Paris in the heart of Monte Carlo which was crowned by Irelands victory over Italy in the Rugby World Cup. Yes it was a great party but it was a party with a purpose as a result of which the lives of 300 babies and young children would have been saved. Again something which would make Billy so proud. MONACO AROUND THE WORLD 7 87connect 2016 88connect 2016 AROUND THE WORLD MONACO 9 11 8 10 12 MONACO AROUND THE WORLD 13 14 16 15 1 Julie Shynkarenka Bill McCabe 2 Brian Gaynor-Long Adi Roche Bono Olivia Gaynor-Long Ali Hewson 3 John Rocha Ali Hewson Bono 4 John Fitzpatrick Bono Brian Gaynor-Long Kieran McLoughlin 5 Adi Roche Brian Gaynor-Long David Renate Cronin 6 Kieran McLoughlin Caitriona Gaynor Olivia Gaynor-Long Sarah Cort Marianne Thoumsin Sile Jackson John Fitzpatrick 7 Olivia Gaynor-Long Bono Ali Hewson Adi Roche Anne-Marie Boisbouvier 8 Riverdance 9 Keith Duy Dave Fanning 10 Guests dancing to Imelda May 11 John Fitzpatrick 12 Imelda May 13 Adi Roche Imelda May Bono and the Gypsy Queens 14 Ali Hewson Chantal OSullivan 15 Guests at Cafe du Paris 16 Eileen Bart Murphy 89connect 2016 90connect 2016 Awarded biannually The Ireland Fund of Monaco Residential Bursaries were established to enable writers born or living in Ireland to pursue a current project during a one-month residency at the Princess Grace Irish Library in Monaco. We are pleased to present this personal reection written by author Dr. Mary Pierse on her experi- ence in Monaco About the Author Dr. Mary Pierse has recently taught on the MA course in Womens Studies at University College Cork UCC where since 1999 she has also taught Victorian and n-de-sicle literature colonial literature seventeenthand eighteenth-century poetry. She has held Research Fellowships including an Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences Fellowship at UCC. She compiled and edited Irish Feminisms 1810-1930 Routledge Major Works Series 2010 a ve-volume facsimile set incorporating novels short stories poetry essays and news material most of which had been dicult for scholars to locate previously. She is author of the George Moore entry in The Ency- clopedia of Victorian Literature Wiley Blackwell 2015 and editor of George Moore Artistic Visions and Literary Worlds 2006. Her ongoing research interests relate to artistic synaesthesia and to Irish women writers. The Ireland Fund of Monaco Residential Bursaries AROUND THE WORLD MONACO and privilege it was thanks to The Ireland Fund of Monaco to be Academic-in-Res- idence at the Princess Grace Irish Library. That memorable residency month grant- ed me valuable weeks of literary research and as a glorious bonus it also provided cultural exchange history glamour some unforgettable weather and much fun. My previous and very wonderful 2014 experience at the library directing the George Moore Symposium and lecturing on Irish Feminisms had given me a glimpse of the splendid Moore collection there. Now I revelled in instant simultaneous access to numerous Moore textsthats not possible elsewhere today even in Irelands National Library. In peaceful surroundings I read and thought made copious notes argued with myself and critical commentators and realigned plans for my writing. The truly incomparable Judith Gantley anticipated all possible requests in connection with my research as well as assisting with material for the two classes I gave to students of Lyce Albert I and for the public lecture that I gave on Moore at the n-de-sicle period. She and Graldine Lance make the Princess Grace Irish Library a most hospitable and pleasant place for an academic. They pro- vided great tours of the librarys treasures on Journe du Patrimoine combining knowl- edge of valuable books and artefacts with Irish and local history. On that long busy day Sle Jackson joined them for one ses- sion-a trio of committed Sunday workers To my surprise I was not im- mersed in Moore studies 247. During the Annual Ireland Fund of Monaco Weekend Celebrations I had the unexpected pleasure ofdescribingmyprojecttoTheIrelandFund of Monaco donors and staff at the Yacht Club and on the following evening a kind invita- tion to the Funds glittering Gala at the Salle des toiles-Sporting dt. That latter event was one to remember a night when not even the dramatic hours of electrical storm outside could compete with the sparkle inside. It was a thoroughly enjoyable affair during which the Princess Grace Humanitarian Award was given to Adi Roche and Ali Hewson for their longstanding commitment to Chernobyl Children International.Therewasbrilliantentertain- ment by the Riverdance troupe and Imelda May amongst others. Congratulations and thanks must go to The Ireland Fund of Monaco President Olivia Gaynor-Long and the team for successful fundraising and for the nights gaiety. The third feature of my Monaco sojourn was encountering Monegasque his- tory and culture. Thanks to Judith Gantleys assistance I was able to visit the Muse du Vieux Monaco although it had just closed due to imminent commencement of a 2-year renovation programme and also to see the library and archives at the Palace. In both places the rich complex history and traditions of the Principality were apparent as was the strong commitment to preserv- ing diverse aspects of distinct identity. That latter dedication struck a chord with this native of another small country. The three aspects of my stayfruit- ful research article material successfully gathered social engagements and Mo- naco cultureinterconnected and fused. For that tremendous experience I am deeply grateful to The Ireland Fund of Monaco. What an honour Dr. Mary Pierse DUBLIN SPONSORS AROUND THE WORLD Since 1996the cost of The Ireland Funds operation in Ireland has been met by some of the countrys leading blue chip companies. PARTNER SPONSORS PATRONS THANK YOU We are so grateful for this critical support. It means that we can make grant payments to worthy projects in an amount equal to the value of these sponsorships. These companies have shown an exceptional commitment to The Ireland Funds and we are happy to suggest them as your preferred contacts in Ireland. 91connect 2016 92connect 2016 AROUND THE WORLD DUBLIN SEPTEMBER 2015 The Inaugural Tiany Ireland Funds Luncheon honored inspiring women and was held in Irelands only two-star Michelin restaurant Patrick Guilbaud. The event raised funds and awareness for the work of The Worldwide Ireland Funds. Two outstanding organizations that have benetted from support from The Ireland Funds were highlighted Women For Election a non-partisan organization whose vision is of an Ireland with balanced participation of women and men in political life and Daisyhouse an organization that supports women emerging out of homelessness. Broadcaster Claire Byrne served as the MC and told the capacity room that she was zzing with excitement on such an incredible occasion. Caitriona Fottrell Director Ireland introduced the honoree Loretta Brennan Glucksman saying that it was a point of personal privilege to pay tribute to Loretta in recognition of her profound demonstration of philanthropy to the island of Ireland. Loretta gracefully ac- cepted the honor and encouraged all women to support each other in all that they do. Those who attended included First Lady of Ireland Sabina Higgins Anne Heraty CEO of Cpl Resources award-winning costume designer Joan Bergin and Master of National Maternity Hospital Dr. Rhona Mahony. Co-Chairs of the event Louise Kennedy and Ireland Fund Board Members Caroline Kennedy and Emer Gilvarry were in attendance along with Chairman of The Ireland Funds in Ireland Ronan Foley the sole brave man in the room of inspirational women. The Inaugural Tiany Ireland Funds Womens Lunch 1 4 7 8 2 5 3 6 1 Caroline Kennedy Loretta Brennan Glucksman 2 Guests attending the Tiany Ireland Funds Womens Lunch 3 Orla Gilroy Anne Buckley 4 Loretta Brennan Glucksman 5 Louise Kennedy Sabina Higgins Joan Bergin 6 Claire Byrne 7 Melissa Jones Loretta Brennan Glucksman Claire Byrne Caitriona Fottrell 8 Anne Heraty Avril McHugh ADSheen Falls Dromoland Castle is located at Newmarket-on-Fergus Co. Clare Ireland. The hotel can be contacted at 011 353 61 368144 or 1-800-346-7007 Website Dromoland Castle located in Newmarket-on-Fergus County Clare was built in the 16th century. Majestically set on the shores of Lough Dromoland it is surrounded by over 450 acres of breathtaking scenery including a championship parkland golf course. Lavish interiors ne food and superb wines complement the deluxe accommodations of the Castles 99 guest rooms while Dromoland Castle Golf and Country Club an intimate spa and traditional outdoor recreational opportunities ensure a unique guest experience. A uniquely Irish Destination Dromoland Castle 94connect 2016 AROUND THE WORLD DUBLIN NOVEMBER 2015 The Dublin Young Leaders Leadership Forum Series continued with a superb breakfast brieng from the engaging Louise Phelan. Louise is PayPals Vice President of Global Operations for Europe Middle East and Africa. She leads 2600 teammates in Dublin Dundalk and Berlin working together in a culture of collaboration respect and innovation. Louise is also a non-executive Director at Ryanair and a member of the Action Plan for Jobs Implementation Group. She was the 2014 President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ireland. Louise spoke candidly about her career including her successes and failures. Her advice was clear invest in people compete fearlessly innovate constantly and lead completely. Thanks to host Davy Stockbrokers and to Ireland Young Leaders Chair Alan Foy CEO of Blueface. DECEMBER 2015 The Ireland Funds Young Leaders ocially kicked o Christmas festivities at a reception in the residence of US Ambassador to Ireland Kevin OMalley. Guests arrived to Music Generations Laois Harp Ensemble. The players had benetted from Music Generations music education program which is proudly supported by The Ireland Funds. Ambassador OMalley began the reception by welcoming the Young Leaders to his home. He spoke about the variety of organizations supported by The Ireland Funds and their impact in Ireland. The highlight of the reception was when Caitriona Fottrell Director Ireland took to the podium to ocially announce the 2015 Flagship Grantees Atlantic Corridor Irish Wheel- chair Association PeacePlayers International NI Move4Parkinsons MyMind and Science Gallery Dublin. Caitriona spoke of their outstanding work and recapped the signicant impact of The Ireland Funds 2014 Flagship Grantees. Trevor White of The Little Museum of Dublin which received a 2014 Flagship Grant spoke eloquently about the assistance The Ireland Funds had provided his organization. He highlighted what an endorsement a grant from The Ireland Funds represented. The presentation was concluded by Siobhn Gallagher who spoke about the global Young Leaders network and how it supports the work of The Worldwide Ireland Funds. Leadership Forum Series Breakfast with Louise Phelan The Ireland Funds Young Leaders Annual Christmas Reception 1 1 2 2 3 1 The Ireland Funds Young Leaders 2 Des Collins Louise Phelan Alan Foy Siobhn Gallagher 1 2015 Flagship Grantees Back Lynn Scar Gareth Harper Kathleen McLoughlin Ronan Foley Josephine Bleach Krystian Fikert Caitriona Fottrell Amb. OMalley Front John Fulham Margaret Mullarney 2 George Dargan Des Collins 3 Caitriona Fottrell Trevor Ringland ADCullen W T 353 1 670 5000 Fancy Orange Yellow Diamonds .63CT with White Diamonds .37CT from Cullen Co Fine Jewellers 7 Castle Market Drury Street Dublin 2 Ireland 96connect 2016 AROUND THE WORLD GREAT BRITAIN SEPTEMBER 2015 18 teams gathered to play at the glorious Buckinghamshire Golf Club in support of CMRF Crumlin who are raising funds for the refurbishment and upgrade of Irelands largest childrens hospital Our Ladys Hospital for Sick Children. It was a wonderful day and special thanks must be extended to John OLeary and his team at Bucks for hosting the event. Special thanks also to Jeremy Dale who put on a fantastic show with his skillset as well as all of the other sponsors including but not limited to Byrne Brothers The Doyle Collection and Doran Family Vintners. On behalf of Ruairi Conneely who chaired the event The Ireland Fund of Great Britain thanks all who attended. OCTOBER 2015 Sothebys invited a select group of Ireland Fund of Great Britain donors who have been particularly generous in their support of the arts to a private viewing of their Irish Art Sale which returned to their extensive auction line up for the rst time since 2012. Following the viewing guests were invited by Arabella Bishop Head of Sothebys Ireland to join her and a few other key members of the Sothebys team in the Directors Boardroom for a sumptuous lunch surrounded by the sales highlights. Following lunch British and Irish Art Specialist and Head of Sale Charlie Minter gave guests detailed and intriguing backgrounds on each paintings subject matter and artist. The crown in the collection was an elegant Sir John Lavery piece called Japanese Switzerland which had been on loan to the Hugh Lane Gallery a beneciary of The Ireland Funds for the last two decades. The Ireland Funds Annual Golf Day Sothebys Irish Sale Boardroom Lunch 1 1 32 2 3 1 Stuart Musgrave Emily Musgrave David Musgrave 2 Peter Madden Simon Wall Martin McAtamney Tom Shield 3 Michael OFlynn Chris Green Henry Daly John Nesbitt 1 Japanese Switzerland at auction 2 Sothebys London auction room 3 Charlie Minter 97connect 2016 GREAT BRITAIN AROUND THE WORLD DECEMBER 2015 The Ireland Fund of Great Britain hosted its annual Winter Ball at the Victoria and Albert Museum. Opening remarks were made by Managing Director Mark Carrigan and Worldwide Ireland Funds President CEO Kieran McLoughlin. An Taoiseach Enda Kenny congratulated guest of honour Peter Sutherland SC for his remarkable contributions to Irish society via video from his oce in Dil ireann. Navigating storm Desmond guests travelled from as far as New York to ll the magnicent Raphael Gallery and included member of the House of Lords Lady Tessa Blackstone business man Ray ORourke and his wife Bernie Martin Margret Durkin Christopher Moran of Cooperation Ireland as well as Former All Black rugby Player Doug Howlett and actress Katie McGrath to name a few. Guests were treated to moving speeches by Dinner Chairman and CEO of Powerscourt Group Rory Godson and Peter Sutherland SC as well as performances by 13 year old Zena Donnelly and world class violinist Patrick Rafter who ew in from Geneva for the occasion. Like any good Irish party following dinner guests danced in The VA Dome until the early hours. The Ireland Fund of Great Britain was particularly grate- ful to Headline Sponsors The Irish Post along with Event Patrons Morgan ODriscoll Arthur Cox DCC Plc and event partners Eulogy The Marylebone Hotel ABP Food Group and Laurent Perrier all of whom made the event possible. The Ireland Fund of Great Britain Winter Ball 1 4 7 8 2 5 3 6 1 Ray ORourke Peter Sutherland 2 Tara Pokrasky Deidre Sorensen Stephen Grady 3 John Fitzpatrick Christopher Moran Kieran McLoughlin 4 Peter Sutherland 5 Peter OKeee Grainne Lawlor Serena OKeee 6 Robert Patton Siobhn Breatnach 7 Padraig OSullivan John-Paul Eaton Marcus Walsh Peter Sutherland Edward OHare Padraig Sherry 8 Richard Thelma Henry 98connect 2016 AROUND THE WORLD GREAT BRITAIN T H E I R E L A N D F U N D O F G R E A T B R I T A I N NEWSThe Ireland Fund of Great Britain has entered its second year of partnership with Celtic Football Foundation and North Lanarkshire Leisure which is successfully delivering numerous projects under the Football For Good banner to transform the lives of marginalized adults by improving Health promoting Equality encouraging Learning and tackling Poverty HELP. An array of information services and classes has been rolled out to promote health and well-being of older adults. Programs including walking football for older men badminton classes and a pilot learn to swim program are all making a meaningful and lasting impact on the well-being of recipients. This is in addition to 306 older adults participating in strength and balance classes which are designed specically around mobility balance endurance and exibility as well as teaching a method of getting o the oor after a fall. Another partnership highlight has been the celebratory event attended by 378 older adults showcasing a range of physical activity sessions that they were able to participate in. In 1888 founding father Brother Walfrid established Celtic as a means of raising money to alleviate the rampant and devastating poverty that was ravaging the East End of Glasgow in the late 19th century. Now 128 years on circumstances have changed but the need for support in one of the UKs most deprived areas still exists. In keeping with the Clubs historical founding principles at a time of year when many are cherishing all that they have The Foundations Christmas programme recognizes those who have nothing by working to alleviate homelessness and poverty. The program will help 200 local families enjoy a happy Christmas and also provide support for 10 charities that care for the homeless and other disadvantaged groups including refugees and women and children in refuge. The working partnership has resulted in a visible improvement in the well-being and livelihood of older groups as well as other marginalised groups most at risk. Thanks to the support of Ireland Fund donors this initiative rooted in the shared principles of inclusion heritage and benevolence is prospering. In particular the St. Patricks Festival project marks the shared values between North Lanarkshire Leisure and Celtic FC Foundation through the promotion and celebration of Irish heritage and identity. In keeping with the partnership objectives the two-week long St. Patricks Festival featured tea dances for older adults exhibitions of Irish music and a number of other appropriate Irish cultural evenings and celebrations. This provided opportunities to bring older and younger people together who would otherwise feel isolated and marginalized. CHINA AROUND THE WORLD 99connect 2016 NOVEMBER 2015 The Board and Executive Committee of The Ireland Fund of China held a private dinner at the Sheraton Kowloon welcoming Irelands Ambassador to China Paul Kavanagh and his wife Rosemary visiting from Beijing along with the Consul General of Ireland to Hong Kong Macau Peter Ryan and his wife Teresa all great friends and supporters of The Worldwide Ireland Funds. The occasion also marked the visit of Kieran McLoughlin The Worldwide Ireland Funds President CEO. The attendees were able to celebrate the recent ocial opening of Irelands Consulate in Hong Kong and dined in the Sheratons Oyster Room enjoying some of the 55000 Irish oysters being imported monthly to Hong Kong. Given the huge momentum now underway with Hong Kongs 3000 Irish representing the largest Asian city diaspora the Consul General was pleased to outline plans for an inaugural full month of Irish events in Hong Kong in 2016 being labelled currently The Irish March and it was agreed that The Ireland Fund of China would collaborate with the Consulate to host the ocial event on the evening of St. Patricks Day. Developing The Ireland Fund of Chinas recognition within the local Hong Kong philanthropic community is a key objective through 2016. Next the organization plans to expand the Funds footprint in mainland China and the Ambassador and Consul General were in full accord with this approach. The Ireland Fund of China Dinner ADIBPINSURING IRELANDAs both Irelands only mutual insurer and wholly Irish owned insurance company IPB is proud to hold a unique and important role in protecting Irelands cities towns and regional and national infrastructure. We know that by delivering for our Members we are protecting the interests of their stakeholders the Irish people. As a company built on an ethos of mutuality this is something we are very proud of and is just one of the reasons why we are also proud to partner with The Ireland Funds in their efforts to make the island of Ireland a better place. Together we can all make a difference. IPB Insuring Ireland. Irish Public Bodies Mutual Insurances Ltd. trading as IPB Insurance is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. For business in the UK IPB Insurance is authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority. working to make a difference 101connect 2016 SINGAPORE AROUND THE WORLD 1 4 7 2 5 3 6 1 Dr Stanley Quek Sheila Lim Jeanny Gareth McIlroy Su Hee Kim Mark Hedley 2 Gerry Creaner June Leong-Seth Sanjay 3 Kieran McLoughlin Clara Paraic McGrath 4 Drs Diarmuid Anita Murphy 5 Brendan Lyons Dato Dr Leslie Lam Josephine Lyons Dr Lee Sze Min 6 Prof Steve Dixon Prue Dixon 7 Performers from LASALLE College Of The Arts NOVEMBER 2015 The Singapore Ireland Fund Emerald Ball took place in the Grand Hyatt Hotel and was themed Reections Celebrating a Legacy Between Two Nations. The Ball this year attracted over 320 guests who came to support the TSIF nominated Singaporean causes LASALLE College of the Arts Brother Joseph McNally Legacy and the Alzheimers Disease Association Family of Wisdom project. Brother Joe as he is aectionately remem- bered was an Irish Lasallian Brother from Mayo who became a Singaporean and who as an artist and an educator was a main driver for the development of the Arts in Singapore. He founded LASALLE College of the Arts in 1984 and this Legacy project in his name is designed to honour and celebrate his contribu- tion to education and the arts. It will comprise a three-year project which will encompass the development of a short lm musical concerts an art exhibition artist residencies student exchanges and the McNally Scholarship and Bursary which will help provide nancial assistance to LASALLE students who come from low-income families. TSIF is also supporting The Alzheimers Disease Association Family of Wisdom project which includes the t out and equipping of a day care respite centre for persons with dementia and their caregivers. Entertainment was provided by 36 students of the music program in the college who enthralled the assembled with a medley of songs. The LASALLE Jazz Ensemble later accompanied TSIF Director Noor Quek as she enthralled the guests with some classic jazz numbers. The live and silent auctions set a new fundraising record and a beautiful sculpture entitled Victory by Brother Joe which was kindly donated by former Irish Ambassador to Singapore Brendan Lyons was the star attraction. The sculpture generated a frenzy of bidding nally won by TSIF Director Colin MacDonald. An additional bonus for the guests was an opportunity to acquire a copy of a wonderful coee table book on the art works of Brother Joe complied by Sinead Creaner who took on the project while an intern in the Irish Embassy in Singapore. The result is a record of the many sculptures completed by Brother Joe. A leather bound copy of the book was put up to auction and presented by Oliver Murray the successful bidder to the College library. Special guests of Chairman Dr. Stanley Quek and his wife BeBe included Irish Ambassador Georey Keating Pres CEO of The Worldwide Ireland Funds Kieran McLoughlin President of LASALLE Professor Steve Dixon and his wife Prue Oliver Murray Chairman of The Ireland Fund of Canada Eunice Tan of the Alzheimers Disease Association who accepted the cheque on behalf of ADA Emma Gordon President of the St. Patricks Society of Singapore and husband Brian and Jerey Lim General Manager Etihad Airways and his partner long time sponsors of The Singapore Ireland Fund. The Singapore Ireland Fund Emerald Ball 102connect 2016 AROUND THE WORLD AUSTRALIA JULY 2015 The Australian Ireland Fund Young Leaders rocked around the Christmas tree at the inaugural Irish Christmas in July party. The night had a very relaxed feel and it was great to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. Young Leader Louise Kelly spoke on the evening welcoming Sponsors Patrick Ryan of The Republic Yvonne Kelly of Driftwood Recruitment Executive Director Teresa Keating and fellow Young Leader Committee Members. Louise spoke about the network and about why she is involved. She reminded the gathering as they enjoyed their Tayto crisps kindly donated by Taste Ireland that it was all in aid of charity and great causes. The nights celebrations were rounded o by the awarding of the prize for the most amazing Christmas jumper won by Ruth Anderson. SEPTEMBER 2015 The Sydney Supporters lunch was hosted by David Wiadrowski at PwC. It was a good opportunity to thank supporters and update them on the Funds activities and upcoming events. Ruth Tarlo attended to present the inaugural Hyman Tarlo Scholarship to Samuel Tyrer in honor of her late husband and to welcome Emirates as a new major sponsor. Chairman John ONeill AO spoke about the projects supported in 2015 as well as the 585000 donated through grant rounds in 2014 and 2015 to agship projects. The afternoon was closed out with H.E. Ambassador Noel White thanking everyone for their continued support for Ireland and The Australian Ireland Fund. David Wiadrowskis vote of thanks was wrapped up with well wishes for both the Australian and Irish rugby teams for the Rugby World Cup in October. Sydney Young Leaders Irish Christmas in July Sydney Supporters Lunch 1 1 32 2 3 1 Ruth Anderson 2 Rae Prizes from Bald Rock Hotel Taste Ireland Bord Bia and Clyde and Co 3 Teresa Keating with the Sydney Young Leader Committee 1 Amb. Noel White John ONeill Ruth Tarlo Samuel Tyrer Yvonne Le Bas 2 David Wiadrowski Teresa Keating Tim Harrowell David Smith David Halliday 3 John ONeill AUGUST 2015 The annual Brisbane Luncheon took place at Hillstone St. Lucia. MC for the day was Ben Dobbin who kept proceedings on track throughout the afternoon. Australian Ireland Fund Chairman John ONeill AO ocially welcomed guests many from Brisbanes top corporate institutions. The Chairman was delighted to tell guests that with their help The Australian Ireland Fund had made grants in June 2014 and 2015 totalling 585000. The Chairman thanked all guests for their support indicating there is much work to be done and encouraged those present to help spread the word of The Ireland Funds work. Ambassador Noel White then took to the stage and spoke of the important role played by the global Irish community the diaspora in staying engaged with Ireland and supporting it over the years. Guests were privileged to then hear from John Buchanan the Australian cricket team Coach from 1999 to 2007. It was a rare and insightful view into the world of professional sports one that had everyone captivated. Alan Boyle an Irish artist who now calls Australia home was the afternoons entertainment and the live auction was conducted by Bruce Smith from Ray White Real Estate who expertly whipped the crowd into a great state of excitement. Thank you to the table captains and sponsors. Brisbane Luncheon 1 4 7 8 2 5 3 6 1 Teresa Keating Sallyanne Atkinson John ONeill 2 John ONeill Amb. Noel White 3 Michael OBrien Dr. Tom Moore Prof. David Colquhoun 4 Dr. Tom Cuddihy Mark McCormack Mich Tomson Moira Clelland 5 John ONeill Ben Dobbin Patrick Ryan 6 Denise ODonnell Leonie Brennan Emirates Hugh Roe ODonnell 7 John ONeill Australian Ireland Fund Board Members and Young Leaders 8 Sallyanne Atkinson Amb. Noel White John ONeill guests 103connect 2016 AUSTRALIA AROUND THE WORLD 104connect 2016 AROUND THE WORLD AUSTRALIA NOVEMBER 2015 The Sydney Garden Party is a true highlight of The Australian Ireland Fund calendar and was once again held on the grounds of Lady Fairfaxs beautiful home Fairwater. Guests were delighted rstly with the lack of rain secondly with the charming and charismatic Richard Wilkins AM who was MC for the afternoon and thirdly with the rousing performance from Ciaran Gribbin and Mark Oats supported by an ensemble from the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. Chairman John ONeill AO welcomed guests lightly touching on the recent events of the World Cup and just how close the Wallabies came. John asked guests to focus on the Funds new direction and goals for the future inviting them to provide their feedback enabling the Fund to stay relevant to supporters. Worldwide Ireland Funds President CEO Kieran McLoughlin told guests of the impact projects supported by the Funds are having like Music Generation as well as providing an opportunity for every child in Ireland to get involved in music it has also created over 300 jobs. The live auction this year included the addition of an Audi A1 car thanks to ARN Audi Sutherland and Autosports Group. Emirates Airways was welcomed as a new major sponsor to the Garden Party and they not only donated the amazing business class tickets to Dublin but also donated an Australian Open Golf Package. Amb. Noel White took to the stage saying he continued to be delighted with the work of the Fund encouraging everyone to participate broadly in the new vision and message. Sydney Garden Party 1 4 7 8 2 5 3 6 1 Richard Wilkins John ONeill Teresa Keating Amb. Noel White 2 Ciaran Gribbins Mark Oats and an ensemble from the Sydney Symphony Orchestra 3 Anna Cleary guests 4 Marina Bobrov Len Hremiako Yvonne Le Bas 5 Charles E. Curran Toni Ryan Greg Morris 6 Geo Vanessa Talbot Tim Harrowell 7 Damien Leith Eileen Stapleton Paul OBrien 8 Jane Cosgrove Kieran McLoughlin 105connect 2016 AUSTRALIA AROUND THE WORLD NOVEMBER 2015 Over 100 Sydney Young Leaders gathered at the iconic Opera Bar for their annual Christmas drinks. Basking in the summer sunshine the event gave Young Leaders the opportunity to catch up and celebrate the start of the Christmas season whilst supporting the philanthropic work of The Australian Ireland Fund. Guests were welcomed by Sydney Chair Andrea McElhinney who thanked everyone for their involvement and support throughout the year and encouraged everyone to continue that support into 2016. Thank you to sponsors Bruce Solomon of Opera Bar PJ Gallaghers Troubadour Music and PJ OBriens. DECEMBER 2015 Consul General Jane Connolly kindly hosted The Australian Ireland Funds Community Event. The night saw the Fund welcome representatives of 26 Irish community organizations including the Irish Advisory Board. Proceedings began with a welcome from Jane as well as AIF Treasurer Yvonne Le Bas and Young Leader Louise Kelly. The aim of the night was to be the beginning of a conversation and closer relations with the Irish Australian community with the hope of achieving the Funds goal of becoming the largest network of friends of Ireland in Australia and to mobilize the network to contribute to worthy causes in Ireland and Australia. The Fund would also like to be the charity of choice for Irish and other organizations. Some great new connections were made and all agreed there was much to be gained in networking together learning more about and supporting each others activities in practical ways. Sydney Young Leaders Christmas Drinks at Opera Bar The Australian Ireland Fund Community Event 1 1 32 2 3 1 Andrea McElhinney David Creaven 2 Ronan MacSweeney Sharron Ryle 3 Caitriona Comerford Siobhan Tuite 1 Yvonne Le Bas Mary Kinnane Paddy MacDonald 2 Trish Power Shannon Byrne Consul General Jane Connolly Claire Dunne 3 Andrea McElhinney Brendan Sheehan Melissa Fisher John Gallagher 106connect 2016 AROUND THE WORLD AUSTRALIA DECEMBER 2015 The Melbourne Young Leaders and The Irish Australian Chamber of Commerce hosted their second annual Family Day celebrating the end of the year with a family picnic in Albert Park. In near perfect weather family and friends of the Fund were treated to a great day of food fun and Santa. The early visit from Santa had the kids excited and after pictures and presents the rugby training session commenced led by Eoin Toolan Young Leader committee member and Melbourne Rebels Head Performance Analyst along with their newest Irish recruit Jamie Hagan. The Family Day is aimed at thanking those who supported the Fund and Chamber during the past year and again turned out to be a wonderful success. DECEMBER 2015 On a balmy summer evening in Brisbane the AIF Young Leaders met at Mr. Edwards Alehouse for a few pre-Christmas drinks. This was the second Young Leader event in Brisbane with 21 people in attendance from across Ireland with representatives from the Kingdom the Capital and across the nation. Mr. Edwards Alehouse put on a ne spread and those gathered spent the evening reecting on the year that was and planning ahead for 2016. Brendan Sheehan said a few words to give the group some understanding of what the Young Leaders are all about and the critical nature of the projects we support both here in Australia and back in Ireland. There was a denite commitment from all to get involved and all are looking forward to planning further events to increase engagement in 2016. Melbourne Christmas Family Day Brisbane Young Leader Christmas Drinks 1 1 3 2 2 3 1 Santa and a very happy helper 2 Santa Amb. Noel White 3 Eoin Toolan and Jamie Hagan with the next generation of Melbourne Rebels 1 Mark Sinead Hourigan 2 Brendan Sheehan 3 Jude Bolger Anna Davey THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY WORLDWIDE IRELAND FUNDS CONFERENCE JUNE 22 23 24 25 2016 DUBLIN Save-the-Date 108connect 2016 t h e a m e r i c a n i r e l a n d f u n d Loretta Brennan Glucksman Chairman Emeritus AIF New York New York Patrick Broe The Broe Companies Denver Colorado Jeremiah Callaghan Legent Clearing LLC New York New York Liam Casey PCH International San Francisco California Thomas Codd PricewaterhouseCoopers Dallas Texas Christopher M. Condron retired AXA Financial Incorporated New York New York John M. Connors Jr. The Connors Family Ofce Boston Massachusetts Michael R. Corboy Corboy Investment Company Dallas Texas Joseph E. Corcoran Corcoran Jennison Companies Boston Massachusetts Thomas Corcoran Corcoran Enterprises Potomac Maryland Kevin Curley Curley Financial Group LLC Dallas Texas Charles U. Daly Chatham Massachusetts Susan Davis Susan Davis International Washington D.C. Lore Moran Dodge Palm Beach Florida John Duy KBW New York New York John Jack P. Dunfey The Dunfey Family Group Boston Massachusetts Robert J. Dunfey The Dunfey Group Portsmouth New Hampshire Keith Ennis Pasadena California Irial Finan The Coca-Cola Company Atlanta Georgia Anne Finucane Bank of America Boston Massachusetts John Fitzpatrick Chairman AIF Fitzpatrick Hotel Group North America New York New York Ambassador Elizabeth Frawley Bagley U.S. Department of State Washington D.C. Michael P. Gallagher Pepper Hamilton LLP Philadelphia Pennsylvania Ken Gorman Apollo Tennis Ventures Longboat Key Florida Don Hanratty OptmanceCareer Partners International Plano Texas Harry Hartford Causeway Capital Management Los Angeles California Denis J. Healy Turtle Wax Inc. Willowbrook Illinois James F. Higgins Morgan Stanley New York New York Michael Higgins CIBC World Markets New York New York Joseph Jay L. Hooley State Street Corporation Boston Massachusetts Michael Jackson Palm Beach Florida Adrian Jones Goldman Sachs Co. New York New York John B. Kane Honorary Consul General Aspen Colorado Shaun T. Kelly KPMG LLP New York New York Michele Kessler The Kessler Family Foundation Palm Beach Florida Lesley King Grenier Boston Massachusetts John T. Lynch New Age Media enterprises LLC San Diego California Peter S. Lynch Fidelity Management Research Company Boston Massachusetts Jack Manning Boston Capital Corporation Boston Massachusetts Tara McCabe The Permal Group New York New York Dolores L. McCall McCall Oil and Gas Midland Texas Robert McCann UBS Americas New York New York Brendan McDonagh Hamilton Bermuda William S. McKiernan WSM Capital LLC Los Gatos California William J. McNally Esq. The McNally Group Hingham Massachusetts Eugene M. McQuade Citibank N.A. New York New York Thomas F. Meagher Jr. GCM Grosvenor Chicago Illinois Angela Moore Ravensdale Capital LLC Washington D.C. Bartholomew Murphy Murphy Investments San Francisco California Shane Naughton Inundata Ventures New York New York Duncan Niederauer New York New York Michael D. OHalleran Aon Beneld Chicago Illinois Ronald P. OHanley State Street Global Advisors Boston Massachusetts Board of Directors 109connect 2016 the american ireland fund Sheila OMalley Rockeet Media Inc. Palm Beach Florida Thomas P. ONeill III ONeill Associates Boston Massachusetts Tom ONeil Treehouse Foods Chicago Illinois Sir Anthony OReilly Fitzwilton Dublin Ireland Lady OReilly Orion Global Chartering Company New York New York Thomas C. Quick First Palm Beach Properties Inc. Palm Beach Florida Paul S. Quinn Esq. Nossaman LLP Washington D.C. Robert Reynolds Putnam Investments Boston Massachusetts Ambassador Daniel Rooney The Pittsburgh Steelers Pittsburgh PA Pauline Ryan Woodside California John T. Sharkey Kane Saunders and Smart New York New York G. Craig Sullivan San Francisco California EJ Tracy Tracy Industries Santa Ana California Mark Tuohey Mayors Ofce of Legal Counsel Washington D.C. Netta Blanchard Dallas TX Brian P. Burns Palm Beach FL John Cosgrove Washington DC Walter Curley New York NY Maryon Davies Lewis San Francisco CA Henry Feeley Chicago IL Robert P. Fitzgerald Boston MA Jon K. Folan San Francisco CA Thomas Jordan San Francisco CA Denis Kelleher New York NY Bartley MacPhaidin C.S.C. North Easton MA Daniel F. Mulvihill San Diego CA Pat Rooney West Palm Beach FL Tim Rooney Yonkers NY Shirley Ryan Winnetka IL Ocers Life Trustees Chairman John Fitzpatrick New York New York Treasurer Christopher M. Condron New York New York Secretary Sheila OMalley Palm Beach Florida President and CEO Kieran McLoughlin The Worldwide Ireland Funds The Worldwide Ireland Funds have over 40 years of experience connecting philanthropic vision with initiatives that make a dierence. Your lasting partnership with The American Ireland Fund builds a bridge between the past and the future helping ensure the work you value today will continue to make a dierence tomorrow. Make a Lasting Gift toIreland join the heritage society to ensure that your love of ireland benefits generations to come. Heritage Society The American Ireland Fund can help you identify the best options to fulll your philanthropic vision. Bequests are the most popular and exible planned gifts. It is a simple matter to include a bequest to The American Ireland Fund directly in your will or in a codicil to your will. In addition to bequests there are many other tax-ecient options to choose from gift of s e cur itie s real es tate gifts of lif e ins ur ance life incom e gif ts gifts of pe r s onal pr ope r ty su c h a s a rt wo rk ra re bo o ks etc . In many cases The American Ireland Fund may not be aware that you are considering including the Fund in your estate plans. Please contact us to let us know of your intentions so that we may in turn acknowledge and recognize your future contributions. Your legacy will be treated with care. 110connect 2016 we invite you to learn more about how to create a lasting legacy for ireland. for further information contact Tom OLeary Chief Operating Ocer The American Ireland Fund 211 Congress Street Boston MA 02110 T 617.574.0720 E The American Ireland Fund is a tax- exempt organization incorporated under the laws of the United States and has been determined by the IRS to be a public charity under section 501c 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. The American Ireland Funds tax ID is 25-1306992 My philanthropy is motivated by a wish to give back and a desire to see Ireland reach her full potential. The Ireland Funds have been a major focal point for the Irish diaspora to come together reconnect with their heritage and support good work at home. JohnRyanCalifornia can reflect all that is important to you During our long association with The American Ireland Fund we have witnessed the Funds ability to recognize and respond to the opportunities that make a real impact in Ireland. We chose to make our bequest an undirected gift so the Fund will continue to have the exibility to respond to a range of areas that they determine have the most pressing needs. By doing so we are ensuring that the AIF will continue to eectively help Ireland now and in the future. Kip and Peggy Condron New York The Heritage Society Your Legacy ensures that your love of ireland brings benefits today and to generations to come. 111connect 2016 112connect 2016 US OFFICES New York 345 Park Avenue 17th Floor New York NY 10154 T 212.689.3100 E Kieran McLoughlin Pres. CEO The Worldwide Ireland Funds Kyle Clifford Vice President of Major Gifts Patrick J. Tully New York Director National Director of the Young Leaders Cliona Doyle Projects Manager Anne-Marie Hayden Administrative Assistant Boston 211 Congress Street 10th Floor Boston MA 02110 T 617.574.0720 F 617.574.0730 E Tom OLeary Chief Operating Ofcer Steve Greeley Vice President of Major Gifts New England Director Rachel Alabiso Chief Communications Ofcer Brian Beck Director of IT Anne Mooney Chief Financial Ofcer Devin Geary CRM Research Specialist Mimi Mahoney Events Assoc. Asst. to the New England Director Chrissy Koehler Grants Administrator San Francisco Four Main Street Suite 10 Los Altos CA 94022 T 650.949.5239 F 650.949.5256 E Marjorie Muldowney West Coast Director Dallas 5720 LBJ Freeway Suite 455 Dallas TX 75240 T 469.232.9601 E Karla Stover Director of Events Texas Chicago 205 W. Wacker Drive Suite 1400 Chicago IL 60606 T 312.419.9304 F 312.553.2007 E Roseann Finnegan LeFevour Midwest Director REGIONAL EVENT CONTACTS New York City Carla Capone T 212.213.1166 Pittsburgh Theresa Kaufman T 412.207.0760 Philadelphia Patrick J. Tully T 212.689.3100 San Diego Los Angeles Marjorie Muldowney T 650.949.5239 San Francisco Maryanne Murray T 415.564.3846 Washington DC Susan ONeill T 301.320.8232 INTERNATIONAL OFFICES Dublin Oce Donor Centre The Ireland Funds 2nd Floor 25 St Stephens Green Dublin 2 Ireland T 353.1.662.7878 F 353.1.662.7879 E Caitriona Fottrell Vice President Director Ireland Nichola Lynch Events Administration Mgr. Sandra McDermott Grants Ofcer Siobhn Gallagher Director of Young Leaders Jordan Campbell Director of Grants Research Hannagh Brogran Ofce Administrator The Australian Ireland Fund 413 Bourke Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia T 612.9357.2350 E John ONeill Chairman Teresa Keating Executive Director The Ireland Fund of Great Britain Wigglesworth House 2nd Floor 69 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 9HH. Great Britain T 44.02.0794.09850 E Mark Carrigan Managing Director Sean Henderson Financial Controller The Ireland Fund of Japan Shidome Building 15th oor 1-2-20 Kaigan Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0022 Japan T 03.6219.2907 E Paul Boylan President The Ireland Fund of Canada 67 Yonge Street Suite 401 Toronto Ontario M5E 1J8 Canada T 416.367.8311 F 416.367.5931 E Oliver Murray National Chair Jane Noonan Executive Director The Ireland Fund of China Suite 6511-13 65F The Centre 99 Queens Road Central Hong Kong China T 852.9380.9655 E Donal Boylan Chairman The Ireland Fund of France 42 Rue Vignon 75009 Paris France T E Helen Lambert President The Ireland Fund of New Zealand Level 3 Tower One 205 Queen Street Auckland 1010 New Zealand T 64 9.919.7450 F 64 9.977.2256 E Colum Rice Chairman Denise Flanagan Secretary The Ireland Fund of Monaco Le Quattrocento 14 Quai Jean-Charles Rey Fontvielle MC 98000 Monaco T 33.0.678.635.540 E Olivia Gaynor-Long President Sile Jackson Administrator The Ireland Fund of Germany co Anwaltskanzlei law rm Elmar Conrads-Hassel Mozartstrasse 5 53115 Bonn Germany T F 49.228.963 99 122 E Elmar Conrads-Hassel Chairman The Singapore Ireland Fund 491B River Valley Road 13- 01A Valley Point Singapore 248373 T 65.6339.2866 E Dr. Stanley Quek Chairman contacts Joining forces to help your neighbors. 1042024.1.3 ADUS446-1115 47884_Cover.indd 3 1716 958 AM Connect SPRINGSUMMER 2016 2016THE IRELAND FUNDS CELEBRATE THEIR 40TH ANNIVERSARY THE COMPLETION OF THE PROMISING IRELAND CAMPAIGN THE IRELAND FUNDS CELEBRATE THEIR 40TH ANN ROMISING IRELAND 2 great milestones Engagement Fall 2015_Tiffany Setting Product Only_Ireland Funds Connect_IRELAND_PAGE.indd 1 30112015 1937 connect2016SPRINGSUMMERconnect2016SPRINGSUMMER 47884_Cover_MFX.indd 247884_Cover_MFX.indd 2 12216 643 PM12216 643 PM